Funny Events of the "Woke" world

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
How would you solve the problem of these companies taking existing properties and ruining their established storylines to insert their own agendas? For example the new Star Wars Trilogy, or Terminator Dark Fate, or Ghostbusters 2016.
Or Rambo: First Blood Part II. Remember, it took a movie that was a scathing indictment of America's treatment of its veterans, and turned the franchise into a conservative power fantasy of shooting all the commies, all of them. That gets a free pass, though, doesn't it?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
So there's this game called X4 Foundations, I played the previous game X3 Albion Prelude and X Rebirth. It's made by a German Company called Egosoft. Anyway in the first series of games; X3, all of the Terrans/Earth people are bad guys but were more advanced, we just are. While the humans that weren't the bad guys were called Argonians. Now in this game, our ships are slowed like 3 to 4 times slower. Why??? The Terrans are the most advanced species in the game, and their explanation is basically Terrans aces have superior movement, explain to me how I can move well when I am flying a BF-109, and the other guy has a supersonic jet. Crazy. Also, they made a super mod that fixes everything for it called X-Extended, and the Terrans got nerfed again in X3.

I am literally going to stop playing games made by the literal nihilists, and if we ever join up as a species and a nihilistic German runs for Earth President, I will do everything in my power to not get that person elected. We don't need nihilists like Trump or most of the German Soc-Dems, and some Christian democrats in power.

Also, Make Tera Great again by sending the community of planets to hell, and yes I still think you should get the game, now if you will excuse me I have to find a mod where I can yeet Argon Prime to a black hole.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
So there's this game called X4 Foundations, I played the previous game X3 Albion Prelude and X Rebirth. It's made by a German Company called Egosoft. Anyway in the first series of games; X3, all of the Terrans/Earth people are bad guys but were more advanced, we just are. While the humans that weren't the bad guys were called Argonians. Now in this game, our ships are slowed like 3 to 4 times slower. Why??? The Terrans are the most advanced species in the game, and their explanation is basically Terrans aces have superior movement, explain to me how I can move well when I am flying a BF-109, and the other guy has a supersonic jet. Crazy. Also, they made a super mod that fixes everything for it called X-Extended, and the Terrans got nerfed again in X3.

I am literally going to stop playing games made by the literal nihilists, and if we ever join up as a species and a nihilistic German runs for Earth President, I will do everything in my power to not get that person elected. We don't need nihilists like Trump or most of the German Soc-Dems, and some Christian democrats in power.

Also, Make Tera Great again by sending the community of planets to hell, and yes I still think you should get the game, now if you will excuse me I have to find a mod where I can yeet Argon Prime to a black hole.
This sounds like it belongs in the video games hot takes thread.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
And eye candy is a problem because?
It's not objectively a problem, but there's three potential issues with it:

1: For the viewer, it's potentially demeaning. For instance, playing Xenoblade 2, it's kind of embarassing seeing Pyra on screen in her scantily-clad glory, while every other character has something at least approaching normal clothes. I recall a games journalist stating how his wife walked in on him while he was playing, and he was embarassed because Pyra was on the screen, and, yeah, I agree.

2: It sexualizes women in a way that men rarely are.

3: It hinders believability. Using Resident Evil for instance, why, in RE3, does Jill have a tube top on in light of flesh-eating ghouls? Why, in RE4, is Ada hiking through rural Spain in a red dress? Why, in Revelation, is Jessica going out into the field with high heels? I mean, come on Capcom, you can do better than this.

I like boobs as much as the next guy, but I can still spot the double standard.

Irritating to whom? And it was repeated over and over again is popular and people buy into it. Fucking shocking.
I'm not sure if it is popular these days, but even so, it's a pretty lazy trope. This isn't even necessarily a gendered thing, if I create a character in a story for the sole sake of that character being rescued, then how much of a character is that character?

Or, to put it another way, characters like Amy Rose, Princess Zelda, and Princess Peach, all started out as damsels in distress. Amy and Zelda stopped being DIDs along the way and are all the better for it. Peach, on the other hand, is still being rescued by Mario. That's fine, that's Nintendo's prerogative, but if Peach is still being saved over thirty years later, then don't be surprised that not many people like her character.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Well, I disagree with Crit on a lot, but if we're talking about Batwoman and Supergirl?

Well, here's Batwoman's trailer:

And if we're talking about Supergirl, it's explicitly feminist in season 2. This isn't me projecting, there's actual character lines such as "the future is female" and the characters celebrating a female president (as opposed to "the other guy" who ran for office), even as said president is flying Air Force One directly towards an alien mothership.

Supergirl is okay overall (moreso season 2 than season 1, haven't watched beyond that), but there's a lot of cringeworthy material in there. Contrast that to something like Last Jedi, where gender is never mentioned once, or in Ghostbusters 2016, where the only time the gender of the protagonists is drawn attention to is when the antagonist is hurling insults at them.
I think saying Future is Female is dumb and hopefully we are past that.

Also, do feminist say this? Or do females say this?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
I don't really know what to say. So let's make something up.

How would you solve the problem of these companies taking existing properties and ruining their established storylines to insert their own agendas? For example the new Star Wars Trilogy, or Terminator Dark Fate, or Ghostbusters 2016.
What agendas?!

No, seriously, what agendas? I...okay, fine, let's go through this IP by IP.

First, Star Wars. Yes, you can make a reasonable case that the sequel trilogy ruined the old EU. That's valid, I sympathize with it. However, the 'agenda' you're talking about is Disney wanting to make money. That's...not exactly an agenda, that's a mission statement. If Disney bought the Star Wars IP, and wanted to make movies from that IP, then I can understand why they'd want a clean slate, because spoilers, far more people watch the Star Wars films than read the books and whatnot. And if you want to complain about elements of the sequel trilogy ruining Star Wars, such as Palpy's return, or how it's largely a retread of the OT, or any number of writing decisions, sure. But that's not an agenda, that's just poor writing.

Second, Terminator. I don't know how you can claim Dark Fate "ruined the established storyline" when stuff like T3 had already done it long ago. Was T3 following an "agenda?" Chances are, if T3 was released today, people could claim that, given how powerful the T-X is. Or what about Genisys? This isn't me speaking my own mind (I genuinely like every Terminator film bar T3), but to claim that Dark Fate "ruined" the storyline is to ignore everything that occurred after T2, film or otherwise. And even in a hypothetical scenario where Dark Fate existed and nothing else, what "agenda" did it have?

Finally, Ghostbusters 2016. How did it ruin what came before when it's in its own continuity? It's not as if Ghostbusters hasn't had alternate continuities before - the Ghostbusters cartoon (followed by Extreme Ghostbusters) went in one direction, Ghostbusters 2 in another. Did Ghostbusters 2 "ruin' the storyline of the cartoons, because they're mutually exclusive canons? Because that's the argument being made.

Of course, I know the real reason, namely "da womenz," but surely you can see how absurd your claims are.

Despite people generally being pretty positive of side cannon projects like Rogue One which were female driven.
Rogue One has one...ONE...female character. Two if you include Mon Mothma, and she barely features. Using Rogue One as a "I can't be sexist, I like Jyn Erso" isn't much of an excuse.

Now to be clear, I don't think disliking characters like Rey or Holdo, or dislking the sequel trilogy makes anyone sexist ipso facto, but Rogue One isn't really the bastion of 'good feminism' that you think it is.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
These creator's don't do themselves any favors by blaming their lack of success on people being racist, homophobic, sexist or whatever.
I agree that blaming one's failures on (insert vice here) is an excuse, but it doesn't change the fact that before the film was released, there was a lot of sexism towards the characters. Leslie Jones most of all.

1. When you take an established character like Thor or Wolverine and make a new series where those characters are transformed into something on the woke spectrum. This would be fine as a spin-off but these characters actively replace existing series. Then it's the fan's fault for not supporting the change and the fans are toxic because they didn't like the progressive change.
Okay, but how many of the IPs you listed are "woke?" Because it's certainly not Star Wars. It's certainly not Ghostbusters. And Dark Fate? It gets slightly political in the internment camp for illegal migrants, but that's no more woke than T2 criticizing the military industrial complex, and a lot less woke than SCC criticizing science in general.

There's a certain irony in calling the sequel trilogy "woke" or "political" when it's the least political out of all the Star Wars trilogies, BTW.

Why did Charlies Angel's with Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, And Lucy Liu work, but the new film flopped? SImple answer is the new film was fucking dumb. It had nothing to do with it being a female led films work all the time. Shitty movies don't. It's not sexism, it's not anti-wokeness, it's nothing at all like that, you just made a dumb product that nobody wanted.
So a film failed because it was bad, and not agenda-driven?

Geez, it's like you've made my point for me.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Who really cares when it's the lifetime cost that matters?

EVs are probably also already economically cheaper in total lifetime cost as well: lower maintenance and cheaper fuel.
Again, I'm just saying people think electric cars are so much better than they are. The main issue isn't getting people into EVs, it's making electricity itself green.

I very very very very much doubt EVs are cheaper in total lifetime cost. The cheapest USED Tesla at my closest CarMax is $46,000. When I shop for any electric car with a $30,000 budget, there's not a single result. Whereas, I can buy a damn good used car for around $10,000 (last time I got a car in 2016 at least). I've had a Civic since 2014 (2 technically as one got totaled in 2016 when I got t-boned) and I've had almost no maintenance on them except for oil changes and transmission flushes (not counting tires as I doubt EV tires are less maintenance), an occasional small thing fixed here and there (like once every 2-3 years). My current Civic I got in 2016 and haven't had to touch anything like say the brakes yet. There's literally no way an EV is cheaper in the long run for most people as gas and normal car specific maintenance doesn't make the normal car more expensive over time. Most people don't have enough money up front to get an EV even if it was cheaper overall because, you know, being not well off is usually more expensive because you can't buy the better stuff that has a higher upfront cost but is cheaper in the long run.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
As a side note on the EV talk, I have to say I'm impressed with Chevy. They're putting out the Silverado EV as a 4 wheel drive crewcab pickup, and it is so far basically the same price as a new comparable Silverado ICE truck.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
It's not objectively a problem, but there's three potential issues with it:

1: For the viewer, it's potentially demeaning. For instance, playing Xenoblade 2, it's kind of embarassing seeing Pyra on screen in her scantily-clad glory, while every other character has something at least approaching normal clothes. I recall a games journalist stating how his wife walked in on him while he was playing, and he was embarassed because Pyra was on the screen, and, yeah, I agree.

2: It sexualizes women in a way that men rarely are.

3: It hinders believability. Using Resident Evil for instance, why, in RE3, does Jill have a tube top on in light of flesh-eating ghouls? Why, in RE4, is Ada hiking through rural Spain in a red dress? Why, in Revelation, is Jessica going out into the field with high heels? I mean, come on Capcom, you can do better than this.

I like boobs as much as the next guy, but I can still spot the double standard.

I'm not sure if it is popular these days, but even so, it's a pretty lazy trope. This isn't even necessarily a gendered thing, if I create a character in a story for the sole sake of that character being rescued, then how much of a character is that character?

Or, to put it another way, characters like Amy Rose, Princess Zelda, and Princess Peach, all started out as damsels in distress. Amy and Zelda stopped being DIDs along the way and are all the better for it. Peach, on the other hand, is still being rescued by Mario. That's fine, that's Nintendo's prerogative, but if Peach is still being saved over thirty years later, then don't be surprised that not many people like her character.
Then don't play it, I don't comment on the left's omi-sex whatever, and they don't comment on a female character having a mini-skirt.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Okay, but how many of the IPs you listed are "woke?" Because it's certainly not Star Wars. It's certainly not Ghostbusters. And Dark Fate? It gets slightly political in the internment camp for illegal migrants, but that's no more woke than T2 criticizing the military industrial complex, and a lot less woke than SCC criticizing science in general.

There's a certain irony in calling the sequel trilogy "woke" or "political" when it's the least political out of all the Star Wars trilogies, BTW.

So a film failed because it was bad, and not agenda-driven?

Geez, it's like you've made my point for me.
Someone calling the new Star Wars political just makes me think they've never seen Star Wars

Also, I'd call the Cameron Diaz Charlie's Angels fairly average. Pretending that there wasn't an outcry then like there is for the new Charlie's Angel's reboot is revisionism. There's always an outcry.

In 20 years, there will probably be a bunch of people who think the new Charlie's Angels AND the sequel Star Wars movies are the best. Everyone seem to hate the Prequel Star Wars movie and now I found out that it actually well liked by many. Just because YOU (and this includes me) dislikes something, doesn't mean it's disliked

Lastly, I think it would be pointless asking someone about what's woke. It's just a catch all term that means something they dont like.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Rogue One has one...ONE...female character. Two if you include Mon Mothma, and she barely features. Using Rogue One as a "I can't be sexist, I like Jyn Erso" isn't much of an excuse.
I used it as an example because the women is the main character. The star. Or do we need to count the number of women to men ratio?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Then don't play it, I don't comment on the left's omi-sex whatever, and they don't comment on a female character having a mini-skirt.
What's funny about this is that CriticalGaming gave this quote a like, despite them having the same arguments as Hawki, just reversing the genders....

Just incredible
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
1: For the viewer, it's potentially demeaning.
"potentially". This is a projection of morality and has no basis on actual player thoughts. Also if you don't like it, don't play it.

2: It sexualizes women in a way that men rarely are.
Thus why it's called "fantasy" and not reality. Though if you look at Instragam and tik tok you'll see plenty of girls being as sexy as possible on that platform. Or Onlyfans, or Twitch....wait...women being sexualized is rare?

3: It hinders believability. Using Resident Evil for instance, why, in RE3, does Jill have a tube top on in light of flesh-eating ghouls? Why, in RE4, is Ada hiking through rural Spain in a red dress? Why, in Revelation, is Jessica going out into the field with high heels? I mean, come on Capcom, you can do better than this.
Yes it is cearly the female outfits that make the games unbelievable and not....all the zombies. right. okay.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Someone calling the new Star Wars political just makes me think they've never seen Star Wars
I seem to recall the empire kinda having nazi asthetic and name. Sounds a bit political to me.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Having a female lead has got nothing to do with woke or Feminism
I don't care about a female lead, I won't play it if they aren't hot, and I literally sold all of my consoles because I was sick of the woke crap due to advice from likely woke devs. But there are literally games where they have gone from hot characters to less sexy characters like Koei Tecmo's Samurai Warriors 4. The Steam hentai games that people are pissed off about all have to be censored and require a patch, while the LGBTQ game about furries doesn't have censorship.

Next time a woke game gets released I am torrenting it. Next time a game with a sexy female lead gets released I will pay for it.


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
These creator's don't do themselves any favors by blaming their lack of success on people being racist, homophobic, sexist or whatever.

There is nothing wrong with making films with female casts and characters, that's not the issue. The issue is two fold.

1. When you take an established character like Thor or Wolverine and make a new series where those characters are transformed into something on the woke spectrum. This would be fine as a spin-off but these characters actively replace existing series. Then it's the fan's fault for not supporting the change and the fans are toxic because they didn't like the progressive change.

2. The second issue add to the first by not only are you changing the character to fit in with whatever hot button spectrum you are trying to fit in with these days, but on top of that the content itself is garbage.

Why did Charlies Angel's with Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, And Lucy Liu work, but the new film flopped? SImple answer is the new film was fucking dumb. It had nothing to do with it being a female led films work all the time. Shitty movies don't. It's not sexism, it's not anti-wokeness, it's nothing at all like that, you just made a dumb product that nobody wanted.

It is your job to entice people to your project, it isn't the audience's job to show up. If these Film makers can't see that then that is on them, not the audience.
Lady Thor was the best selling Thor run in quite some time. The manchildren rebelled online, but as a comic run it was a success, more so than male Thor. I don't know the stats for X-23 Wolverine but it's certainly the most interesting thing to happen to the Wolverine brand that wasn't a one shot.