They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Dave Chappell is arguable one of the best comedian's of this generation, and possibly one of the greatest of all time. From his stand up to his Chappell's Show, he was always pushing at people's comfort zones to make them laugh.

A few years ago Dave signed a deal to produce several comedy specials for Netflix, and the most recent one has just released (or a about a week or so ago) and just like with the previous special's Dave dared make comments about gender and transgender people. Just like in previous specials, though as far as I can remember i don't think there was much outrage about those first specials. But this one crossed the line I guess, despite Dave's joking story having an overall possitive message about transgender people overall.

I know ya'll hate Steven Crowder but his video is the only video i could find in which he shows the joke that people are mad about. It starts at 5:25 if this timestamp doesn't work....also trigger warning I guess.

I don't really have any opinions on the joke one way or another to be honest. i don't really care. But it just shows that people are trying to make everything off limits especially when it comes to comedy. Part of the best stand up comedians of all time was the fact that they deliberately made people uncomfortable. Poking at things is where you find the humor and people used to understand that remarks and such made in humor despite being possibly offensive in other context are key parts of the act. Shock value at what was just said was so often way to trigger a powerful laughter from the audience.

Dave said, "Our culture has accepted to HUGE LIES. The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, then you must automatically fear or hate them. The second is that if you LOVE someone then you must 100% agree with everything they say or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate."

This video opens with the mockery of what cancel culture has become directly from Dave's mouth. "If you do anything wrong in your life, and I find out about it, I will systematically try to take EVERYTHING from you. Doesn't matter if it happened yesterday, a week ago, or 15 years go, if I find out about it you are fucking finished." And that's literally true. Jon Gruden just got fired from being the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders because of an e-mail from 15 years ago. There is no shelf life on anything anymore, if you had a bad opinion about something 10 years ago then you must still be a bigot today because as we know, people do not change, nobody ever has a change of heart, change of opinion, nothing.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Meh, he kinda earned it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Jon Gruden just got fired from being the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders because of an e-mail from 15 years ago. There is no shelf life on anything anymore, if you had a bad opinion about something 10 years ago then you must still be a bigot today because as we know, people do not change, nobody ever has a change of heart, change of opinion, nothing.
He's still a racist douche and not good coach, so most people don't care. I ain't crying over the biatch. As for Dave Chapelle, no ones is going to cancel to him. I am not even worried. Dude is rich, and there are plenty of places that are willing to make deals with him. This is nothing to fret over, and I perticuallry don't care if people try to cancel him. Because it won't fucking work. I get not liking or disagreeing with his jokes, but getting rid of him won't solve all of your problem nor, erase what's wrong with society.

Also, racism is still a huge problem within the NFL organization and got plenty of dark secrets. Fuck them too, and I have even less sympathy for them. Racist mind alike attitudes is why Gruden got hired in the first place. I highly doubt he has changed that much.


Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
No one needs to "cancel" Dave Chappelle. The dude is quite wealthy and cancels himself when he doesn't care to be in the public eye. Dude walked away from the Chappelle show at the drop of a hat and stopped being a public figure for like a decade before his reemergence. The reason he made these jokes is because this is his last special for a while, he made all the money he wants, and he doesn't actually care if people want to work with him.

You don't have to worry about Dave, he's fine and he knew what he was getting into.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
If you're going to use an example in your OP of someone being "unfairly cancelled", you should probably at least know what happened as way more than just "He said something racist fifteen years ago in an email" went down...

The important part:
Where does Jon Gruden fit in?
On Oct. 8, The Wall Street Journal reported that the NFL's investigation into Washington's culture included the examination of more than 650,000 emails from team staff. Among those emails were exchanges between Gruden and Bruce Allen, then Washington's team president and a longtime confidant of Daniel Snyder -- one of which saw Gruden use a racial trope to criticize NFLPA executive DeMaurice Smith. On Oct. 11, The New York Times reported that the emails revealed that Gruden had actually engaged in a pattern of "misogynistic and homophobic" language from 2010-2018, criticizing everything from the idea of gay players and female officials, and exchanging pictures of topless Washington cheerleaders.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Given that most people seem to quietly side with him on this, I doubt this will go anywhere unless someone can provoke him to say something in a fit of anger or the like and he seems pretty experienced in this sort of thing so I doubt that'll happen.

My cursory viewing of these events seems to indicate that perhaps this sort of publicity stunt by trans activists isn't going to go far anymore.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
President Obama, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Dave Chappell, and many other elites can say anything, do anything, and not face the same consequences as ordinary people face for doing 1/10 of what they say.

If I said that in a public setting I would get yelled at, or fired from my job. But Chappell can say he's a TERF which will get you banned on Reddit even, and face no consequences. Why don't we have consistent rules in this corrupt country?


Resident Reactionary
May 6, 2020
United States
White Male
Hasn't Chappell been canceled five time already? And still gets Netflix contracts?
It's like the chickenpox. If you get it once and survive, you don't tend to get it again.

My cursory viewing of these events seems to indicate that perhaps this sort of publicity stunt by trans activists isn't going to go far anymore.
It might have somewhat of the opposite effect. I had no idea he had a new special until I saw people on my timeline making fun of people complaining about it. You can't buy this type of publicity.
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
I think transgressive and edgy material can be very funny, but not really when it actually poses a risk of contributing to a meaningfully harmful narrative or actively engages in humiliation. I think Chris Morris's series Jam is funny, but Jam isn't attacking anyone except the audience.
Given that most people seem to quietly side with him on this, I doubt this will go anywhere unless someone can provoke him to say something in a fit of anger or the like and he seems pretty experienced in this sort of thing so I doubt that'll happen.

My cursory viewing of these events seems to indicate that perhaps this sort of publicity stunt by trans activists isn't going to go far anymore.
Interesting that you'd characterise this as a "publicity stunt" by "trans activists" when what actually happened is that an enormously wealthy comedian went onto his very own Netflix special which cost more to produce than a whole series of television and therefore paid him considerable dividends, and delivered some bottom of the barrel retrograde groaners couched in a deeply non-self aware narrative about how he'd treated a trans person really badly, and trans people were understandably upset that this kind of shit was considered acceptable enough to be given financial backing by one of the world's biggest video streaming platforms.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Also, racism is still a huge problem within the NFL organization and got plenty of dark secrets. Fuck them too, and I have even less sympathy for them. Racist mind alike attitudes is why Gruden got hired in the first place. I highly doubt he has changed that much.
You know I would be less annoyed by the Gruden thing if they dug up old e-mails of all the other NFL coaches and looked through their dirty laundry. Because I'm sure many of the coaches in the NFL today, in College football, and former coaches that are announcers today would have some dirty shit hidden in their past. I don't think Gruden is especially unique in the shit he said and/or did. I think the "homophobic" statements are more indicative of coaching during that time frame, hell I remember my coach in high school telling us to stop running like a bunch of pussies. And that was high school. It used to be a common way to "man up" the boys. Not that I'm arguing it's right, I'm just using that as a way to point out that public sensibilities change, and you can't hold someone to modern standards by brings up shit from another era.

And frankly if the Gruden thing was shit that he was doing in the last couple of seasons, I would be all aboard the firing train. Especially if he was sending out topless cheerleader photos (though I wonder how he even got those), because that's the same shit that made me fuck off on Blizzard games.

I guess the problem is that it feels like a lot of these people are throwing stones from their own glass houses. It's all fun and games until someone finds some shit out about them, then all of a sudden it's okay because they've become a better person and whatever.

I am curious. I wonder if there are any transgender jokes that the trans community actually finds funny. Because I'd be interested in hearing those jokes, just to see what kind of sense of humor survives on that side of the social circle.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
And frankly if the Gruden thing was shit that he was doing in the last couple of seasons, I would be all aboard the firing train. Especially if he was sending out topless cheerleader photos (though I wonder how he even got those), because that's the same shit that made me fuck off on Blizzard games.
Didn't the article tippy posted literally say it was happening through 2018?
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States

Dave Chapelle quit his own show over people laughing at his jokes wrong. Dave Chapelle is the clearest example of somebody taking offense to a Dave Chapelle joke presented in good faith that I can think of. That he can't connect that personal experience to anybody else is weird to me
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Big ol'shrug. I used to be a big fan of Daves, but his netflix specials have become increasing tired and mean spirited. I do find him entertaining when he's being thoughtful and irreverent, but I don't enjoy any comedy that is purely taking low blow digs at people. BUT DAVE MAKES FUN OF EVERYONE. Cool story, turns out I dont like making fun of anyone who doesn't outright deserve it, or at all if you don't have to. In fact I think it's kind of lazy at a certain point. It occurs to me being funny without shitting on people is actually much harder. Inside of a minute his latest special was priest rape and jew jokes and janking off about how rich he is. Great, really livens up my day.

I'm also a little tired of people saying this is what comedians do. I listen to a ton of comics of all races and genders and I can name like 5 or 6 at any given moment that are funny as fuck and able to do it in self-deprecating humor or talking about the silliness of life. What Dave does is not some universal truth in comedy.

I don't have a dog in the fight, but if he gets canceled its not like he didn't ask for it. There was a point in his act where he could be subtle and lay up great punch lines about inequality, but now its FUCKING, QUEERS GAY TERF like he has Tourettes and I'm not interested in hearing it anymore.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I used to be a big fan of Daves, but his netflix specials have become increasing tired and mean spirited. I do find him entertaining when he's being thoughtful and irreverent, but I don't enjoy any comedy that is purely taking low blow digs at people.
This is essentially my thoughts. I loved the videos of his smaller gigs, where its less of him doing a comedy act and more of him just sharing about his life and beliefs. But a lot of his edgier jokes aren't particularly clever. They're meant to be funny just because he has the "balls" to say it. It's the same energy as people who think shouting retard or ****** these days is prime comedy.

What I get from his LGBTQ jokes is that he's pissed that their issues get so much attention now, which he thinks is because mostly white people are affected, while issues about the black community are ignored, or are at least in the same state they were when he first "retired". There may be some truth to that, but I don't think he's going about addressing it the right way.

He is a big fan of Trevor Noah, who I think is basically Dave, with the same heartfelt stories and beliefs, but does his comedy in a much more clever way. I kinda wish Trevor wasn't the host of the Daily Show, because then he'd have more comedy specials.

Should Dave be cancelled? Who knows. I have yet to watch his latest special. I thought his trans jokes in the previous ones were distasteful, but not hateful.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So to be clear, Film that literally contains material likely to attract Pedos and really from what I've heard was very close if not over the line of actually going too far with child actors = No it's freedom of expression

Netflix Stars arrested on Child porn charges = No-one seems to care

Former Netflix Executive accused of rape = Nothing

Netflix not paying any royalties = Literally only a court in Sweden I think cared to do anything.

Dave Chappelle makes a comedy special and offends some people and and there's massive outcry and push back against it and attempts to remove it.......... What the hell happened to "Just don't watch it?"

"Oh but it'll cause real world harm and emotional distress to people who hear it" that's the same argument Katie Price used against Frankie Boyle being allowed to tell jokes about her. So far Katie Price has done far more harm to her own life on her own than Frankie Boyle's jokes have done. It wasn't Frankie Boyle's joke that keep causing her to break up with boyfriends / husbands.

Oh and to head off the argument "Oh but you brought up cuties why not just not watch that?" The issue with that was how it would pretty much stand a high chance of pulling in a certain audience watching it for pretty sick reasons. We're Terfs running to watch the Dave Chappelle special looking forward to hearing him make these offensive jokes because "Oh it's Dave Chappelle so we know he's gonna tell this kind of jokes".

Oh, I think Dave will be fine. He's rich. Netflix also seems to be firmly behind him. Cuz that walkout mentioned in that Kotaku article? They fired the organizer.
In fairness to Netflix (Jesus I never thought I'd say those fucking words). The organiser in question if it's the person I think has already:
  • Been one of the people who stormed into a senior board meeting uninvited to try and protest and force the issue
  • Been suspended for said action then reinstated 2 days later with 0 repercussions of any kind
  • Before invading the board meeting gone on a rather lengthy rant on twitter basically badmouthing Netflix
  • Been pushing on twitter for further actions
  • Was leaking confidential information out onto twitter to try and harm the company.
Hasn't Chappell been canceled five time already? And still gets Netflix contracts?
I dunno this time they're gone particularly over the top with planned walks out, producers resigning and refusing to work with netflix until the special is pulled and a lot of people badmouthing twitter for not paying them enough for their liking but citing have Dave Chappelle gets all this money but their documentary on the history of Trans people that no other company would pick up wasn't sold to Netflix for a high enough fee considering it's great value or whatever. People on twitter pressuring actors to never work with Netflix again unless the special is pulled.

If this doesn't result in real world property damage to Netflix or people who work for them I'm actually be shocked at this stage.
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