The last thing we watched, cartoon/animu edition

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Every season of Jojo is essentially unrelated and I don't think the first season is what really started it becoming popular. But I'm with you, I tried about half the first season and it felt like a parody that the writer wasn't aware was a parody. I always meant to try the next season but never got around to it.
No, it did start out almost entirely as a parody.

It was "what if fist of the north star but everyone poses like runway models because shonen anime is stupid" and then evolved an interesting identity from there.

The Jonathan Joestar arc is by far the roughest and most formulaic, but it's also the shortest. It gets weirder and more interesting as it goes on.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Edit: No it was a character from Bleach and I think it was something like this gif.
Well first of all, that clip is from One Piece. Not Bleach.

I vaguely remember somebody using a picture of Afro Samurai as an avatar in the old thread. I have no idea what the name is either, but it's not going to bother me. If they wanted to come back, they would have done so by now.

Darn it, now this is going to bother me all night. Thanks
You are welcome.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Well first of all, that clip is from One Piece. Not Bleach.

I vaguely remember somebody using a picture of Afro Samurai as an avatar in the old thread. I have no idea what the name is either, but I'm not going to bother me. If they wanted to come back, they would have done so by now.

You are welcome.
Oops, I don't know why I wrote Bleach, since I searched for the Gif by typing One Piece :P


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
At Episode 6 of Jojo I don't know how much more I can take. It feels like there is nothing for me in this show. There is absolutely zero tension because everybody is essentially a god and the heroes pull victory out of their butts at every moment. OH NO, JOJO WAS CAUGHT BY THE INCREDIBLY POWERFUL MONSTER AND IS BEING CRUSHED TO DEATH, HE CAN'T MOVE TO USE HIS SUPERPOWER AND IS GOING TO DIE! Oh, wait, no he just used it anyway because he's the protagonist and can do anything he wants, how amazing. There is zero character development. So this thug tries to kill Jojo for the heinous crime of coming to this one street and then after Jojo beats him up he's suddenly his BFF for life. Ok. Cool story bro. The animation is garbage, too. Everybody moves as stiffly as a plastic action figure and has a vacant expression on their face like one too.

This isn't a show, it's a child playing with action figures, coming up with superpowers and characters in one endless run-on dialogue.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
With a new puppy in my household, I've been having to watch her in the living room and make sure she doesn't get into trouble so I've had the opportunity to watch anime on Netflix so I've finally dived into Jojo (I started with Stardust Crusaders and will watch the earlier ones afterward) and it's been a ton of fun. There's a lot of creativity in the powers each stand has and plenty of good humor too. If there's anything I'm surprised by though, it's how gorey everything is, even if they black it out.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'll be watching Kill La Kill again now that I have the box set. I'll be seeing 4 or 5 episodes a day after work.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Rewatching Gurren Lagann on netflix because it's been like 15 years or something since I last watched it. This one has always been one of my all time favorites because the animation is simply gorgeous. Its the kind of thing that artists find inspiring because of how both fluid and utilitarian the art is, focusing less on straight lines and more presentation. The story is always moving and going somewhere I'm not sure theres any filler episodes in the series. It respects your time. The mech design is just fantastic paying homage to pretty much every kaiju film ever and even the chibi kids TV stuff. I put it right up there with things FLCL and Cowboy Bebop.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Rewatching Gurren Lagann on netflix because it's been like 15 years or something since I last watched it. This one has always been one of my all time favorites because the animation is simply gorgeous. Its the kind of thing that artists find inspiring because of how both fluid and utilitarian the art is, focusing less on straight lines and more presentation. The story is always moving and going somewhere I'm not sure theres any filler episodes in the series. It respects your time. The mech design is just fantastic paying homage to pretty much every kaiju film ever and even the chibi kids TV stuff. I put it right up there with things FLCL and Cowboy Bebop.
Funny enough, I'm watching the spiritual successor (those that left Gainax to form Studio Trigger), Kill La Kill, on Blu Ray. I saw Gurren back in my college days. I still dislike the ending, but I do admire the animation.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I basically pick up a few shows to watch on a weekly basis per season.

I think the most exciting show for me this quarter is Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song. I think my opinion of the show will change drastically just based on how it ends, but I'm having fun on the ride.

Odd Taxi is certainly odd, but quite interesting. It's a slow show but there's an interesting tangle of plot threads and character interactions. Again, I think what I think of the show overall will really depend on how it eventually ties up.

Super Cub, the most obvious Honda shill anime ever but yet so comfy to watch all the same. It's shaping up to be a fairly decent slice of life. I personally find how obviously the characters shill the Honda Cub bikes to be kinda funny. It's so obvious and direct to your face. I'm starting to believe that the current hole in my life can be filled by a Super Cub and that it can cure cancer and give blowjobs.

Zombieland Saga Revenge, I enjoyed the first. I'm here for the second. Junko is best girl.

I was feeling rather hype for the latest Thunderbolt Fantasy but the pacing's kinda eh and it's a bit of a letdown. Hopefully it concludes with a bang.

I'm watching a bunch of other stuff that I don't feel like saying much about.

I did watch the Demon Slayer movie not too long ago... and I don't get the fuss. I think it was alright, but had plenty of issues and was definitely overdramatic about a lot of things.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020

It is a sad duty to inform fans of Beserk that it’s mangaka, Kentaro Miura, has passed away due to an acute aortic dissection.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I re-watched Kill La Kill again after not seeing it in a long while, and grabbing the box set finally. This anime still holds up well, and the pacing is air tight. Not bad for Studio Trigger's first outing after leaving Gainax. They continue to grow, while Gainax continues to stagnate. Kill La Kill does suffer from some limited animation problems, but give them a break, it was their project, and the animation got better later in the series. I said before, and I'll say it again, Trigger is the anime studio equivalent of Platinum Games. The series is only 25 episodes, so it's not super long nor wastes time with any filler. There is even an episode that makes fun of recap/clip show episodes, and caps everything off in two minutes. For those interested in the premise, do keep in mind that there is a lot of fan-service, on both sides of the spectrum. The ladies due tend to get it more though.



Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I stayed up late watching Invincible and now I'm entering a work day rather sleep deprived. I had a good time but I feel like the build up and mystery were better than the reveals and payoffs. And finally I know the context of the whole Think, Mark Think meme that has been making the rounds.

I wasn't too fond of most of the characters and the teenage drama, but they did a good job of leaving a breadcrumb trail that made it hard for you to stop watching. Yes I was bored for half of each episode, but I really want to know what happens next in this little part or how this subplot ends up unfolding....

I also watched Love, Death and Robots Volume 2. It was alright, I liked Volume 1 better overall. Though my main issue is just how little there is in Volume 2, there's less than half the episodes of Volume 1.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I re-watched Kill La Kill again after not seeing it in a long while, and grabbing the box set finally. This anime still holds up well, and the pacing is air tight. Not bad for Studio Trigger's first outing after leaving Gainax. They continue to grow, while Gainax continues to stagnate. Kill La Kill does suffer from some limited animation problems, but give them a break, it was their project, and the animation got better later in the series. I said before, and I'll say it again, Trigger is the anime studio equivalent of Platinum Games. The series is only 25 episodes, so it's not super long nor wastes time with any filler. There is even an episode that makes fun of recap/clip show episodes, and caps everything off in two minutes. For those interested in the premise, do keep in mind that there is a lot of fan-service, on both sides of the spectrum. The ladies due tend to get it more though.
Ehhh I'd argue that the first half is entirely filler, just really good filler. But really you could cut out most of those episodes out and it wouldn't really affect the story. It's also the part of the show that I actually like, but he moment the show tried to have more of a story I think it fell apart and went from crazy zanny fun to stupid predictable action shlock. I have that problem with almost all trigger show where the moment they try to make more of a story it just fall flat. Little witch academia last third was just awful and I couldn't even watched the second half of trigger zootopia (and from everythng I've read it's a good thing I didn't even try).


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Ehhh I'd argue that the first half is entirely filler, just really good filler. But really you could cut out most of those episodes out and it wouldn't really affect the story. It's also the part of the show that I actually like, but he moment the show tried to have more of a story I think it fell apart and went from crazy zanny fun to stupid predictable action shlock. I have that problem with almost all trigger show where the moment they try to make more of a story it just fall flat. Little witch academia last third was just awful and I couldn't even watched the second half of trigger zootopia (and from everythng I've read it's a good thing I didn't even try).
Trigger seems to have trouble sticking the landing for most part for their own original works. Little Witch Academia was really at its best during the OVAs, the TV series fell entirely flat for me. KLK honestly felt like just a worse Gurren Lagann for me, it felt a bit like it had a hard time deciding on whether it wanted to be serious or slapsticky and it just had really jarring tonal shifts. I thought GL was more consistent in tone overall, and they both kinda hit similar beats in terms of building up to ridiculous over the top fights.

Ah, Brand New Animal. It had a pretty solid start but it definitely kinda shat the bed. It kinda felt like they wanted to build something up throughout the course of 20+ episodes, but then decided they needed to end it there and then and we had an abortion of an overall plot.

I actually enjoyed Kiznaiver....

My favourite Trigger show is probably Gridman so far. I'm quite liking Dynazenon at the moment, though the pacing and development is feeling a bit off beat. In terms of their post Gainax originals though, I think KLK is still the best.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
As a drinking game a few weeks ago, we watched High School of the Dead. Really simple: whenever any kind of fanservice happened, take a drink. When *that sniper scene happens* finish your drink.

Me and my girlfriend got through a litre of vodka that night.

That said, it may have been the alcohol talking... but the show was surprisingly good? Yes, a lot of the fanservice was utter cringe most/all of the time, but it was still really funny in a "roll your eyes" kind of way. The story wasn't too bad, either, even if it was a fairly generic Zombie outbreak, plot.

Im surprised that there is only one season of the anime, actually.

Otherwise, we started watching Goblin Slayer last night.

My only knowledge of the show before going into it, was the opening battle. Im not going to link it or describe it, but know that it contains graphic sexual assault, and is completely gratuitous. The tone is set effectively without it, and it is completely needless.

That aside, again, the show is actually good.

Its dark and violent, but occasionally quite light-hearted and funny. The tone is all over the place, but it works.

I was concerned that a show about a guy who only takes on bounties to kill goblins, and nothing else, would get a bit tiresome and repetitive, but the show does a really good job at keeping it fresh and engaging.

The Goblin Slayer himself is the strong, silent type, and he has a singular vision and goal, but he is actually a really likable main protagonist, which is really refreshing after coming off of Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia. The supporting cast is well done, too.

And this is where I kind of get annoyed with myself. Theres a lot of anime that comes endlessly recommended - like FMA, MHA, and Parasyte, but I find these ones really difficult to get into. Then a show comes along, and I watch it because it is basically a meme, and I have a lot of fun with it.

I have no idea how to quantify my standards or tastes.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ehhh I'd argue that the first half is entirely filler, just really good filler.
I disagree hard. The only filler episode was the fourth episode. Every other episode you either learn more about the character(s) and their personalities, the life fibers, or introducing new characters that factor in to the overall story.

I have that problem with almost all trigger show where the moment they try to make more of a story it just fall flat. Little witch academia last third was just awful and I couldn't even watched the second half of trigger zootopia (and from everythng I've read it's a good thing I didn't even try).
I can't speak for all of their shows, as I don't care for the others aside from Promare, which is a movie.

As a drinking game a few weeks ago, we watched High School of the Dead. Really simple: whenever any kind of fanservice happened, take a drink. When *that sniper scene happens* finish your drink.

Me and my girlfriend got through a litre of vodka that night.

That said, it may have been the alcohol talking... but the show was surprisingly good? Yes, a lot of the fanservice was utter cringe most/all of the time, but it was still really funny in a "roll your eyes" kind of way. The story wasn't too bad, either, even if it was a fairly generic Zombie outbreak, plot.

Im surprised that there is only one season of the anime, actually.
The creator of the original manga died after going on hiatus. There is a back up artist for the series, but he seems to have no interest in continuing. So the first season and the OVA episode is all you're getting. I thought Highschool of the Dead was okay at the time, but come to dislike it over the years. The characters are either generic or anime stereotypes, aside from sword girl. The show supports Japanese ultra nationalists and acts as if it's got the moral high ground, and there is nothing that stands out about it from other zombie fiction aside from the fan-service. Too bad Resident Evil, Onechanbara, and Lollipop Chainsaw does much better job in all categories. Even more ironic as Juliet Starling has two unlockables costumes where she dressed as two of the female characters and dyes her as their respective color.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Although I'm double or triple the age of the shows target audience, and probably the opposite gender, I'm quite happy about season 4 of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir finally starting to air.

It has a rather formulaic monster of the week and love triangle-ish thing going on, but something about it is rather charming. The story is about a teenage girl and a boy who are chosen to become super heroes and protect Paris from an evil super villain who preys on people's negative emotions, turning them into monsters. For safety reasons both characters have to keep their super hero personas a secret, even to each other.

The love story part is that the girl is in love with the boy, but the girl is too shy to confess and the boy is oblivious to social cues because his father has kept him from the world for the first 13 years of his life.
On the other hand, the boy is in love with the super hero persona of the girl, but the girl isn't interested in his super hero persona because she's in love with the boy and she isn't that into the more brazen behaviour of the boys super hero persona.

0:22 to 0:27 of the intro pretty much sums it up

I guess the charm is seeing if they ever find out about each other and if the villain will find any sort of closure for his predicament ( there are a couple of other little secrets in the shows narrative that I left out ).

The only crap thing is that the show doesn't seem to have a set release schedule, after a season ends it will go on hiatus for 6 to 12 months and then episodes will randomly get aired in random nations across the world as they roll off of the animation production line. I was originally introduced to the show by a child in the family and they still like the show, but waiting for the show to be dubbed and get aired takes a long time.

The show is on Netflix and Disney +, but they both only carry the first two seasons.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
And this is where I kind of get annoyed with myself. Theres a lot of anime that comes endlessly recommended - like FMA, MHA, and Parasyte, but I find these ones really difficult to get into. Then a show comes along, and I watch it because it is basically a meme, and I have a lot of fun with it.

I have no idea how to quantify my standards or tastes.
Goblin Slayer is a bit of a meme but it's still what I'd consider a pretty popular work.

I think it's fine to not like some of the more mainstream popular stuff. I grew tired of MHA over time, I'm generally not good with long running shows. I've decided to drop it this season. I didn't like FMA nearly as much as everyone else, and didn't bother getting into the manga or Brotherhood. While I don't hate them, but my feelings towards a lot of the 90's 'classics' is rather ambivalent. Shows like Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion or whatever.... my feelings range from considering them alright or just being ambivalent. With all the hype surrounding some of these titles, I'd expect to have some new revelation about the meaning of life or something.

I personally really enjoy a good trainwreck. I think some anime that are considered bad by many can still be somewhat enjoyable. My worst shows are those that just come off as bland. I feel like we're overdue for another trashy original robot anime like Cross Ange.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Shows like Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion or whatever.... my feelings range from considering them alright or just being ambivalent. With all the hype surrounding some of these titles, I'd expect to have some new revelation about the meaning of life or something.
The thing is, these shows were either groundbreaking or huge genre turning points. Whether it be story, animations, characters, and most importantly, great or excellent dubbing. What's not helping is certain fans that go overboard and hype these shows like they're second coming of Jesus, bring about world peace, or "changed their life forevah!". I still love Cowboy Bebeop, Trigun, and Outlaw Star, and consider them the Holy Trinity of Space Western anime, but even I recognize their flaws. How little they have though, but recognize them none the less. Evangelion can still fuck off. I hated the show back when I wasted my time with it on adult_swim, and still don't like it, but don't care enough to get bothered by it or the fandom.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Goblin Slayer is a bit of a meme but it's still what I'd consider a pretty popular work.

I think it's fine to not like some of the more mainstream popular stuff. I grew tired of MHA over time, I'm generally not good with long running shows. I've decided to drop it this season. I didn't like FMA nearly as much as everyone else, and didn't bother getting into the manga or Brotherhood. While I don't hate them, but my feelings towards a lot of the 90's 'classics' is rather ambivalent. Shows like Bebop, Trigun, Evangelion or whatever.... my feelings range from considering them alright or just being ambivalent. With all the hype surrounding some of these titles, I'd expect to have some new revelation about the meaning of life or something.

I personally really enjoy a good trainwreck. I think some anime that are considered bad by many can still be somewhat enjoyable. My worst shows are those that just come off as bland. I feel like we're overdue for another trashy original robot anime like Cross Ange.
I'd argue goblin slayer is a pretty bland show, if you remove the edgy stuff it's just a bog standard power fantasy about an outcast who get an harem of women. It's not bad and I wouldn't consider it a tranwreck, but if you're not into women getting rape and the power fantasy of saving them there's really nothing exceptional about it.

Okay I lied there is one interesting thing about it, there's this video on youtube that I literally cannot remember the name for, that came out couple of year before goblin slayer, where someone talk about how show with messed up stuff (usually women being rape by monster) always have people defending them by saying "oh the monster are made to be evil and it makes sense why they'd do all these awful thing" and how poor of a defence that is. To make his point he make a fake example that's like 95% just goblin slayer basic premise. And on cue people defended goblin slayer with the exact example defence he made up for his video.

Oh and parasyte is a pretty poor show, don't bother with it (or just watch the first 1/3 or so). You might be confusing it with monster which are somewhat similar and based of work from the same era.