They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
I didn't say that negative reactions online will lead to harm. I said cancelling the special, getting it removed from Netflix, will lead to harm. Normal criticism, I have no issue with. If you like the special, cool; if you don't like the special, cool . And all can talk about the special as much or little as they like. If enough people don't like it, guess what, there won't be a next special because there's no audience for it then. That's the normal flow of what content gets on Netflix or whatever platform. It's like wanting to ban pizza places from putting pineapples on pizza because you think that is blasphemous, you're denying those that like pineapple on their pizza from having pineapple on their pizza; and if enough people don't like pineapples on their pizza, it will cease being a topping option then.
Yes, but harm who? First off, asking for something to be removed is still valid criticism; if you feel something is nothing pure trash, why shouldn't you ask them to remove it? Is Steam 'canceling' developers when they remove trash shovelware and other garbage from the storefront (...well, sometimes they do, maybe)? But again, harm who, exactly? Dave? He is a successful comedian, has millions of dollars, and also had a contract (which he already fulfilled, hence the title), on top of the fact that he wouldn't give a single shit as he was gone for over a decade before. His fans (of which I am one)? His other specials would still be there (on top of his older specials), and even if (and this would have never at been a possibility, see below) they completely removed him from Netflix they would still show up, both on Youtube and as torrents. But, that was never going to happen, simply because as a streaming service, it is in their best interest to keep anything they produce exclusively on the streaming service. However, there has been two exceptions I have seen with Netflix, one was Stranger Things. The other? Chappelle's specials. All of them. One as a CD (Sticks and Stones), the rest as vinyl LPs, including 8:46. Dave was never going anywhere. But since you think that 'canceling' and shutting down people from talking will lead to harm, I'm sure then that you are just as pissed of as I am at those two cunts who, to show how not offensive Dave Chappelle is, crashed the Netflix protest. The funniest part? They don't even want to remove his special. That's right, the people most (EDIT: directly, my bad) affected by this, and the most they want to do to it? A content warning at the beginning. And if we expand the scope out to Dave in general, the only other point they had against him is they wanted the company to not have his face and name plastered everywhere.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The funniest part? They don't even want to remove his special. That's right, the people most affected by this, and the most they want to do to it? A content warning at the beginning. And if we expand the scope out to Dave in general, the only other point they had against him is they wanted the company to not have his face and name plastered everywhere.
So in others words, this thread became even more bullshit and a colossal waste of everyone's time? Thank you. Thread is over and dead as far as I'm concerned.

You win!
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So first off I want to say thanks. I do genuinely appreciate it, as I like to (hopefully) bring a little joy or even a chuckle to everyone's day. However, I will not engage with anything else here (it was why I was so snippy) and that is because, frankly, I find the entire idea behind it fucking awful. Absolutely abhorrent and disgusting, and that is this idea of 'misery olympics': how we don't have to give a shit, because it's not a 'big enough' problem. I don't normally like playing cards like these, but I was born and raised as a Catholic, and this twisting of empathy into some sort of transactional thing is just...fucked. 'I'm sorry, you must be this oppressed for me to care', 'You need to hit your quota of 500 murders before we take action, sorry try again next year'. Fuck. That. Shit. You brought up Daphne, but do you even remember what she said? "You don't have to understand me. Just know that what I am going through is real and human.".
Well I'll counter with this.

The whole misery Olympics, yeh no I'm fed up of that too and it's generally defined as "The progressive stack" idea these days of your position of a set of unchageable characteristics determines how much people give two damns about people it seems. Dave cared about Daphne cause she was a friend not some stupid ass new age set of principals.

I'm fed up of seeing the empathy card pulled again and again with what turns out to be manipulative pieces that honestly technically in how deceptive they are should count and propaganda. That's why I compared it to the media stuff around the film Joker because it's the same kind of building of a hysteria round it. This whole "Dave Chappelle's special will cause harm." Fuck will it, the angry mob will probably cause more harm to people if the hysteria carries on. It's all fucking PR fighting at this stage like one of the organisers of the protest saying they contacted Dave Chappelle to meet and when asked Dave Chappelle's people were going "Not that we're aware of but if they want to meet sure" and when the publication in question tried to contact said organiser they never got back to them.

This idea that we have to care about everyone to the fullest degree all the time. It's dumb, It's emotionally exhausting and maddening; and no-one can really do it, not really, people will claim to but they're liars because everyone needs emotional downtime as such.

It's people poking god damn nerves with live wires to get instinctive knee jerk reactions because some people have got very good at knowing what things to push to get reactions.

Daphne wanted people to see her as a human. Maybe it's time the Mob started seeing Dave Chappelle as something other than the devil, a serial killer or some secret evil genius funding death squads or something.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yes, but harm who? First off, asking for something to be removed is still valid criticism; if you feel something is nothing pure trash, why shouldn't you ask them to remove it? Is Steam 'canceling' developers when they remove trash shovelware and other garbage from the storefront (...well, sometimes they do, maybe)? But again, harm who, exactly? Dave? He is a successful comedian, has millions of dollars, and also had a contract (which he already fulfilled, hence the title), on top of the fact that he wouldn't give a single shit as he was gone for over a decade before. His fans (of which I am one)? His other specials would still be there (on top of his older specials), and even if (and this would have never at been a possibility, see below) they completely removed him from Netflix they would still show up, both on Youtube and as torrents. But, that was never going to happen, simply because as a streaming service, it is in their best interest to keep anything they produce exclusively on the streaming service. However, there has been two exceptions I have seen with Netflix, one was Stranger Things. The other? Chappelle's specials. All of them. One as a CD (Sticks and Stones), the rest as vinyl LPs, including 8:46. Dave was never going anywhere. But since you think that 'canceling' and shutting down people from talking will lead to harm, I'm sure then that you are just as pissed of as I am at those two cunts who, to show how not offensive Dave Chappelle is, crashed the Netflix protest. The funniest part? They don't even want to remove his special. That's right, the people most (EDIT: directly, my bad) affected by this, and the most they want to do to it? A content warning at the beginning. And if we expand the scope out to Dave in general, the only other point they had against him is they wanted the company to not have his face and name plastered everywhere.
Harm who?

You set a precedent that removing stuff is fine and then well done you now get asked why you didn't remove other things. It's the idea of a purity spiral starting. One which can and will likely suck in plenty of other things that could offend people too because the line is so low that a comedian making jokes is causing this? No-one show them the film Psycho. Hell definitely no-one show then any of the Sleepaway Camp films (and not just cause they're kinda crap). This is supposed to be a free society to an extent and the argument here is about wanting to push one groups will onto everyone else. Because it offends that one group it should be removed so no-one can see it. But in the name of equality you should then give that power to every group and there's extreme people in many groups so it becomes a case of losing a lot of content.

It's not about Dave so much as the person who will be the next Dave.

Also his other specials would get pulled too because people were offended by some of them. Hell his entire line up of content would be pulled because he's seen as a bad guy now so all his work is tainted. Like how people started burning their Harry Potter books due to J.K. Rowling's statements and pushing against her stuff. The whole "It's never going to happen". Well it has happened in the past few years with episodes of some shows just gone from services unless you happen to buy the complete show from other providers.

Also counter protests are also fine too people getting to speak. It's not like I dunno they opposition protestors claimed it was a soup can drive as an excuse to allow people to turn up with socks filled with soup cans to use as improvised weapons or something. It was Vito the "professional idiot" and is friend who turned up with signs and it was fine until that one Netflix writer and friends started turning violent on them

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Well I'll counter with this.

The whole misery Olympics, yeh no I'm fed up of that too and it's generally defined as "The progressive stack" idea these days of your position of a set of unchageable characteristics determines how much people give two damns about people it seems. Dave cared about Daphne cause she was a friend not some stupid ass new age set of principals.

I'm fed up of seeing the empathy card pulled again and again with what turns out to be manipulative pieces that honestly technically in how deceptive they are should count and propaganda. That's why I compared it to the media stuff around the film Joker because it's the same kind of building of a hysteria round it. This whole "Dave Chappelle's special will cause harm." Fuck will it, the angry mob will probably cause more harm to people if the hysteria carries on. It's all fucking PR fighting at this stage like one of the organisers of the protest saying they contacted Dave Chappelle to meet and when asked Dave Chappelle's people were going "Not that we're aware of but if they want to meet sure" and when the publication in question tried to contact said organiser they never got back to them.

This idea that we have to care about everyone to the fullest degree all the time. It's dumb, It's emotionally exhausting and maddening; and no-one can really do it, not really, people will claim to but they're liars because everyone needs emotional downtime as such.

It's people poking god damn nerves with live wires to get instinctive knee jerk reactions because some people have got very good at knowing what things to push to get reactions.

Daphne wanted people to see her as a human. Maybe it's time the Mob started seeing Dave Chappelle as something other than the devil, a serial killer or some secret evil genius funding death squads or something.
Yeah, but that's the rub of having emotions, innit? As is always cheekily pointed out, 'there will always be assholes in the world', until it happens to them (I myself have a funny story about being swindled that I need to post at some point). I completely understand about downtime (I need a solid few hours to myself everyday personally), but that's the thing about empathy. It's not either complete apathy or full on having to devote your life to charity. As silly as it is to say, it really is just the simplest things that can make all the difference. Like, I used to work in fast food at different jobs for a while (one was even an overnight shift doubled with my day job of deli worker), so I know how difficult it can be and as such I try to waste as little of their time as possible; I know what I want to order and the general structure of how they ask it to keep things simple. I could go on, but honestly, Daphne really did say it best so I'm going to paraphrase her a little bit: You don't have to understand, or actually know, what's going on in someone's life, just have the knowledge and understanding that it very well could be you in their position. Also, no one thinks that about Dave (capital 'm' mob, lol), they just think he's an asshole.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Harm who?

You set a precedent that removing stuff is fine and then well done you now get asked why you didn't remove other things. It's the idea of a purity spiral starting. One which can and will likely suck in plenty of other things that could offend people too because the line is so low that a comedian making jokes is causing this? No-one show them the film Psycho. Hell definitely no-one show then any of the Sleepaway Camp films (and not just cause they're kinda crap). This is supposed to be a free society to an extent and the argument here is about wanting to push one groups will onto everyone else. Because it offends that one group it should be removed so no-one can see it. But in the name of equality you should then give that power to every group and there's extreme people in many groups so it becomes a case of losing a lot of content.

It's not about Dave so much as the person who will be the next Dave.

Also his other specials would get pulled too because people were offended by some of them. Hell his entire line up of content would be pulled because he's seen as a bad guy now so all his work is tainted. Like how people started burning their Harry Potter books due to J.K. Rowling's statements and pushing against her stuff. The whole "It's never going to happen". Well it has happened in the past few years with episodes of some shows just gone from services unless you happen to buy the complete show from other providers.

Also counter protests are also fine too people getting to speak. It's not like I dunno they opposition protestors claimed it was a soup can drive as an excuse to allow people to turn up with socks filled with soup cans to use as improvised weapons or something. It was Vito the "professional idiot" and is friend who turned up with signs and it was fine until that one Netflix writer and friends started turning violent on them
So, there are two parts to this I am going to say, as one leads into the other. First part I was going to save for later as it is actually a point I was going to bring up when we finished up that one bit from the movie thread but it fits here: cardinal rule of the internet is that it is literally the matrix. Anything, up to everything you see could always be fake, both in the 'generated by AI' sense, and just good old fashioned bold faced lie. I mention this, because even with that in mind, at the end of the day, the only person who can change your opinion is yourself. You can take all sorts of ideas and thoughts, and even other people's opinions, but at the end of the day it is still you who is putting it together and putting it into action. It's like referential humor; it's more than just knowing things to reference, it's also about knowing the correct timing to land it (like a gif about utter chaos), but more than that it is most importantly my job to put it all together. I say this to lead into my next point, which is that 'cancel culture' can really be boiled down real simply: it does not matter what the internet says, as it will always come down to what the artist (or service or person or blah blah blah) will want to do. You can either do a Chappelle and say fuck 'em because you know you're right, or like Kevin Hart, you can see the other sides point and relent. Either way, it is still 100% their choice and action to take.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Also counter protests are also fine too people getting to speak. It's not like I dunno they opposition protestors claimed it was a soup can drive as an excuse to allow people to turn up with socks filled with soup cans to use as improvised weapons or something. It was Vito the "professional idiot" and is friend who turned up with signs and it was fine until that one Netflix writer and friends started turning violent on them
*smacks forehead*
Knew I forgot something, these fucking cunts. Now, when I said 'crashed', I literally meant that they crashed their protest, as in waded right into the center to start yelling and trying to grab the microphone from the speakers. They were not 'getting to speak', they were deliberately trying to talk over and stifle their protest, which again, was not about canceling Dave Chappelle.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Ok so you're saying new She-Ra should have changed to give her back a version of her old costume and not gone down the fanfiction esc route it did?

What should I be offended because I went into the Welsh nationalist bar and they were all bad mouthing the English?

Just because I don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist can every much be turned back round in this case to say "Just because people who are offended by Dave Chappelle's jokes don't see how silly they seem doesn't mean they're not being hilariously silly because again it's content they chose to engage with and are now offended people can choose to engage with content they don't personally agree with"

I don't even know what you're about with Suicide Squad being propaganda. You'd need to be far more specific there, Are we talking original, New 52, New or Rebirth. Cause News 52 so far as I am in is all over the place.
First, Suicide Squad. All. Like every single instance. It doesn't matter if you change to a different comic or company. You can't make anything without it

I found new She-Ra way more enjoyable than old. But that's not saying much. Old She-Ra/He-man had the government force them into storylines and charater traits.

Depends on the Welsh thing. If they're calling you satanic baby murderers, I would be. Sheep-fucker? Maybe. Smelly? No. Doesn't really have relevance to Chappelle though. He was acting authoritarian

When I first heard Trump etc go after Kapernick, I didn't pretend that they just made it up. Just because I don't think it was something to be offended at doesn't mean they cant be offended. Life doesn't work like that


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah, but that's the rub of having emotions, innit? As is always cheekily pointed out, 'there will always be assholes in the world', until it happens to them (I myself have a funny story about being swindled that I need to post at some point). I completely understand about downtime (I need a solid few hours to myself everyday personally), but that's the thing about empathy. It's not either complete apathy or full on having to devote your life to charity. As silly as it is to say, it really is just the simplest things that can make all the difference. Like, I used to work in fast food at different jobs for a while (one was even an overnight shift doubled with my day job of deli worker), so I know how difficult it can be and as such I try to waste as little of their time as possible; I know what I want to order and the general structure of how they ask it to keep things simple. I could go on, but honestly, Daphne really did say it best so I'm going to paraphrase her a little bit: You don't have to understand, or actually know, what's going on in someone's life, just have the knowledge and understanding that it very well could be you in their position. Also, no one thinks that about Dave (capital 'm' mob, lol), they just think he's an asshole.
Thing is I can believe that THEY believe Dave's jokes will get people killed. I don't have to believe his jokes will get people killed myself and that's the issue here. Just because they believe it doesn't mean there's any basis in reality. Daphne knew his jokes were jokes and not going to kill people and had value. According to the kind of chant and claims put out there about Dave, well if they're to be believed as not hyperbole they do believe something like that about him.

So, there are two parts to this I am going to say, as one leads into the other. First part I was going to save for later as it is actually a point I was going to bring up when we finished up that one bit from the movie thread but it fits here: cardinal rule of the internet is that it is literally the matrix. Anything, up to everything you see could always be fake, both in the 'generated by AI' sense, and just good old fashioned bold faced lie. I mention this, because even with that in mind, at the end of the day, the only person who can change your opinion is yourself. You can take all sorts of ideas and thoughts, and even other people's opinions, but at the end of the day it is still you who is putting it together and putting it into action. It's like referential humor; it's more than just knowing things to reference, it's also about knowing the correct timing to land it (like a gif about utter chaos), but more than that it is most importantly my job to put it all together. I say this to lead into my next point, which is that 'cancel culture' can really be boiled down real simply: it does not matter what the internet says, as it will always come down to what the artist (or service or person or blah blah blah) will want to do. You can either do a Chappelle and say fuck 'em because you know you're right, or like Kevin Hart, you can see the other sides point and relent. Either way, it is still 100% their choice and action to take.
It's their choice but that's the thing said choice can be influenced one way or another in a number of ways some like simple debate and others more nefarious in nature.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
*smacks forehead*
Knew I forgot something, these fucking cunts. Now, when I said 'crashed', I literally meant that they crashed their protest, as in waded right into the center to start yelling and trying to grab the microphone from the speakers. They were not 'getting to speak', they were deliberately trying to talk over and stifle their protest, which again, was not about canceling Dave Chappelle.
Not they didn't try to grab a microphone. Vito climbed on top of what looks like a concrete block and started shouting lol. They were yelling and he was yelling, both sides trying to yell over the other until they all started chanting Black Live Matter while got the protestors even angrier at Vito lol

Also from Tech Crunch

The employees who participated in the walkout want Netflix to “adopt measures to avoid future instances of platforming transphobia and hate speech,”
Netflix has a policy and Dave Chappelle's stuff the CEO said isn't over the line. However the protestors disagree it would seem

From their specific demands
Increase investment in trans and non-binary content on Netflix comparable to
our total investment in transphobic content, including marketing and promotion;
So because of the seeming disagreement on where the line is it become an issue before already that's $60 Million if you side with the protestors as that's Dave Chappelle's deal. It's been put down entirely to the employees protesting to decide the line here.

Revise internal processes on commissioning and releasing potential harmful
Which could again mean blocking funding or release of content deemed transphobic. So if Netflix were the studio behind Alfred Hitchcock's psycho under the rules the protestors want the film may not have come out.

Recruit trans people, especially BIPOC, for leadership roles in the company (Director, VP, etc.) and promote an inclusive environment for them;
Would likely count as discriminatory hiring if they targeted people just on those grounds for anything but a token head of diversity roll or something.

Allow employees to remove themselves from previous company promotional
content (e.g. allyship and diversity videos, etc.);
So that means re-editing costs plus no group shots or editing people out of group shots. Potentially re-filming stuff too.

Eliminate references/imagery of transphobic titles or talent inside of the
workplace, including but not limited to murals, posters, room names, swag;
Problem being what the hell are the supposed to do with back end stuff? The shows will be there on the databases etc to see or in the advertising department with sample posters etc.

Acknowledge the harm and Netflix’s responsibility for this harm from
transphobic content, and in particular harm to the Black trans community;
Which means going against the CEO's position on creative freedom and would be a can of worms.

Add a disclaimer before transphobic titles that specifically flag transphobic
language, misogyny, homophobia, hate speech, etc. as required;
Depending on the standards that could be Netflix's entire library.

Boost promotion for Disclosure and other trans-affirming titles in the platform;
Suggest trans-affirming content alongside and after content flagged as
Which would work against their present system of trying to determine what people will want to watch next. You can't force the issue.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Thing is I can believe that THEY believe Dave's jokes will get people killed. I don't have to believe his jokes will get people killed myself and that's the issue here. Just because they believe it doesn't mean there's any basis in reality. Daphne knew his jokes were jokes and not going to kill people and had value. According to the kind of chant and claims put out there about Dave, well if they're to be believed as not hyperbole they do believe something like that about him.
"You don't have to understand me. Just know that what I'm going through is real and human." (Also, don't think for a second that I don't notice you keep trying to bring up that earlier idea, just stop right now)
It's their choice but that's the thing said choice can be influenced one way or another in a number of ways some like simple debate and others more nefarious in nature.
Yeah, well that's freedom for ya. Your only hope is a smart and educated society (which means we're doomed). Also, of course your choice can be influenced by debate...that is literally the whole point of debate. Have you just straight up told me this is a waste of time?
Not they didn't try to grab a microphone. Vito climbed on top of what looks like a concrete block and started shouting lol. They were yelling and he was yelling, both sides trying to yell over the other until they all started chanting Black Live Matter while got the protestors even angrier at Vito lol
Exactly. So, nothing more than a couple of cunts trying to drown out their protest, not a counter-protest. Plus, I think their list of asks is smart and their planning behind it is great (EDIT: I should point out that I already knew what they were, that's why I knew they weren't trying to cancel Chappelle). As I said before, Dave was never going anywhere, and the organizers know this. So they pretty much ask for more money to be put into productions by transpeople, as well as just more money for more of said productions in general, while at the same time giving them a little more exposure through their weird search/Top list algorithms.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Honestly the stupidity at display in this thread is so astounding that I can't even think of what to say.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
First, Suicide Squad. All. Like every single instance. It doesn't matter if you change to a different comic or company. You can't make anything without it.
Which point the ideology of the Suicide Squad? Because I hate to tell you this it's been a thing in history before now. Also need I remind you half the issues The Suicide Squad have to deal with are cause by The Suicide Squad one way or another or some of Waller's other projects.

I found new She-Ra way more enjoyable than old. But that's not saying much. Old She-Ra/He-man had the government force them into storylines and charater traits.
And other didn't find it that way so they get the power to decide it should be changed right?

Depends on the Welsh thing. If they're calling you satanic baby murderers, I would be. Sheep-fucker? Maybe. Smelly? No. Doesn't really have relevance to Chappelle though. He was acting authoritarian
Except I stepped into the Welsh nationalist bar. That would be my choice and assuming I did it willingly and knowingly is not most if not all he responsibility for me being offended on me? Hell even if I did it unknowingly it was my issue for not being well informed is my point. Also its more authoritarian to be against the joke than being the one telling them, he's not forcing people to endure them.

When I first heard Trump etc go after Kapernick, I didn't pretend that they just made it up. Just because I don't think it was something to be offended at doesn't mean they cant be offended. Life doesn't work like that
They can be offended. The issue is it's up to them to make a good argument for their position to convince people not try to shame or attack people into falling in line.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Honestly the stupidity at display in this thread is so astounding that I can't even think of what to say.
Yeah, sorry about that. I should have stopped pages ago but I just can't stop contributing to this train wreck.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Yeah, sorry about that. I should have stopped pages ago but I just can't stop contributing to this train wreck.
I mean it's fine, I'm not telling you to stop, it's just that so far everyone is just repeating themselves and I don't think this conversation is going anywhere at all.

Obviously nothing against you, you're take is pretty reasonable, but I don't think it's going to be persuasive towards @Dwarvenhobble , he's pretty stubborn and set in his ways and will come up with just about any bullshit to justify his opinions no matter how nonsensical they are, it's pretty evident not only from this thread but most threads I've read with him in it, I mean feel free to continue but it'd be more constructive to argue with a brick wall.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
"You don't have to understand me. Just know that what I'm going through is real and human." (Also, don't think for a second that I don't notice you keep trying to bring up that earlier idea, just stop right now)
Except that's the argument for the issue with said content in the first place or at least why it's so bad.

Yeah, well that's freedom for ya. Your only hope is a smart and educated society (which means we're doomed). Also, of course your choice can be influenced by debate...that is literally the whole point of debate. Have you just straight up told me this is a waste of time?
It's not a waste of time because the arguments still should be made. Also while you'd hope smart educated society making the choices you also have to account for more nefarious means of influencing the choice such that it comes down to honourable too. Which well considering at the protest Vito had his sign smashed up then the person who had just smashed his sign up leaving Vito holding a lump of wood started yelling that Vito had a weapon and had pulled a weapon (the piece of wood Vito was left holding that the guy know was attached to a sign seconds earlier). So I dunno I don't think they plan to play that fair so much as just do what they have to to get a win.

Exactly. So, nothing more than a couple of cunts trying to drown out their protest, not a counter-protest. Plus, I think their list of asks is smart and their planning behind it is great (EDIT: I should point out that I already knew what they were, that's why I knew they weren't trying to cancel Chappelle). As I said before, Dave was never going anywhere, and the organizers know this. So they pretty much ask for more money to be put into productions by transpeople, as well as just more money for more of said productions in general, while at the same time giving them a little more exposure through their weird search/Top list algorithms.
Which hilariously shows how the protestors feel about freedom considering the signs were something like "I Like Dave" and "Jokes are good". Nothing hugely offensive. I mean it could just have become nothing. They could have had a laugh with Vito and Co and gone "Yes we agree" and let them stay.

The funny thing is it doesn't matter with the top list exposure thing,

1) It doesn't people people will watch it
2) The creators get nothing from it either other than exposure because Netlfix doesn't pay royalties.

The only bit worthwhile would be the creators fund and well it doesn't mean the content will be good not does it mean even viable realistically for the company . Netflix was losing money each year until not that long ago. They need subscribers and content the subscribes will watch. When you use a fund that could be huge to try and find a win when the talent pool is ~0.2% of the population. Well good luck there with that size of talent pool to pull from which may end up with content blocked from release because it's deemed Transphobic because it was made but I dunno Contrapoints, (she's been accused of Transphobia before).


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I mean it's fine, I'm not telling you to stop, it's just that so far everyone is just repeating themselves and I don't think this conversation is going anywhere at all.

Obviously nothing against you, you're take is pretty reasonable, but I don't think it's going to be persuasive towards @Dwarvenhobble , he's pretty stubborn and set in his ways and will come up with just about any bullshit to justify his opinions no matter how nonsensical they are, it's pretty evident not only from this thread but most threads I've read with him in it, I mean feel free to continue but it'd be more constructive to argue with a brick wall.
Well the people yelling "Read the room" aren't exactly the most persuasive.

Also I'm still yet to be convinced jokes are so harmful. Then again I'm some-one on the other side of the Nanette debate who falls in the "Yes it is possible for other groups to understand different experiences it's not some super alien thing people can't possibly comprehend and they should just blindly accept what they're told by said groups all the time, or at least the loudest people in said groups that can be heard speaking. "

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
I mean it's fine, I'm not telling you to stop, it's just that so far everyone is just repeating themselves and I don't think this conversation is going anywhere at all.

Obviously nothing against you, you're take is pretty reasonable, but I don't think it's going to be persuasive towards @Dwarvenhobble , he's pretty stubborn and set in his ways and will come up with just about any bullshit to justify his opinions no matter how nonsensical they are, it's pretty evident not only from this thread but most threads I've read with him in it, I mean feel free to continue but it'd be more constructive to argue with a brick wall.
Honestly, I know. I'm kind of doing it for selfish reasons. I have a little bit of a speech impediment, and sometimes it's hard to get my thoughts in order, so this is good practice (and just to practice my writing in general). Besides, I'm an old man, remember? And us old men have no trouble arguing with inanimate objects;
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Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Except that's the argument for the issue with said content in the first place or at least why it's so bad.
Also, @Dwarvenhobble, I'm a rather nice person, so I should point out that I was mocking you with that last comment. Not only do I believe in the general idea behind it (transpeople are more likely to be attacked), but I further believe that the phrase "trans murder epidemic" is a phrase coined by some grifter asshole online so other assholes could point to it and go "look, trans people believe this [incredibly hyperbolic name], how stupid and hysterical are they?" You know, just like you did here in this very thread.
"You don't have to understand. Just know that what I'm going through is real and human."


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Well the people yelling "Read the room" aren't exactly the most persuasive.

Also I'm still yet to be convinced jokes are so harmful. Then again I'm some-one on the other side of the Nanette debate who falls in the "Yes it is possible for other groups to understand different experiences it's not some super alien thing people can't possibly comprehend and they should just blindly accept what they're told by said groups all the time, or at least the loudest people in said groups that can be heard speaking. "
Jokes aren't directly harmful, however they help make ideas acceptable through a phenomenon called cultural hegemony and the intention isn't to stop the jokes altogether it's simply to point out what they mean and what ideas they are communicating and as such trying to normalize so that people can avoid adopting those harmful ideas and yes that sometimes means reducing the commercial value of those ideas when we live in a world where absolutely everything is commodified

But you automatically escalate the situation to the most absurd notion of thinking the joke is bad, to the point that what you're arguing against is a scenario so extreme it really only reflects the reality of an absolutely miniscule amount of people, but anyways there's no point in carrying on with this conversation as I seriously doubt you have any intention of self-reflecting and actually trying to engage in an actual discussion, I mean the ideas that are the subject of the thread aren't even being discussed, just if they have the right to exist or not which doesn't make sense, because regardless of what your opinion is of those ideas they will still exist and as such that conversation has absolutely no weight or value to reality at all, it's basically pure wankery.

As such I have no interest in this conversation and will not be continuing.
Honestly, I know. I'm kind of doing it for selfish reasons. I have a little bit of a speech impediment, and sometimes it's hard to get my thoughts in order, so this is good practice (and just to practice my writing in general). Besides, I'm an old man, remember? And us old men have no trouble arguing with inanimate objects;
View attachment 4747
Well like I said, you're free to do what you want, I'm not telling you to stop, it's not like I'm any better when I'm technically talking about that right now, so feel free to carry on for as long as you want just saying to not expect much from this @Dwarvenhobble doesn't engage in these conversations in good faith as far as my experiences go.
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