Recent content by AdamRBi

  1. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Simple controls does not mean bad controls. Funny enough, I have not played Brothers, but Nintendoland: Sweet Days had you controlling the patrol dogs the exact same way (mini-game mechanic into full game mechanic) and I was easily able to control both characters separate from each other. Pikmin...
  2. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    OH, wait I get it now; YOU'VE found these features not fun or unnecessary so you assume it's because they're terrible and the device is shit. Well okay then, guess if I find some of them fun I guess me and everyone else don't matter. BUT let's take a stab at some of your opinions stated as...
  3. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Pikmin 3 Okay, you like HUDs being gone, personally I don't mind on screen HUDs. I enjoy off-screen play, you don't care (though it is a cool feature when you can use it). Many games have made great use of the two screens, it's become clear that you haven't been paying attention if all you...
  4. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Again, firstly, that first point is wrong. Again, I don't know who told you this, but no where in life or online did I hear anyone but you say that the games had ANY complaints like that. The games were pretty wall praised on release. Second point, if all you've played are ports like AC3 and...
  5. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Woah woah woah... I'm not sure who you heard THAT crock of lies from but my friend, my friend, but Mario Chase, Sweet Day, and Luigi's Ghost Mansion are amazing party games. Their biggest and best feature is the use of the gamepad. And this is somehow a problem? It almost sounds like you never...
  6. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    If you've only played games that use the Gamepad as a UI/HUD then I get where you're coming from. I'd highly suggest playing the party games, like Nintendoland, with friends because that's where it really shines. Off-TV play is really great too if you just want to get in a quick game but either...
  7. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    They have second party studios doing wonderfully with those (Metroid Prime for example); also they made Twilight Princess so I mean, for every Splatoon there's a Bayonetta.
  8. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Okay, first point; fair enough; "ultra super macho man, grim and gritty dark mature super bloody fun times" is a bit of a stretch for most games. Exaggeration and stretches are terrible explanations for all games with exception of a choice few. Second point, "they will have lost the only...
  9. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    You know, it's attitudes like that which cause 3rd party developers and players to shun the console when making or buying their "super macho mature" titles. It's really nothing more than a "comic book vs. graphic novel" difference in title, but it can make a world of difference.
  10. AdamRBi

    Ubisoft Sees No Profit or Point in Wii U Mature Titles

    Honestly what's annoying is that Ubisoft is saying it's because the games are "Mature" and that's why they're not selling. Not even counting port delays, the fact that they're ports, brand familiarity on other consoles for the AC series, poor advertising for the WiiU versions or any other...
  11. AdamRBi

    The Big Picture: Link Be A Lady

    With Link's design in the new game; I imagine, unless gender is intertwined with the story via romance or gendered roles, that changing some pronouns and some dialogue is all you really need to paint the illusion of alternate genders. Pretty simple; heck if they've got the time they can even...
  12. AdamRBi

    Nintendo Interested in Altering Film Adaptation Format

    Eh, look, the idea of bringing interactivity to a movie is just as flawed a concept as taking it out of games. I really don't think there's a magic bridge or missing link between the two mediums. If Nintendo really wanted to experiment with films based on their properties, properties like...
  13. AdamRBi

    Zero Punctuation: Pikmin 3

    When it comes to the control scheme I do really dislike the gamepad (and by extension the Pro Controller), I really like the Wiimote controls. That being said, the improved aiming and locking has come at a terrible cost... ... you will be missed C-Stick. Ba dah ba de ba ba bah da ba da ba...
  14. AdamRBi

    Mega Man Blasts Into Super Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS

    Super excited, so long as they keep improving the system like they did with Brawl, allow you to customize matches a bit for Party and Tournament players, and not dare take out any of my best characters then we'll be all good. Really liking Villager, more then Megaman in fact, and it looks...
  15. AdamRBi

    Zynga's New Game Pulls From Pokemon, Rage of Bahamut

    It's a little sad, I would come to expect more from a major publisher, even if it's Zynga. Who's idea was it to make a game about monster training and have the main gameplay be "click screen to walk forward, then we give you something at random?" Makes me think of the most recent Extra...