US 2024 Presidential Election


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
So Trump just broke the law?
No. Or at least not in the situation you're thinking of.
It very explicitly says satellite offices are fine.
Which is fine if that's an option available to anyone. In 2020, it wasn't.
Plus the caveat that was mentioned that any election observer acting in bad faith is likely to more damaging to the process than beneficial.
Do you understand that posting about the value of a present minority and official observers in one post while arguing that satellite election offices that people can vote at aren't legally defined polling places so neither of those things are required makes it look like you're making both arguments in bad faith?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Because the Stryker platform does it cheaper, more capably, more sustainably, and to greater combat effectiveness -- to the point it was one of the contributing factors to the FCS program's demise (the others being recent production blocks of the Abrams and Bradley AFV's which did the job better with existing hardware)?

Right. Well, we'll get there.

Yes, advanced optics systems worked...and the whole-ass lunch was eaten by the Nett warrior program. Because again, why spend hundreds of billions of dollars in R&D over the span of decades, when one can simply develop proprietary operating systems and software for commercially-available smartphones and smartwatches.

Same deal for the stupid fucking power armor. Why spend hundreds of billions of dollars in R&D over the span of decades, when in the meantime MIT is over here saying "hey, we have working prototypes for liquid armor that are more effective without sacrificing warfighter mobility or fatigue, without the additional logistic burden of powering and maintaining powered armor"?

I get it, you love the ridiculously expensive overengineered boondoggles because they get headlines in Popular Mechanics or what-the-fuck-ever, and they look really cool. But you need to understand those boondoggles exist because colonels and generals really, really want high-paying jobs in the private sector, and are willing to suck the government teat dry for one. The rest of us are interested in whether or not whatever shit the Pentagon squats out over the armed forces is actually going to help win wars.

Again, we'll get to this.

Such a threat that its entire regional empire aspirations can be brought to heel by...a tariff. A country near-exclusively dependent on the US market (for now) to sustain its own existence, ain't a threat.

Which is incredibly ironic, that for all US chickenhawkishness in the face of China, the end result is driving it to securing and strengthening economic relations to Russia, various African countries, Saudi Arabia, and even fucking India. Nobody gives the remotest fuck about that stupid little island, but for hegemonic dick-waving and sabre-rattling brought about because a dead president was happier with a fascist sucking his dick than a communist.

Now it's time for us to loop back to the beginning of your post, the Armata platform. You do know Russia killed that six months ago, right? you know why they killed it? too expensive as compared to updating the T-90, in terms of manufacturing and support. But realistically it was more likely than not another lemon that didn't deliver the goods, like most Russian AFV experiments.

It's funny how Russia said they've deployed the T-14 to Ukraine and to great effect, but no actual recorded results or data points on that from either side of the conflict. About the same as the Su-57's combat performance thus far in Ukraine...which is, if I recall correctly, getting shot down in short order. By makeshift drones. But of course, Russia says they haven't used them in Ukraine so far, but at the same time they've been used in Ukraine to attack over 40 targets, just trust them bro.

See, here's the thing about Russia and China: they lie their asses off about the capabilities of their materiel. Then hawks repeat those lies to say we need bigger, better, faster and more expensive materiel, because we have to close defensive "gaps". It's a tale as old as the "missile gap" and it hasn't been true since the Soviet Union put the IS-8 to bed. Then does the US acquire that materiel through defection, theft, or acquisition of wreckage, or it shows up on a battlefield baring its whole ass to the world, and that they've just been building giant pieces of shit can no longer be hidden from the world at large.

You should know how this plays out from the story of Victor Belenko's defection alone. You know, the time when the entire Pentagon was performatively shitting its pants over the MiG-25 to maintain the kayfabe it was some Rooskie Super Anime Fighter against which we needed Newer, Bigger, Better, Faster fighters RFN. Despite the intelligence agencies telling the DoD it wasn't shit and we had nothing to worry about. Then bro just outright defected with one along with a whole lot of leaked information about the MiG-31, we disassembled and investigated it, and could no longer hide the fact it (and the MiG-31) wasn't shit and we had nothing to worry about.

The irony you're telling me to stop listening to Russian and Chinese propaganda when you're uncritically repeating this nonsense, all evidence to the contrary, is palpable.
The Stryker 105mm gun platform didn't work (the pentagon abandoned it), it was no tank light otherwise. The only versions of it that worked were the Dragoon and the soon-to-be M-SHORAD. Also, the armor sucked, and it even had to install cope cages around it to protect against 1980s RPGs.

The third arm of the power armor did work. It made you more accurate with LMG fire.

Also, I don't use popular mechanics; I use War on the Rocks.

As for China, yes, their economy is on fire right now (A stimulus is coming), and some of their upper middle class and portions of the rich are fleeing, but the PLA has decreased in capability. They are still spending on their military (with more tonnage built, J-20 production, Type 55 destroyer production), still spending on R&D, and still ahead on more various ETs or emerging technologies fields via it's more numerous patients, and they still have more engineers than the US.

And the Su-57 didn't get hit by drones in the air, it got hit on the runway, again, any drone can do that. It scored quite a few kills against Ukrainian Su-27s with long-range missiles alongside Mig-31s using ballistic missiles.

The T-14 and T-15 problem was that it was too expensive... for Russia, not for China, and the US if they were to do the same thing.

And there was a period when the USSR had more nuclear weapons than the US, because of aggressive US arms racing by Reagan which caused the USSR to go bankrupt. The US government is rightly doing the same thing again with the increases to arms production, and drone production by companies like Palantir, and Anduril Industries.

Also, you mentioned no one cares about Taiwan, one that's not even true today. They have the most advanced semiconductors on the planet in TSMC, with chips reaching from 10nm to 3nm. In every iPhone, every GPU (Nvidia) for AI, and quite a few military vehicles there is a TSMC chip. The world would be in a global great recession if TSMC factories in Taiwan were to be destroyed. And even if they didn’t have that, humans aren’t naturally realists like the progressive pro-Hamas realists who cheer on Hamas raping and killing Israeli civilians in Time Square on Oct 7th. I saw a lot of people suddenly start to care about Ukraine when the fighting started even at left-wing universities around the US, just like in Gaza when JDAMS were dropping at apartment buildings, and like in Syria as well, people have a tendency to care when they see images of mothers, and kids dying. There are 24 million people in Taiwan, and there are 30 million in Ukraine. People will start to care when they see human beings die.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Tractor manufacturer John Deere is aiming to move some of its manufacturing to Mexico. In response, Trump has threatened to slap a two hundred percent tariff on all of their products.

Problem is he can't, because that would violate a trade agreement that he signed into law.

You can't really expect Trump to remember everyanything he's done.
I don't think he would do that, but if BYD were to start making EVs in Mexico, to sell to the US, and bypass US tariffs, he may get away with tariffs on those cars on NATSEC grounds.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
You seem to have forgotten some context there. That "trade deal" was a free-trade agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, that committed Ukraine to EU defensive obligations as a necessary step towards eventual EU state membership, which by extension would have obligated Ukraine to participate in then-ongoing and future economic sanctions against Russia. It's a rather remarkable idea of state independence, that membership in a supranational union that carries with it defensive and economic obligations is a prerequisite for it, and that anything short of it (up to and including a multipartite neutrality agreement) must be by default considered Russian suzerainty.
If Russia is granted the right to dictate Ukraine’s foreign and domestic policy and employ extreme violence the moment Ukraine protests it would indeed be Russian suzerainty. And that’s what happened with the trade deal.

You yourself seem to forget some context. Namely that Europe and Russia werent enemies at that point, and that the sanctions were a result of Russian brutality, not the intention behind the trade deal. And sure, Ukraine could only intertwine it’s economy with one, so of course they didn’t pick the political, economic and cultural dead end that’s Russia.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Even stranger is that you consider a Western-backed coup d'etat a matter of that "trade deal blockage" "backfiring
Putin forcing his puppet to self destruct by so openly parading him as a Russian puppet and traitor is indeed it “backfiring”. How else could such a move have possibly ended?


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Trump doesn't think constitutional free speech should exist.

When speaking to supporters from the swing state, where both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have doubled efforts to capture the election count in November, Trump lamented the criticism aimed at the Supreme Court‘s conservative supermajority and said it should be “illegal.”

“They were very brave, the Supreme Court. Very brave. And they take a lot of hits because of it,” said the former president. “It should be illegal, what happens. You know, you have these guys like playing the ref, like the great Bobby Knight. These people should be put in jail the way they talk about our judges and our justices, trying to … sway their vote, sway their decision”

Trump, who appointed three of the Supreme Court’s six conservative justices, specifically praised the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade and allowing states to ban abortion, saying it “took a lot of courage.” He said abortion will forever remain a state issue, not a federal one, and complained that Democrats are upset about it. “All they can talk about is abortion. That’s all they talk about, and it really no longer pertains,” he said.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
You may be confused by the Russian insurgents claiming to fight for the 'independence' of their areas while also delivering them directly back into the control of the state their people voted to leave. It's confusing when warmongers and their puppets use 'independence' to describe its exact opposite.
are you conflating the Soviet Union with the Russian Federation? In any case, they fought for independence from Ukraine. with some success. where they choose to go from there, if anywhere, is their business. that's what self-determination means.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Criminal charges have been filed against Trump and Vance over the "Haitians eating dogs" hoax in Springfield.

Here's a list of the charges for those interested:

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Criminal charges have been filed against Trump and Vance over the "Haitians eating dogs" hoax in Springfield.

Here's a list of the charges for those interested:

View attachment 11927


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
The chance these avatars of Evil will actually be held accountable? Close to zero.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
The chance these avatars of Evil will actually be held accountable? Close to zero.
I'm hoping that within my lifetime school textbooks will acknowledge them as bad people, but not holding my breath on that one.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Which is fine if that's an option available to anyone. In 2020, it wasn't.
OK, so we've shifted away from the claim that they're not allowed onto the claim that they weren't fairly distributed, then? Does this mean you've conceded the former?

are you conflating the Soviet Union with the Russian Federation? In any case, they fought for independence from Ukraine. with some success. where they choose to go from there, if anywhere, is their business. that's what self-determination means.
No, no confusion: Ukraine (and numerous other subjects) had been under effective Russian domination through various permutations, under the Empire and the USSR. The text they overwhelmingly endorsed in 1991 endorsed Ukraine as an independent state along the "inviolable" borders of the Ukrainian SSR, and was recognised and accepted by the USSR.

Anywho: the insurgents actually had little success in battling Ukraine in 2014, and were near collapse after less than 3 months-- until they were flooded with Russian materiel and personnel in the latter half of 2014. For the proceeding 8 years Ukraine has been battling Russia operating via a proxy. The Donbas population hasn't been asked what it wanted since 1991, but has had an insurgent militia and occupying foreign military gunning them down and claiming to speak on their behalf.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
OK, so we've shifted away from the claim that they're not allowed onto the claim that they weren't fairly distributed, then? Does this mean you've conceded the former?
Nothing has shifted, you're just being obtuse. They weren't fairly distributed because they were invented for that election in blue counties. They started making them against the law as written, and got the judges to rule in their favor. By the time legality had been established, it was too late for anywhere else to even consider setting up extra locations for this purpose. Now that it's established as legal, other counties can do what they want. My county now has a second office opened for the election, they couldn't do that last time, since they'd have to had found a building, set it up, and staffed it in about a month's time to have any reasonable impact.

To make clear what was ruled here, there were two competing arguments:
1) The law says that ballots not returned by mail must be returned in person to the county board of elections, so submitting it anywhere else would be against the law.
2) The phrase "the county board of elections" is more of a concept than a specific location, so any place the Board tells you to drop it off is equally valid.

The court decided that these were equally reasonable interpretations, and thus the court could pick whichever they wanted, and the latter is what they felt the legislature (who had no say in this at any point) would agree with if they were given a say.

Now, for a second, try to imagine the position of another human being. Imagine you're on the board of elections for a different county, and you see what Philadelphia is doing. Do you follow suit for your county, and started dumping resources into satellite offices to help people vote while the legality is in limbo at best? What if you do, and let people start voting that way, and then the court system strikes down that ruling and invalidates thousands of votes? Do you want to be responsible for that? I mean, Philly is pressing forwards with the initiative, and they have the party connections to state leadership, they probably know something you don't, but would you risk your own election based on assumptions that cynical?


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
No, no confusion: Ukraine (and numerous other subjects) had been under effective Russian domination through various permutations, under the Empire and the USSR. The text they overwhelmingly endorsed in 1991 endorsed Ukraine as an independent state along the "inviolable" borders of the Ukrainian SSR, and was recognised and accepted by the USSR.
You could have just said "Yes, I am conflating the Russian Federation and the USSR".

Anywho: the insurgents actually had little success in battling Ukraine in 2014, and were near collapse after less than 3 months-- until they were flooded with Russian materiel and personnel in the latter half of 2014. For the proceeding 8 years Ukraine has been battling Russia operating via a proxy.
Supposition and surmise.

Foreign fighters from various other nations taking the side of the United States/Al-Qaeda in Syria: free individuals exercising their right to aid a liberation struggle.
Foreign fighters from Russia (and other countries, even including the United States) taking the side of the Donbass in a civil war between a secession movement and a government that is overtly hostile to ethnic Russians: illegitimate foreign intervention. Clearly under the command of Putin. No one could possibly support Donbass secession from Ukraine for any other reason than being under the command of the Russian government.
Foreign fighters from the United States and other NATO countries taking the side of Ukraine: definitely not in any way affiliated with NATO or under NATO command. The struggle for freedom from tyranny knows no borders!
George Orwell goes to Catalonia: Franco is fighting an invasion by the British government. :rolleyes:

The Donbas population hasn't been asked what it wanted since 1991, but has had an insurgent militia and occupying foreign military gunning them down and claiming to speak on their behalf.
They were asked in 2014, and whatever you want to say about irregularities or turnout, unofficial polling by various western media organizations at the time corroborated the result which was in favor of secession. The Azov regiment was the occupying foreign military.

You might say- if you say anything intelligent at all- "ah, but they were just reacting to the recent events in Odessa". Perhaps. And the December 1991 referendum also existed in a historical context that included very recent inflammatory events, such as the 1991 Soviet coup attempt. But of course it should be treated as timeless and immutable. Just like the earlier referendum held that year which indicated by vast majority a desire to preserve a Union of Soviet Sovereign States. It's Brexit for all time, can't ever change your mind.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Nothing has shifted, you're just being obtuse.
No: there are two separate claims being made, and although we'd been previously disputing one, your last post solely addressed the other.

They started making them against the law as written [...]
...if we accept your interpretation, which the government guidance (your own preferred source when addressing exceptions and corner cases) does not.

To make clear what was ruled here, there were two competing arguments:
1) The law says that ballots not returned by mail must be returned in person to the county board of elections, so submitting it anywhere else would be against the law.
2) The phrase "the county board of elections" is more of a concept than a specific location, so any place the Board tells you to drop it off is equally valid.

The court decided that these were equally reasonable interpretations, and thus the court could pick whichever they wanted, and the latter is what they felt the legislature (who had no say in this at any point) would agree with if they were given a say.
Yep, that's an accurate summary. Adding that the county board of elections is a body, not a location, and so this line has always been interpreted to cover a range of locations they operate as offices.

Now, for a second, try to imagine the position of another human being. Imagine you're on the board of elections for a different county, and you see what Philadelphia is doing. Do you follow suit for your county, and started dumping resources into satellite offices to help people vote while the legality is in limbo at best? What if you do, and let people start voting that way, and then the court system strikes down that ruling and invalidates thousands of votes? Do you want to be responsible for that? I mean, Philly is pressing forwards with the initiative, and they have the party connections to state leadership, they probably know something you don't, but would you risk your own election based on assumptions that cynical?
In short: Republican areas could have extended opportunities to vote more easily, but chose not to, and you want to make this the Democrats' fault.

Your speculation about their motives for not doing so doesn't really enter into anything.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You could have just said "Yes, I am conflating the Russian Federation and the USSR".
Oh, you consider "Ukrainian independence along the borders of the Ukrainian SSR" to reasonably include direct control by the Russian Federation, do you?

Now that's a tremendously bizarre understanding of 'independence', though quite on brand.

Supposition and surmise.

Foreign fighters from various other nations taking the side of the United States/Al-Qaeda in Syria: free individuals exercising their right to aid a liberation struggle.
Foreign fighters from Russia (and other countries, even including the United States) taking the side of the Donbass in a civil war between a secession movement and a government that is overtly hostile to ethnic Russians: illegitimate foreign intervention. Clearly under the command of Putin. No one could possibly support Donbass secession from Ukraine for any other reason than being under the command of the Russian government.
Complete credulity. There were literally thousands of Russian troops, including tanks from the Russian Federation. Training on Russian army bases in Russia. The idea they weren't acting as Russian proxies is facile.

They were asked in 2014
Utter horseshit. They were asked at the barrel of a gun, while their neighbours were tortured to death.
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
are you conflating the Soviet Union with the Russian Federation? In
In terms of foreign policies there’s hardly a difference between the federation, Soviet Union and the Tsars. All sought to impose its will on an unwilling Eastern Europe and brutalized those regions whenever they could. All those states were also completely backwards with a psychotic disregard for its population.
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I must say it’s pretty funny.
- If a wacky dictator oppresses their people for years or outright betrays the country then any anger in the population in response to this MUST be that dastardly CIA

- If a bloody rebellion is directly created by the Russian army and directly led by Russian operatives then this MUST be a legitimate wish of the people Russian soldiers are terrorizing.

Why would the direct involvement by the Russian army magically make things more legitimate?
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Adding that the county board of elections is a body, not a location, and so this line has always been interpreted to cover a range of locations they operate as offices.
You understand that an office of the board, as required by law, is an office within which the members of the board can work. Yes, that location is not specifically fixed in the laws, but the office that the county must maintain for the purposes of the Board of Elections is the office where they work. The satellite election offices aren't that, and drop boxes really aren't that, and people driving around vans to pick up people's ballots really, really aren't that.

And you're really gonna sit there and pretend that this is so obviously legal that anyone who didn't do it is really impeding the vote... Do you really want to be Seanchaidh #2?