Recent content by 12345cyclone

  1. 12345cyclone

    What was your Most Annoying Cut Scene?

    Masss effect two's unskippable first cutscene. Twenty minutes wasted every time I start a new game. Still love the game though.
  2. 12345cyclone

    The worst griefers you have ever played with.

    TOGGLE MUTE On Topic: This is the reason I stopped playing left for dead. We try and move through an area. Me and my two actual teammates are running through this zombie infested area shooting like crazy. The other guy(the BAD one) lags behind and screams SAVE ME SAVE ME...
  3. 12345cyclone

    What game(s) do you wish actually HAD a sequel?

    Shadow of the Colossus. A game that made you think, but still had GREAT graphics(for a ps2).
  4. 12345cyclone

    Game mechanics you wish you saw more of

    I thought the first person cover from killzone 2 LOOKED intresting. I haven't played the game because I have a 360, but it seems like an intresting concept.
  5. 12345cyclone

    Infinity Ward's New Map Packs, and the Forgotten Spec Ops mode.

    Oh, I almost forgot, in the video on xbox live for the resurgence map pack. Robert Bowling probably made the Trailer Park map himself. What was his favorite moment on the new maps when asked? Camping behind a clown on Carnival. We can all see what the inspiration for the new maps are going to be.
  6. 12345cyclone

    Infinity Ward's New Map Packs, and the Forgotten Spec Ops mode.

    That really is annoying, because the online is dominated by running classes and spec-ops was the only mode me and my friends found ourselves using actual tactics.
  7. 12345cyclone

    Infinity Ward's New Map Packs, and the Forgotten Spec Ops mode.

    I figured that, but I just don't feel to well knowing that Treyarch is the only decent Cod developer now.
  8. 12345cyclone

    Infinity Ward's New Map Packs, and the Forgotten Spec Ops mode.

    That's an intresting idea, put out dlc as another few "levels" of the co-op campaign. Or do you just mean a co-op remake of the singleplayer.
  9. 12345cyclone

    Infinity Ward's New Map Packs, and the Forgotten Spec Ops mode.

    Grab your eye medication and some snacks now, because you're in for a read. First of all, left me start of by saying that I really enjoyed special ops(spec ops) in MW2 and I thought in was a great idea for the cod games and could be much more popular than nazi zombies if supported with SOME...
  10. 12345cyclone

    The song that really made a game for you.

    From the indie game(xbox 360) "I made a game with zombies in it" I made a game with zombies in it. I made a game with zombies in it. They come at you from the siyayides(sides) You better shoot them or your gunna diyayie(die) Because I made... That was the most random song ever...
  11. 12345cyclone

    Dethroning Modern Warfare 2 and Halo 3

    Wow, I'm going to be pissed if nobody notices the new Ghost Recon Game. It won't dethrone any of the major titles, but hopefully it will get a considerable amount of players, because R6V2 is practically unplayable on some game types because nobody plays it anymore. A shame.
  12. 12345cyclone

    Characters from one game in another

    Well, Sergent Johnson must've got bored fighting aliens in Halo, because now he's leading B-Company in the battlefield: bad company series. And he apparently changed his name to Redford. They look like freaking twins! Oh, and how about Grunt from Mass Effect 2 in a splinter cell game.
  13. 12345cyclone

    Surprisingly good games you bought because they were cheap

    The original splinter cell used for .99 cents from Gamestop. AMAZING!
  14. 12345cyclone

    MW2: AC-130 or Chopper Gunner

    Yeah, but if you use other earlier kills streaks such as stealth bomber, harrier strike, and predator missile(not at the same time) then you could get the AC-130 or chopper gunner in 5 kills(usually in 7)
  15. 12345cyclone

    MW2: AC-130 or Chopper Gunner

    At 11 kills, you can either get an AC-130 or a chopper gunner. I'm going to lay out some pros and cons as to both of them to help you decide and get a discussion going. PROS AC-130 -You get a wider view of the battlefield, because you're farther away and higher up. -You get 3 different...