Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
You post your "adaptation complains" in the thread dedicated to "oh noes the woke they are ruining everythiiing" and then go "no no I didn't mean it politically, just mentioning adaptation discrepancies".
That's not a contradiction.
The right has indeed covered this flop
I am a conservative. I am a Magic: the Gathering player. I've been aware of The Quartering for most of his Youtube career.

That guy sucks. Like, a lot.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
No, but if you're transplanting Ulysses to a setting, it would be expected he be on a ship.
I guess you're not well acquainted with classic 20th century literature, then.

I honestly find it hard to imagine anyone reading The Odyssey and thinking that a key element that could not be altered were it transposed is that it's a sea journey. Way to miss the key points of the story.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

(As reference, found the Gaiman quote I mentioned and its context.)
fun fact, I watched that show....................... wow was it trash that I had to be partially drunk to get through. It's pretty hilariously bad in a number of ways. It's like some-one went "Ok we want Game of Thrones meets suicide squad but with an IP name slapped on it" and that's what we got. It's somewhat funny until it goes full on weird off the rails stuff, shame it wasn't meant to be a comedy.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Because this complain, as with most of your complains in this thread, only make sense I'm a certain ideological context : the conservative quest to present itself as wrongly besieged in mass media and cultural fields. It's most often reposts of semi-viral omygogomygods that have zero objective reasons to be, apart as ritualistic outrage fuel within a given ecosystem.

And this is a good example. Robin Hood (in culture and even language) is an elusive resistant "stealing from the rich to give to the poor" within an illegitimate regime. You can transpose this structure everywhere, in modern suburbs, in space, in wall street, without losing anything. Even the bow is actually pointless. At least less than the reasons to censor Robin Hood in the 50s, or the major reasons to metaphorically designate this or that as "a real Robin Hood".

But keywords, woke woke, oh noes, hashtag.
To be clear, I'm not saying people are besieged by media, I'm saying the modern "Left" whatever that is now as I'm apparently for liberty but that makes me right wing, is shit at making anything interesting and is so predictably formulaic that bisexual black woman robin hood fighting white John Price who wants to Gentrify part of town is hilariously played out at this point that in this case it really does just seem to be throwing the modern "Look how progressive we are" standard set of blocks at the wall all at once.

You know what a "Resistance" stealing from the rich to give to the poor, or more stopping the schemes of the rich also was once too?

It's almost funny really The Dukes of Hazzard shares kind of a fair bit of ideas (they even use bows as weapons due to not being allowed to own firearms due to having previously been convicted of being moonshine runners).


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I never thought I'd see the concept of faithfulness in adaptations be turned into a political pissing contest, but here we are.
It has been for a while because this has weirdly become mantra among certain ideologies now

I wish this were a joke but some really believe that the past (as past media) is holding the world back and as such they must destroy it, so they must adapt it and "correct" it to fit with "modern values" and try to fight to solve "Modern issues" because "Everything is political" and so some see entertainment media as a political tool to push their message and that over-rides the whole idea of the entertainment first part. We don't have allegory so much anymore as we have modern issues ham fistedly slapped into another setting.

But as to your actual points:

-Where did I portray anyone as being besieged? I'm not besieged. I write and post stuff on the 'net, that's true, I'm not "besieged" by anyone except the odd irate reviewer.

-If the discussion so far has met your litmus test for "outrage," then good for you. Most people wouldn't put the bar so low.

-I know you can transpose Robin Hood to an urban setting. In fact, if you bothered to read anything I wrote rather than needlessly pontificating, you'd have seen I mentioned Muchmore's books as an example of this.

-Calling the bow pointless is dubious. Yes, you can have Robin without a bow and the story wouldn't change, but it's iconographic for a reason.

-If you want to talk about keywords, you might want to do a word search for my posts on the subject and search for "woke." You won't find it.

Now, it certainly says a lot about your outlook that concepts such as faithfulness and versimilitude are political positions, but in the real world, it's actually quite normal to discuss how faithful an adaptation of a pre-existing work is. It's not "outrage" or whatever you want to call it to raise an eyebrow over this. The people who lament such things aren't frothing at the mouth fascists, even if you believe them to be.
As a reminder, you don't have to say any of that they know it to be true using their magical psychic powers or something lol.

So, gotta spell it out, coloring-book-like.

You post your "adaptation complains" in the thread dedicated to "oh noes the woke they are ruining everythiiing" and then go "no no I didn't mean it politically, just mentioning adaptation discrepancies".
The threads actual title is "Funny event of the "Woke" world".

Dunno about you I tend to be here to laugh at the absurdity of it all, because the whole point of the term "Woke" is many of the people pushing the activist ideas etc believe only they have awoken, they believe only they can see the problems with the world and also generally only their way and their solutions are the way out of it without understanding nuance or the complicated nature of things that help cause the issues.

They are the modern day Brecht only more so they believe their role is to "educate" their audience under some mistaken belief if they just push a little harder then regular Joe and Jane who have no real power will solve the problems (if they are even problems to begin with) rather than realising to get change they need to target people capable of making change.

All that you post here is directly, implicitely, part of the "look progressive values are imposed everywhere and break all that is good" narrative, because it's what whining about "wokeism" is all about. The thread itself is a political framing. The thread itself defines all posts here as "wokeism"-related. If you just wanted to discuss the elasticity of adaptations, you'd have put that in the general tv/movie news. It's here only because you see it as a politically-motivated distorsion to denounce.

And this thing would not have grown in your echo chambers if the changes were deemed apolitical - like the BBC jekyll, or disney's treasure planet.


(But also, if they did an urban Ulysses, it wouldn't be such a thing and you wouldn't be complaining about it in this thread here - unless they omg omg swapped his skin color or gender, making it an internet outrage and making the ship a mere pretext.)
No it's laughing about how the "Woke" side seem incapable of making much good when they let their values dictate their works so heavily.

Oh and for the record ITVs Jekyll and Hyde was better.



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Robin Hood has no definitive source material. He is just a legendary outlaw from folklore who might or might not actually have existed. Which various tales ballads and stories that still are existing usually having been written down centuries later.
Yes, he was supposed to be a good archer. But also a good swordsman, which most new adaptations ignore. And the bow is in many stories not a central or iconic element.
Honestly, Robin Hood is worse than King Arthur and his knights when it comes to canon lore and judging faithfulness.
The accounts that have been traced back most suggest he was a creation of clothing sellers to try and convince people to buy their travelling cloaks an other stuff lol.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Dwarf posted it numb nuts, not me.
Yeah, you have such a history of posting in this thread fake outrage that is only worth mentioning within the online back-and-forth of victimized conservatives that I merged you with the original topic import this time.

But if you have no political stake of the yelp-they-wokified-my-thingy sort, there's no issue left : these common language structural myths keep being transposed to new settings, plots, premises, and work all the same, because that's precisely this universal fundamental basis that makes their strength. You can have gay romeo & juliet in new york, and a lady frankenstein giving sentience to an AI, or the odyssey of a legless chinese seeking home for 10 weeks through the streets of kinshasa, avoiding the lure of any symbolic siren or loto flower, it's still a valid reappropriation of the structure or core idea. And given the number of real life contexts that do actually require a robin hood (or a david with any kind of metaphorical sling, or even whatever jesus you can think of), any iteration is a drop in the ocea of legitimate possibilities.

There is no reason to react to this one in particular (after an O'Brother, after a Fisher King, after Mr Merlin, after so many what-if-Dracula, what-if-Jesus, what-if-Jack-the-Ripper, etc) if not out of an echoed specific political bother that blows it out of proportion. But of course, it's always interestingly telling to see, in all adaptations/transpositions, were people locate the core (beyond deflections on peripheral pretexts that wouldn't have bothered them otherwise) and what they consider secondary. It's the James Bond "anything but black" experiment again and again.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah, you have such a history of posting in this thread fake outrage that is only worth mentioning within the online back-and-forth of victimized conservatives that I merged you with the original topic import this time.

But if you have no political stake of the yelp-they-wokified-my-thingy sort, there's no issue left : these common language structural myths keep being transposed to new settings, plots, premises, and work all the same, because that's precisely this universal fundamental basis that makes their strength. You can have gay romeo & juliet in new york, and a lady frankenstein giving sentience to an AI, or the odyssey of a legless chinese seeking home for 10 weeks through the streets of kinshasa, avoiding the lure of any symbolic siren or loto flower, it's still a valid reappropriation of the structure or core idea. And given the number of real life contexts that do actually require a robin hood (or a david with any kind of metaphorical sling, or even whatever jesus you can think of), any iteration is a drop in the ocea of legitimate possibilities.
So why is it the possibilities these days all seems to be the same one being explored to regularly?

Why is it so predictable what they'd do?
Why does it look so bad?
Why does (based on what I've heard and seen of it) it make so little sense?

Like it just seems like the director played the game Volume and went "Oh we should do that but Robyn Hood" and tried to awkwardly mash the ideas together So Robyn Hood is doing the crimes they posting rap videos bragging about it announcing where they are....................

There is no reason to react to this one in particular (after an O'Brother, after a Fisher King, after Mr Merlin, after so many what-if-Dracula, what-if-Jesus, what-if-Jack-the-Ripper, etc) if not out of an echoed specific political bother that blows it out of proportion. But of course, it's always interestingly telling to see, in all adaptations/transpositions, were people locate the core (beyond deflections on peripheral pretexts that wouldn't have bothered them otherwise) and what they consider secondary. It's the James Bond "anything but black" experiment again and again.
Except this one looks shit, it's now being defended her somewhat due to politics? Can't it just be shit and laughed it?

As for the James Bond thing......... I'd like to remind you people are rejecting the latest James Bond novel, where Bond is still white, due to the seemingly [current year] political commentary in it with the villain being a Pro Brexit tech billionaire or something


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Except this one looks shit, it's now being defended her somewhat due to politics? Can't it just be shit and laughed it?
If it is shit, it can indeed be mocked as shit. One then would probably be expected to explain why it's shit, and here the problem tends to emerge.

If the reasons for it being shit are like "bad acting / directing / action / plotting" etc. then the response will generally be "Sure, okay."

If the reasons are "OMG ROBIN HOOD IS A BISEXUAL BLACK WOMAN WOKE BULLSHIT!!!!! 🤬🤯😲" then the response is more likely be "Grow the fuck up and deal with it".


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
If it is shit, it can indeed be mocked as shit. One then would probably be expected to explain why it's shit, and here the problem tends to emerge.

If the reasons for it being shit are like "bad acting / directing / action / plotting" etc. then the response will generally be "Sure, okay."

If the reasons are "OMG ROBIN HOOD IS A BISEXUAL BLACK WOMAN WOKE BULLSHIT!!!!! 🤬🤯😲" then the response is more likely be "Grow the fuck up and deal with it".
I believe in at least one post here I've pointed out at least one of the plot issues lol.

They steal stuff.
They then do a rap video about how they've stolen it.
Clearly showcasing where they live.

And this is before you get to the modern Friar Tuck and his cybernetic implants........... oh yeh I didn't mention that apparently Friar Tuck in this is a somewhat alcoholic part cyborg hacker who has cybernetic finger implants so he can type in mid air without needing a keyboard so he can hack things.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I believe in at least one post here I've pointed out at least one of the plot issues lol.

They steal stuff.
They then do a rap video about how they've stolen it.
Clearly showcasing where they live.

And this is before you get to the modern Friar Tuck and his cybernetic implants........... oh yeh I didn't mention that apparently Friar Tuck in this is a somewhat alcoholic part cyborg hacker who has cybernetic finger implants so he can type in mid air without needing a keyboard so he can hack things.
Hmm. But those weren't the main focus of your ire, were they?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
If Trump hadn't killed Obamas Iran deal and pushed the Saudis wherever he could, we would have way better relations with Iran now and they might not support Russia with drones.

Also Iran has little to nothing to do with the current attacks.
They likely planned it, and 100 percent funded it at least partially. Plus if you give them money they will shift that money to welfare and then shift parts of their welfare budget to missiles, drones, and proxies like Hamas. Look up opportunity cost.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Hmm. But those weren't the main focus of your ire, were they?
No, because it's hilariously stereotypical [modern audiences] changes being made because in this age of representation no-one could possibly identify with some white dude fighting injustice lol.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States




And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
No, because it's hilariously stereotypical [modern audiences] changes being made because in this age of representation no-one could possibly identify with some white dude fighting injustice lol.
Yeah that's why there isn't any movie with a white dude fighting injustice anywhere ever anymore ever whatsoever anywhere anymore. White heroes have been eradicated from cinema and tv and also white dudes are being shot on sight in the street.

Also all videogames protagonists are gay or trans. These are hard times. You suffer a lot.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yeah that's why there isn't any movie with a white dude fighting injustice anywhere ever anymore ever whatsoever anywhere anymore. White heroes have been eradicated from cinema and tv and also white dudes are being shot on sight in the street.

Also all videogames protagonists are gay or trans. These are hard times. You suffer a lot.
Ok so why do so many franchises feel the need to try and change again?


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Ok so why do so many franchises feel the need to try and change again?
Maybe because there are communities where robinhoodism makes a bit more sense than donald trump assaulting social services to bring the tax money back to mar-a-lago guests, and maybe because we've had 100 years of strictly white dudes leading movies and series and it could be interesting to shift the corpus' proportionality a bit more towards real demographics ?

But of course, to insecure racists, it very quickly feels like AAAARGH THE BLACK GAY WOMEN THEY ARE EVERYWHERE NOW I SPOTTED ANOTHER ONE I CANNOT BREATHE.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
No, because it's hilariously stereotypical [modern audiences] changes being made because in this age of representation no-one could possibly identify with some white dude fighting injustice lol.
Sure, because it's so hard to think of any TV series or films from the last few years where a white guy fights injustice :rolleyes:

Ok so why do so many franchises feel the need to try and change again?
Why not?