Discuss and Rate the Last Film You Watched

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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
At the risk of banging the Reeve’s movie drum, that’s exactly what they did in that movie. Clark’s feeling pretty damn good because he just outran a train.......and then his father has a heart attack and dies.
Right, that's why I mentioned it, because it's a much better loss moment for Clark to humanize him. To show something that he can't solve with his super powers. MoS failed to accomplish that because 1. the scene looked so stupid, with Costner just holding out his hand to stop Clark, yet somehow staying on his feet, and then literally dissolving into the tornado, instead of being flung like a rag doll. So I'm laughing at the sheer idiocy of the scene structure. And 2. He could easily have fixed that and to hell with his cover.

The Reeve's scene reminds me of the similar scene in Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Buffy's mom dies of an aneurism, and she's freaking out calling 911, not knowing what to do, panicking, because this isn't a problem you can solve by Slaying it. It just had way more impact than Dissolving Tornado Dad


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Honestly the coloring didn't bother me at all. That's never been a detail I notice too much, or if I do, it's not really something I'm terribly critical of. Unless it's just REALLY obnoxious.
MoS not the worst to do the muted color palette, and I can at least still see things just fine (there is still come color thankfully). It's just annoying trend from the mid 00s I got tired of around 2008/09. The trends where in order to be "gritty/realistic" things had to be gunmetal gray/dogshit brown. It was even worse during the 7th generation of gaming, but films had their moments too. Death Race (2008) had for nearly the entire film until the ending when Tyrese and Jason Statham were in Mexico. Terminator Salvation had this too, but that actually makes sense as it takes place after nuking the entire fucking world.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Saw 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Beginning with Saw 2, every one of these movies has been either 1) lone protag walks past a series of death traps and fails to save anybody or 2) 5 or 6 people try to puzzle their way out of a series of death traps and die one at a time. Fancy how torture porn becomes a comfy little zone given enough time and repetition. What I like about these movies is the pretentious dead-earnest tone because I crack up thinking of all the people who took this shit seriously. What I dislike is how every new movie is 10% mor flashback than the previous one, so the sixth movie is basically 50% flashbacks to other movies. There's an air of trashy TV procedural to the franchise, it really banks on you having seen everything so far like you haven't missed an episode. I just wanna see people mangled by ridiculous contraptions but the more it slogs forward the more I'm supposed to give a shit about the cancerously-growing backstory to Jigsaw and a seemingly endless supply of apprentices.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Saw 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Beginning with Saw 2, every one of these movies has been either 1) lone protag walks past a series of death traps and fails to save anybody or 2) 5 or 6 people try to puzzle their way out of a series of death traps and die one at a time. Fancy how torture porn becomes a comfy little zone given enough time and repetition. What I like about these movies is the pretentious dead-earnest tone because I crack up thinking of all the people who took this shit seriously. What I dislike is how every new movie is 10% mor flashback than the previous one, so the sixth movie is basically 50% flashbacks to other movies. There's an air of trashy TV procedural to the franchise, it really banks on you having seen everything so far like you haven't missed an episode. I just wanna see people mangled by ridiculous contraptions but the more it slogs forward the more I'm supposed to give a shit about the cancerously-growing backstory to Jigsaw and a seemingly endless supply of apprentices.
I can't even bothered to watch these films. Let alone marathon them. Too cruel, disturbing, hypocritical, and up its own ass. 5 was the last film I saw in theaters, and never wanted to touch the series again. I already know how 6 ends due to my older brother (He can't stomach the films any more other than 1), and me looking at clips on YouTube later. Funny enough, my brother tried to defend the later sequels (specifically 5 & 6), only later to say they are all too depressing. The excuses he would come up with was trying to either downplay how bad the sequels have gotten to outright saying "they need to make their money some how". As if that they actually need it nor does excuse the shittiness. If I need something like Saw that badly, I rather just watch Seven again or Danganropa. At least there is a light of hope at the end of the latter, and the former only kept it to one film.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I watched Halloween '18 again, and the more I watch the more I dislike it. Especially Judy Greer who should not be in serious roles.

Also, recently having watched The Social Network again, I suddenly noticed Mark and Eduardo's room mate is totally the kid from Jurassic Park.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I can't even bothered to watch these films. Let alone marathon them. Too cruel, disturbing, hypocritical, and up its own ass. 5 was the last film I saw in theaters, and never wanted to touch the series again. I already know how 6 ends due to my older brother (He can't stomach the films any more other than 1), and me looking at clips on YouTube later. Funny enough, my brother tried to defend the later sequels (specifically 5 & 6), only later to say they are all too depressing. The excuses he would come up with was trying to either downplay how bad the sequels have gotten to outright saying "they need to make their money some how". As if that they actually need it nor does excuse the shittiness. If I need something like Saw that badly, I rather just watch Seven again or Danganropa. At least there is a light of hope at the end of the latter, and the former only kept it to one film.
To me the Saw movies are too silly and absurd to be depressing. I can't take anything seriously if it's trying to shock me this bad. The grammar itself makes it funny: the overacting (or lack thereof), the comedy whip-pans and transitions, the overuse of flashbacks to the point you expect a tragic backstory to a bowl of cereal. I can't take them seriously. They keep trying to tense me up with people trying to escape death traps when 1) most of the time I don't know who these people even are and 2) I know in typical have-your-cake-and-eat-it fashion they will fail but also pointlessly suffer just enough before they do. Which might as well apply to the movies overall.

The Saw movies aren't depressing; Haneke, von Trier and Charlie Kaufman are depressing.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
To me the Saw movies are too silly and absurd to be depressing.
I can understand why. For me, in some cases, yes. Other cases, no. Depends on the film in the series. For example I can't even watch one scene in VI. The ones involving the skin heads. Chester Bennington (former lead singer of Linking Park) plays one of them, and seeing the cruel death hurt more, when he killed himself in 2017. That is not exactly the film's fault, but there are some many scenes I find too needlessly cruel.
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Elite Member
Apr 10, 2020
I just finished watching Justice league and man of steel and I was VERY VERY impressed. Loved the movies and I am really looking forward to watching Batman V superman next!


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I just finished watching Justice league and man of steel and I was VERY VERY impressed. Loved the movies and I am really looking forward to watching Batman V superman next!
Not sure if you are aware, but you watched those slightly out of order. BvS comes before Justice League. So some elements might seem a bit odd or out of synch for you, just fyi.


Elite Member
Apr 10, 2020
Not sure if you are aware, but you watched those slightly out of order. BvS comes before Justice League. So some elements might seem a bit odd or out of synch for you, just fyi.
Yeah I had no idea there was a order to these movies but oh well, it all makes sense now lol..btw batman v superman was insane today probably my favorite with justice league


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Just saw Borat 2, was really funny. Your mileage with the film will vary based on how familiar with current political affairs you are but I loved it to death. Had me crying from laughter at two separate points and was giddy throughout the rest.

The best part of the movie is all the normal people they roped in. You had nazi salutes, offended christian housewives, an anti abortion pastor. It was great.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
More thoughts on Saw now that I finished the series.

* The first movie is the closest thing to good (and it's not).
* The third movie should've wrapped things up, for obvious reasons.
* Betsy Russell is porn-level awful at acting and I'm not convinced she didn't get the part because she was dating one of the producers at the time.
* The movies go so crazy with flashbacks you end up watching everything that happens in them like 3 or 4 times, well past the point you care for any of it.
* I mentioned earlier how every movie boils down to A) lone protag walking past a series of death traps while failing to save anyone or B) a group of people try to puzzle their way out of a series of death traps and die one at a time. 3, 4 & 6 are A types while 2, 5 & 8 are A types while. 1 is one of a kind. Haven't seen 7, AKA Saw 3D. But as the series goes on the movies stop giving a shit about these people and focus on developing characters who have been dead for several movies or are otherwise isolated from the whole death trap gauntlet and never interact with the people you're supposed to care about.
* I can't believe they're making a 9th movie. With Chris Rock and Sam Jackson of all people.

EDIT: Fucking called it.

How did you first get involved with the franchise?

Well, Mark Burg is my fiancé. That’s a very easy way to get into it! [laughs] But I’d been retired from acting for about ten years to raise my kids and so one day Mark said “You know there’s a couple of small parts going, so do you want to do get involved?” and I said, “Well I guess if you have to pay somebody, it might as well be me!”, so I had a tiny part in 3 and then writers wrote me a huge part in 4 and I was just kind of suddenly involved! [laughs]
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Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Uncut Gems

Darkly comedic character study about a sleazy New York jeweller and gambling addict portrayed by hack comedian Adam Sandler, of all people. To give the guy some credit, he has demonstrated some skill as an actor in the past, mainly in P.T. Anderson's Punch Drunk Love, but I will say, I never assumed he had the kind of performance he gave for Uncut Gems in him. Protagonist Howard Ratner is a scumbag, unambiguously so, and the movie never exactly asks us to have sympathy with him. That being said, despite focussing almost exclusively on a profoundly unlikeable character whose supporting cast mainly consists of other profoundly unlikeable characters, Uncut Gems is still an extremely engaging movie.

At its core it's a classic New York gangster flick, not too dissimilar to some of the works of Martin Scorsese, who has a producer credit on Uncut Gems. Ratner is a small time sleazebag getting in over his head, betting with money that's not his and constantly digging himself deeper into a mess he's increasingly unlikely to get himself out of. Directors Josh and Ben Safdie show great skill when it comes to conveying the constantly rising tension of Ratner's gamble, the movie is almost constantly hectic, loud and overwhelming, conveying, if nothing else, that this guy is balancing on the edge of cliff and it sure is getting windy.

Sandler's joined by ex basketballer Kevin Garnett, playing himself, as an unreliable client of his, Idina Menzel as his wife and Julia Fox as his Mistress. They're a neurotic bunch. There is a darkly satirical edge to the Safdie's portrayal of NYC and its people. It's a petri dish of unrelenting tension and anxiety that can escalate into violence at any given moment, and it frequently does.

Uncut Gems is an extremely entertaining gangster movie, with a very classical structure to it. The struggle of a guy in over his head who can't help raising the stakes, even when the odds are against him. It's characters are all easily dislikeable and you won't be so much rooting for its protagonist as anxiously waiting for him to finally get into a situation he can't weasel himself out of. That being said, between Sandler's convincingly slimy performance and the effortlessly tense presentation, Uncut Gems is an extremely entertaining watch and a more than wortwhile contribution to that subgenre about cutthroats trying to survive in New York.
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Looks above...

I admit, I never "got" the Saw movies. Granted, my experience with them is watching some of 2 (caught it in a hotel somewhere). Came off as torture porn. Even if it's torture porn under the theme of "you have to go through suffering to appreciate your life" or whatnot, it's still torture porn.

Like I said though, still barely some of one film.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Yeah I had no idea there was a order to these movies but oh well, it all makes sense now lol..btw batman v superman was insane today probably my favorite with justice league
Yeah, you wanna have gone Man of Steel=>Batman v. Superman=>Justice League. Wonder Woman is kind of like their Captain America so you can technically watch it at any point, but release wise it slots in after Batman v. Superman.

But hey, if you enjoyed watching them then that's ultimately what matters.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Looks above...

I admit, I never "got" the Saw movies. Granted, my experience with them is watching some of 2 (caught it in a hotel somewhere). Came off as torture porn. Even if it's torture porn under the theme of "you have to go through suffering to appreciate your life" or whatnot, it's still torture porn.

Like I said though, still barely some of one film.
Yeah I've never seen the appeal of those type films either, but then, I've never had a taste for horror films of any flavor honestly.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Looks above...

I admit, I never "got" the Saw movies. Granted, my experience with them is watching some of 2 (caught it in a hotel somewhere). Came off as torture porn. Even if it's torture porn under the theme of "you have to go through suffering to appreciate your life" or whatnot, it's still torture porn.

Like I said though, still barely some of one film.
It's torture porn desperately pretending it isn't, which makes it hilarious. You need that mix of conviction/denial for movies so bad to be good. It's the purported rug-pulls and "cleverness" that crack me up.

Conversely the Hostel movies are just straight up torture porn.


Elite Member
Apr 10, 2020
Yeah, you wanna have gone Man of Steel=>Batman v. Superman=>Justice League. Wonder Woman is kind of like their Captain America so you can technically watch it at any point, but release wise it slots in after Batman v. Superman.

But hey, if you enjoyed watching them then that's ultimately what matters.
I really did enjoy them, even tho it was in the incorrect order..I don't know why but I am not interested in watching Wonder Woman, is it any good? Any one care to share their opinions on the movie?