Recent content by adragonofgold

  1. adragonofgold

    What did you name your Skyrim character?

    Merlin.. Bet you couldnt have guessed that I'm a Wizard.. Mastering the art of Fire Magic.
  2. adragonofgold

    Poll: Which game are YOU getting/got this november?

    Skyrim.. midnight release. With a 7 day vacation following.
  3. adragonofgold

    Watches, how do you wear yours?

    No watch, I use my phone now. Before I had a cell phone I used a pocket watch.
  4. adragonofgold

    Poll: Does anyone actually like being the "warrior"?

    You asked.. If I LIKED playing the warrior. No I do not like playing as the warrior. BUT I do play the warrior... usally the 3rd or 4th play through.
  5. adragonofgold

    What race are you planing on playing in Skyrim

    First--Breaton Wizard Second--Khajiit Theif Third--Argonian Assassin Fouth--Nord Warrior Havent picked a fifth yet lol
  6. adragonofgold

    So who else isn't buying BF3 or MW3

    Not gonna buy either. But If someone out there wants to give me a copy... I wouldnt turn it down. I just need to wait til the 11th.
  7. adragonofgold

    The Setting Of The Last Game You Were In Is Your New Home

    I'm in RE4... At what point in the game am I stuck in? Not good unless I'm Leon.... Still not that great. But I have the Tommy Gun with unlimted ammo so I could just collect all the red, yellow and green herbs I can carry..
  8. adragonofgold

    Who needs Bronies? Where my Power Puff Guys at?

    Got the movie, got the box set dvd... Saw the movie opening day, first showing. had truck mats, key chain of the girls and of Mojo Jojo. Also wanted a tattoo..
  9. adragonofgold

    Your 10 Commandments

    I just have one. "Dont be a dick."
  10. adragonofgold

    Games you like, but everyone seems to hate

    Lost Odyssey
  11. adragonofgold

    The City nearest to you has just been nuked.

    Well if its the closest city.. i"m 2miles away. I guess I'll see the flash of light and hve time to think "hey that looks like a ........"
  12. adragonofgold

    Are You Worried About Skyrim

  13. adragonofgold

    Whats your first race/class combo in Skyrim going to be?

    First--Breaton Wizard Second--Khajiit Theif Third--Argonian Assassin Fouth--Nord Warrior Havent picked a fifth yet lol.
  14. adragonofgold

    Most Annoying Thing A Boss Can Do.

    Glad i wasnt the only one thinking this question was about the boss that signs my paycheck. ummm Bosses that only have one point on their body where they can be damaged.. and the game doesnt show where that is.
  15. adragonofgold

    Where are you getting your copy of Skyrim?

    Gamestop... Midnight release. Followed by a 24hour marathon game session with friends. Maybe not 24 hours but as long as we can go.