Recent content by 05026

  1. 05026

    Origin nowdays

    Just be aware that it isn't steam, so where steam would ask you for permission, origin just does it. Otherwise it is just an early, slightly more stable version of steam.
  2. 05026

    Escapist, Did I Screw Up?

    I did almost exactly the same thing, and it was fine for me. The suspicion may linger, but if she is your friend for long enough then she will see through what it may have appeared to be.
  3. 05026

    So I Just Got a Cat...

    When I got my cat, she was just a kitten and was a bit sick after having licked the detergent used at the pet shop. When we got home I showed her a bowl of food, her litter box. Then, as she was really timid, held her like a baby for approx 2 hours, during which time she slept. When she woke...
  4. 05026

    Poll: UK Citizenship Quiz

    I got 18 out of 24. This was a really easy test, I'm a 17yr old New Zealander who has never been to Europe. Some things like seeing a solicitor to buy a house I only knew from Grand Designs, but I can't see why a British person couldn't do it.
  5. 05026

    Why aren't hats allowed in schools?

    Here in New Zealand it is compulsory to wear hats outside. of the 6 detentions I have received in my schooling (so far, but only 2 more days left!!!) 5 of them have been for forgetting my hat.
  6. 05026

    Poll: Are your parents divorced? College Survey

    no maybe you could edit a surveymonkey link into opening post
  7. 05026

    Do you respect your police force?

    I respect my New Zealand police force, however they do spend too much time on speeding tickets than they should. I think that one of the worst things that can happen within a police department though is an excessive sense of watching each others backs. I understand that the police are often...
  8. 05026

    You are killed by the last weapon you used in the last game you played.

    1 cubic meter of sand, waved in my face. Not very awesome, dunno how painful =P OP, like your avatar =P
  9. 05026

    Which cancelled games did/do you want to see made?

    the original Spore - not the toned down kiddy version that was released. check out the beta gameplay video if you want to see it
  10. 05026

    Advice Required

    If they think you are qualified enough to be a air traffic controller, and you have the skills, then maybe you don't have to do something related to math. You could try doing volunteer work alongside your teaching, or do something like working at a social welfare organisation. I think you...
  11. 05026

    "Classics" that you were underwhelmed by.

    Movie- The godfather. 1 and 2, haven't put myself up to watching 3 yet. admittedly, I have only gotten to halfway on both, and after half an hour I was only half watching, but meh, It is the movies' job to hold my attention Book- Harry Potter, though I appreciate that the fault for that...
  12. 05026

    What do you keep finding yourself building in Minecraft?

    Huge walls, often I ring my construction area with cobble walls that reach the ceiling. Hence my lack of many large projects =P