Judge in Rittenhouse case might be a tad biased.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You are right wing, thus would be more inclined to side with Rittenhouse and/or against progressive protestors. But for instance when this first erupted, you were very quick on inadequate information to take Rittenhouse's side, and (if I remember rightly) quite happily jumped on weak rumours, such as those that portrayed his victims as criminal some of which were exaggerated or untrue. Credulity or eagerness to believe evidence friendly to one's existing belief is often a sign of bias. You have throughout had a tone to your pronouncements and insistence that implies an emotional investment beyond well beyond "the facts".

This sort of thing is enough for me to conclude that you are not as neutral as you think you are.

CM156 however comes across as pretty neutral - or at least, good at neutral tone. But then, he is a lawyer.
But the claims actually have been proven true. Every person Rittenhouse shot had a conviction of some kind to their name lol. Jut because you choose not to believe them doesn't make it true the info is literally out there.

This is becoming like a real life version of the Freedom Toons parody characters



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Ok, should point out that I feel this is a little extreme. While I feel that he did commit manslaughter (and the person who gave him the rifle is guilty of it as well), murder is a bit of a reach due to the whole "actual intent" needed behind it. I believe* he got caught up in delusions of grandeur and of being a stalwart protector against crime spurred on by a monster of an adult (how did he even get ahold of this kid, like, did he put out a Craigslist ad "Wanted: strapping young lads to provide armed security. Rifles provided on request"?).

*Note, this is the most charitable interpretation
The comedy is they're trying to charge him with planned pre-meditated murder as one of the charges.

Just thought I'd take this moment to remind everyone that every right wing accusation is also a confession.
Just like to take a moment to remind people of just how much some forum users here project so obviously and don't realise it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What are you talking about?! His actions? You mean traveling across state lines, claiming to be law enforcement and taking up a gun? Those actions don't constitute looking for a fight?
And the reason I keep bringing up the state line fact is its a clear indication of his intent. He personally was not threatened in any way. He lived, as you point out, 20mins away from where the protest was taking place. There is no immediate threat to him or his property that required him to take up arms.
He traveled to a location 20mins away with the expressed intent of taking up a gun under the false guise of a security officer. That was his actions. That's what happened. All this nonsense about "Oh he couldn't retreat, he was being attacked!" is willfully trying to dismiss the fact he went to the protest with the intent of escalating the dangers there.
Again, it doesn't qualify as self-defense if you go looking for a fight. And traveling 20mins away from your home to illegally take up a weapon and impersonate armed security and attempt to enforce laws makes him both a vigilante, and someone actively looking for conflict. Unless through epic mental gymnastics you're implying him traveling to a protest, and him being present at a protest are somehow two completely unrelated events? That physics and causation don't apply to him? Traveling to a protest and illegally taking up a gun has nothing to do with being at the exact same protest with an illegally acquired gun? If that's your logic, shit, no one has ever committed a murder. Lee-Harvey Oswald pointing a gun at JFK and pulling the trigger was completely unrelated to a bullet hitting and killing JFK. Each individual action needs to be judged in a void and no one action ever leads to another.

Also I should point out just having a gun is considered an escalation of force. So he not only caused the incident by simply being there, he made it lethal by being an untrained minor illegally in the possession of a firearm.
Please for Cthulhu's sake read up on the fucking case a bit from a source other than occupy democrats "It's going down" or where ever you're reading these claims from because so much of what you keep saying is mis-information.

He didn't cross state lines to be there he was already in Kenosha at the time having just finished work.
As far as we know he was given the firearm.
His friends house was apparently within smelling distance of the fires in Kenosha

He was perfectly allowed to be in public. This is the same kind of argument of "Well she shouldn't have gone into said area if she didn't want to be attacked or raped" like this is victim blaming of the highest order because in all this clown show it was Kyle who was attacked and has had to put his life on hold for defending himself when he was out in public and people are out here pulling the "Oh if he didn't want to get attacked he shouldn't have gone out dressed like that" bullshit. Really? Fucking really?
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Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
Yes, but the law isn't there to make up shit just to keep right-wing nutjobs happy, is it?

Jim Crow existed for a century after the abolition of slavery in the United States (and the 200 before that in North America), and the war on drugs and the contemporary carceral state is simply the next iteration of Jim Crow, so...yes?

And the minute it does, you may as well hand right-wing nutjobs the keys to the Capitol and the White House and let their militias replace the police and courts.
You're...not well read on the history of police forces in the US, are you.

As far as the Capitol, White House, and the courts, I mean...yeah?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What a load of hogwash. One point, I'm not right wing, I'm the far more despicable centrist that both sides like to hate.

Now, Agema, have you watched any of the video recorded from that night? You know, the video we've had access to since the night this happened and have had access to for over a year? Want to know what my personal reason is for having the position I do? Because I trust my own eyes!

That's why I am so passionate about this, because I saw what happened because it was all recorded on video. It doesn't matter what mental gymnastics or word salad someone uses, it has not changed what can be clearly seen happening. And now on top of all that everything in this trial has supported that. There has not been some revelatory new evidence that contradicts what we saw on video over a year ago. Interesting thing is how none of you talk about the videos, if I want to assume the best in all of you, I assume it's because you've only ever read what scumbags have typed up and never did any actual investigation yourself. Instead of relying on journalists and politicians, look at everything with your own eyes.
Something for you

A centrist is a right winger with commitment issues. They take the side of the status quo more often than not and say that progress should be so incremental as to be effectively pointless. Trust me, you're not as smart as you think you are.
Ah yes the attitude and intellect of of Zapp Brannigan alive and well I see

Leaving your home to seek out conflict by definition removes the right to self defense. You do not have the right to self defense if you're the aggressor. And illegally having a gun and claiming to be security and ordering people around in an aggressive action, and funnily enough, vigilantism. Pure and simple. If he hadn't left his home, he wouldn't have murdered people.
No it doesn't.
It removes protection of the castle doctrine which under the state laws says you don't even have to retreat if some-one breaks into your home you can shoot them on the spot to defend your home, life or property. Basically f the owner of the lot had shot the people trying to attack him it would have been fully legally self defence no questions asked and he wouldn't have had to have even retreated.

Again, its not open-carry if you're a minor who is not hunting or target practicing, and even then they need a parent or guardian. Open carry does not apply here.
Yes it does as open carry doesn't add extra proposed offences to the list. Nor could the attackers have known his age they could have assumed he was an easy target 18 year old.

Not how it works. If he hadn't been there illegally being a vigilante, no one would have had to attempt to disarm him. Rittenhouse is the aggressor here, and disagreeing with that is simply not how facts work. Conducting criminal acts, being stopped, then attempting to flee the scene of the crime and murdering people does not qualify as self-defense no matter what.
Also not how it works. Rittenhouse had the right to be where he was. Also no-one was attempting to disarm him rather take the gun for their own ends up knock him unconscious which isn't disarming.

Also he fled towards the police lights to turn himself in.

Also since some people still don't get it, it doesn't matter what the protestors were doing, because Rittenhouse is not law enforcement, and was an illegally armed minor. He had no business being there, full stop. But he traveled there expressly to illegally impersonate law enforcement, and in so doing became a vigilante. And him being there, illegally armed, was an escalation of force that lead to the murder of two protestors. And again, doesn't matter what they were doing because Rittenhouse isn't allowed to enforce laws and was illegally armed. His very presence there was a crime that caused the altercation.
There's also no laws saying he couldn't be there. The group he was with actually had spoken with and organised with the police that night it turns out with the police even thanking them for being there earlier in the night lol. He wasn't law enforcement but they were aware of the group there and more than happy to allow it.

But hey if you want to argue "He was asking for it because of what he chose to wear" it's on you there to maybe stop for a bit of self reflection.

And I care relatively little about the fine details of what transpired that night, for the reasons supplied multiple times, including by other people in this thread other than me.
yes yes we get it you think you're on the right side of history and the details don't actually matter just winning for "your side" lol

Apparently the testimony was mixed bag and is being misconstrued as damning for clickbait news. He pulled a gun on Kyle because he thought Kyle was an active shooter, he initially tried to surrender, but tension were hot and so the exchange was confused and Kyle shot him.

I've been thinking about that florida trial where the guy accosted a couple, was pushed to the ground and he shot the guy who pushed him and claimed self-defense. He was ultimately convicted because the guy was shown on camera backing away when he saw the guy on the ground had a gun. I think it'll pretty much go down the same way. Will the jury decide Kyle's life was in danger when he fired. Sadly it has nothing to do with right and wrong or ethics. It's just going to be was shooting all those people his only option. I don't see him going down for the mental patient, its a tough call with the guys who tried to apprehend him.

I think it's horseshit and we have shit laws allowing pieces of shit like him to start fights and then somehow put it on other people not to scare him into shooting them. Its a strange irony that if they had shot him or brain him that skateboard they probably would have equal defense because this country is insane. Its practically to the point where I can walk around the streets waving a gun and screaming and if anyone tries to stop me Im okay to shoot them as long as I pee my pants when I do it.
Not quite he pulled the gun after backing away and I linked the video of his testimony where he said Kyle only shot him when he approached with his gun drawn beginning to point it at Kyle. A gun which BTW he definitely was illegally in possession of due to the fact he has convictions to his name so is banned from owning firearms. So if he'd not pulled the illegal fire arm he had then he wouldn't have been shot, funny how people here are using the argument Kyle is guilty because his possession of the gun may have been illegal when one of the people shot did for definite have a firearm illegally in his possession that night and pulled it on Kyle.


The Florida trial would count as different because the guy accosted the couple first. You can't claim self defence when you start something and get your ass beat.

I'm also hearing a rumour (again this is a rumour only) that Grosskreutz's friend was served papers compelling him to appear as a witness as he sat in the public gallery of the trail and which point he apparently ran from the court having been served the papers......

This is important because his friend is the one who relayed Grosskreutz's words to facebook including how Grosskreutz told him he wanted to shoot Kyle and regretted not taking the shot when he had it.

I mean at that points there's not even an argument. Once Rittenhouse murdered the first protestor, he was an active shooter. Any force is justified to take down an active shooter.
No because the mob doesn't get to play police either. Come on some consistency here you were trying to get at Kyle for playing police but suddenly it's fine for the mob to be the police?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And something from Fox News

Apparently it wasn't a bluff and there was some-one trying to get the identities of the jurors out there.

The Wisconsin judge overseeing the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse announced Tuesday that deputies had caught someone recording video of the jurors earlier in the day and would be taking new steps to ensure the incident did not happen again, in addition to ordering the person to delete the images.


Resident Reactionary
May 6, 2020
United States
White Male
That's no bueno.
And something from Fox News

Apparently it wasn't a bluff and there was some-one trying to get the identities of the jurors out there.
In controversial cases like these, jurors should be entitled to have their identities concealed upon request even after the case is over. Indefinitely.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Kyle turned up with his medical kit, he initially refused the rifle.
Ok, but...that's the whole problem. First off, this is why the whole 'he should not have been there' keeps getting brought up. He was fully expecting chaos enough to feel the need to bring supplies (from where? were they in his car or what?), so this seems like exactly the place a kid should not be, because I doubt being a volunteer lifeguard, in a state that is nice enough to actually swim in five months out of the year, is applicable knowledge to being a field medic. And unless the protest was literally at his place of work, he would have had to make the choice to go to the protest (which, again, for all of this to make sense is so dangerous that we need armed civilians protecting businesses from all the arson/looting/rape/pillaging/etc). The fact he should not have been there is emphasized by them giving him a fucking gun. If he was truly there to help people, he should have either asked for a bigger medical bag instead or simply walked away. It's not like the guy held him at gunpoint to have him take the rifle, anybody with half a brain would have realized 'oh shit, maybe I, a volunteer lifeguard, am in over my head' (...I just realized after typing it the pun...), but he didn't. He willingly picked up that rifle. He chose to wander the streets (you keep saying that he was on private property, but outside of the one bit in a lot, there's tons of footage of him wandering the streets I remember seeing). Like, everyone here is hung up on him defending himself, but to me, the only reason he had to protect himself in the first place all stems back to him carrying this fucking rifle around (I can't even remember if he ever had the thing slung across his back or if he actually just carried it around the whole time). A rifle which was illegal for him to carry. But honestly, none of this shit matters because...

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
The comedy is they're trying to charge him with planned pre-meditated murder as one of the charges.
Between the doomed to fail murder charges, and this awful display in the courtrooms, I can only conclude that the prosecution is deliberately throwing this case. They want to look like they're doing something while doing what they actually want to do (let him walk scot-free). This is a farce.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Ok, but...that's the whole problem. First off, this is why the whole 'he should not have been there' keeps getting brought up. He was fully expecting chaos enough to feel the need to bring supplies (from where? were they in his car or what?), so this seems like exactly the place a kid should not be, because I doubt being a volunteer lifeguard, in a state that is nice enough to actually swim in five months out of the year, is applicable knowledge to being a field medic. And unless the protest was literally at his place of work, he would have had to make the choice to go to the protest (which, again, for all of this to make sense is so dangerous that we need armed civilians protecting businesses from all the arson/looting/rape/pillaging/etc). The fact he should not have been there is emphasized by them giving him a fucking gun. If he was truly there to help people, he should have either asked for a bigger medical bag instead or simply walked away. It's not like the guy held him at gunpoint to have him take the rifle, anybody with half a brain would have realized 'oh shit, maybe I, a volunteer lifeguard, am in over my head' (...I just realized after typing it the pun...), but he didn't. He willingly picked up that rifle. He chose to wander the streets (you keep saying that he was on private property, but outside of the one bit in a lot, there's tons of footage of him wandering the streets I remember seeing). Like, everyone here is hung up on him defending himself, but to me, the only reason he had to protect himself in the first place all stems back to him carrying this fucking rifle around (I can't even remember if he ever had the thing slung across his back or if he actually just carried it around the whole time). A rifle which was illegal for him to carry. But honestly, none of this shit matters because...

When these are you normal protest / riot "medics"

I'd take the 17 year old Lifeguard any day because he's still probably far better trained than them and will at least have half a clue what he's gotta do..

Also it was a paid lifeguard job not volunteer.

The wandering the streets thing was him fleeing towards the police lights in the distance.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
When these are you normal protest / riot "medics"

I'd take the 17 year old Lifeguard any day because he's still probably far better trained than them and will at least have half a clue what he's gotta do..

Also it was a paid lifeguard job not volunteer.

The wandering the streets thing was him fleeing towards the police lights in the distance.
Yeah, but how do we know the people in that video weren't lifeguards themselves? Plus, him being paid versus volunteer doesn't really invalidate the fact that it's Wisconsin, a state where it's nice enough to swim about 4-5 months out of the year. And I was talking about before, that 'anybody need a medic' one and I believe I remember seeing a video of him at a gas station float around here last year.

But again, this situation is nonsense. Yes, open carry is indeed a thing, and you can indeed be out in public places, duh. However, this is during normal times, and one would imagine the second tons of police barricades and squads of cops in riot gear show up that you are no longer operating in 'normal times' (cue police state joke). It can't both be that he was walking down a random street minding his own business and that he was in the middle of a pseudo-battlefield where if he was going to be a medic he would need a gun. It's less 'don't wear a skimpy outfit if you don't want to be raped' and more 'don't jump into a lion enclosure and play lion tamer'.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah, but how do we know the people in that video weren't lifeguards themselves? Plus, him being paid versus volunteer doesn't really invalidate the fact that it's Wisconsin, a state where it's nice enough to swim about 4-5 months out of the year. And I was talking about before, that 'anybody need a medic' one and I believe I remember seeing a video of him at a gas station float around here last year.
Because even with non certified First Aid training I can tell you why those people are idiots.

But again, this situation is nonsense. Yes, open carry is indeed a thing, and you can indeed be out in public places, duh. However, this is during normal times, and one would imagine the second tons of police barricades and squads of cops in riot gear show up that you are no longer operating in 'normal times' (cue police state joke). It can't both be that he was walking down a random street minding his own business and that he was in the middle of a pseudo-battlefield where if he was going to be a medic he would need a gun. It's less 'don't wear a skimpy outfit if you don't want to be raped' and more 'don't jump into a lion enclosure and play lion tamer'.
Rules don't change around being out just because crap is going on.
He was also on the edge of the city at the lot not in the middle of the city.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
A car dealership was torched the day before the shootings so it's less jumping in the cage and playing lion tamer and more trying to tame the lions that roam loosely across the zoo because nobody else is doing anything about em and you were asked by the zebra enclosure to not let em meet the end that the wildebeests met the day before.

Basically the police folding under protester pressure against police violence are the ones to blame, and if I were a relative of the dead that's who I'd sue, cause it was fundamentally them absconding their responsibilities the day before and of the incident that necessitated some take matters into their own hands. You can't just have whole streets torched and expect people not to go out and do something about it or call that vigilantism. And it doesn't matter where you live, aren't we supposed to care about our fellow man, even if they're in a different state? So yeah, the cops letting people riot and pillage and not ending it instantly are the issue here.
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Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Between the doomed to fail murder charges, and this awful display in the courtrooms, ... This is a farce.
That happens when you don't have the evidence to prosecute successfully, have a pile of evidence to build a legal defense around unless the defense lawyer is an utter moron, and absolutely cannot drop the case for political reasons.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
A car dealership was torched the day before the shootings so it's less jumping in the cage and playing lion tamer and more trying to tame the lions that roam loosely across the zoo because nobody else is doing anything about em and you were asked by the zebra enclosure to not let em meet the end that the wildebeests met the day before.

Basically the police folding under protester pressure against police violence are the ones to blame, and if I were a relative of the dead that's who I'd sue, cause it was fundamentally them absconding their responsibilities the day before and of the incident that necessitated some take matters into their own hands. You can't just have whole streets torched and expect people not to go out and do something about it or call that vigilantism. And it doesn't matter where you live, aren't we supposed to care about our fellow man, even if they're in a different state? So yeah, the cops letting people riot and pillage and not ending it instantly are the issue here.
I'd say the American police being so out of control that it even requires these protests is what's to blame. If they just trained their officers better, rooted out the bad apples themselves and actually responded correctly when these shootings happen then these riots wouldn't have happened to begin with.

The problem isn't so much that the cops let people riot, its that they give people no other choice than to riot.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So you haven't?
Oh, I have.

But I have also been clear that, in my perspective, his degree of self defence in the instances only really alters severity of the manslaughter he is responsible for.

That's no bueno.
Is it at all normal to double check with a witness that they are happy with their statement after it has been given, for instance provide them an opportunity to expand on it if they remembered more details?
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Resident Reactionary
May 6, 2020
United States
White Male
Is it at all normal to double check with a witness that they are happy with their statement after it has been given, for instance provide them an opportunity to expand on it if they remembered more details?
It's never a good idea to ask a witness a question you don't already yourself know the answer to.
If you ask a question and get an answer unfavorable for your case, that's a bad thing.