Recent content by Adam Galli

  1. Adam Galli

    Robin Williams' Daughter Leaves Twitter Following Online Abuse

    Amazing how many truly disgusting people are out in this world. People like this need to be dragged out in the middle of the street and executed.
  2. Adam Galli

    How well can you 'let something go'?

    Overall I have a hard time letting things go. I can hold a grudge for a long time. If you do something to slander my name eg my current and one of my ex coworkers I will never have respect for you ever again.
  3. Adam Galli

    How do you Organize your Games/Movies/Comics/etc?

    My movies and games are organized alphabetically. When it comes to a series like call of duty I have them arranged by year of release within the C's so World at War ends up in the middle rather than at the end.
  4. Adam Galli

    Poll: Whats your deadly sin?

    I commit all seven deadly sins on a regular basis but if I had to chose one that would be my downfall I would have to go with gluttony. I love my pepperoni and extra cheese pizzas.
  5. Adam Galli

    NASA Discovers Evidence of Fresh Water on Mars

    It's time for a manned mission to mars.
  6. Adam Galli

    Michigan accent and other American accents thoughts?

    As a Michigander I notice we like to put an "s" on words that don't need it. "I'm going to Wallmarts"
  7. Adam Galli

    Personality test time!

    Introvert 67% sensing 12% feeling 12% judging 33%
  8. Adam Galli

    Poll: Do You Run?

    I started to really enjoy running in the fire academy but then I got a job working mid nights and that killed me. I put on 23 pounds and started smoking almost a pack a day. Now I'm working on getting this weight off.
  9. Adam Galli

    Poll: Would you consider yourself a regular here on the escapist?

    I used to be then I got busy with school and work
  10. Adam Galli

    Your favorite book/book series?

    I don't really read series of books I read mostly military non fiction from ww2 to the present. I just finished American Sniper by Chris Kyle (R.I.P). I would place that in my favorites.
  11. Adam Galli

    Let's say we had a choice to not use the white phosphorous (Spec Ops: The Line spoilers)

    I would have used the willy Pete anyway. At the time you couldn't be sure who in ACUs was friendly or not.
  12. Adam Galli

    What's the oldest game you can still enjoy today?

    My old nes games. That's the oldest system I have.
  13. Adam Galli

    Need Help Choosing Sniper Elite V2 vs. Prototype 2

    I haven't played prototype 2 but sniper elite v2 is a pretty good game. I would also recommend sniper ghost warrior 2. Sniper ghost warrior 2 feels more like a sniper experience than v2.
  14. Adam Galli

    A quarter million people petition for the Westboro Baptist Church to be reclassified as a hate group

    It deserves to be a hate group and that dickhead pastor deserves to be in prison.
  15. Adam Galli

    Poll: Which of these is worse?

    A freakin sledge to the balls would be horrific. I would destroy them.