Recent content by adamselene

  1. A

    The R Word

    There are so many ways to look at that question... You could go with the strictly personal view: Does it benefit me more to do one thing than the other? If it causes harm to one person, but other people like it when I say that, maybe I should say it anyway because it's more beneficial to me...
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    The R Word

    The problem with "trying not to hurt the feelings of others" in some absolute sense is that it's actually impossible. People keep coming up with new terminology they want changed. And, e.g., I was at a LGBT* conference where the keynote speaker spent a few minutes trying to specifically...
  3. A

    The R Word

    Let's be fair here. There are a LOT more people who have been raped than have come close to being murdered. In terms of offense/hurt/whatever per word usage, you're getting way more with the word ?rape?. Whether that inspires you to use the term more or less in a personal choice, but don't be...
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    The R Word

    The women I know in the U.S. who've been groped rarely do anything about it, either. Typically I advise them to kick the next one in the balls. (Note: Not that groping is limited to men groping women.)
  5. A

    The R Word

    ?and an incredibly mysogynistic culture, in which women are rarely allowed to do any professional work. Note that I've personally worked with a few tech companies in Japan over the years, and not one of them had even a single female engineer. Is that really a shining example? It's also just...
  6. A

    The R Word

    As another man who was raped as a child, I completely understand where you're coming from. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as what you're written. There are numerous parts of public discussion today that are patently offensive. Ad hominem attacks about the president because of his...