Recent content by Agema

  1. Agema

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    Presuming you're talking about who I think you are, it's the guy who proudly talks about supporting Bernie Sanders - who is literally the only self-declared socialist in the Senate - for president and then writes about socialism being a load of crap that will never work. Or starts banging on...
  2. Agema

    It's ok to be angry about capitalism

    So I have read, this is arguably what Piketty's book "Capital in the 21st Century" indicates. tl;dr: people earn money faster through investment than labour. Therefore overall the richer people are the proportionally faster they earn and wealth accumulates in fewer and fewer people. Eventually...
  3. Agema

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    No, but in the rhetoric, that's sort of where things have been going. The argument clearly has been advanced that pretty much any consequences people pay for exercising free speech is stifling their free speech: effectively, if they exercise free speech, you can't exercise yours in return...
  4. Agema


    Sure, if they also think that a guy who stops them in the street, holds a knife up to their throat and demands their wallet is a criminal mastermind.
  5. Agema


    It's pretty chaotic, at minimum. Assuming organised intent, it does make it look like it was a very crude attempt to strong-arm Ukraine into conceding to US demands. Presumably this attempt has now either succeeded or failed and so normal service can be resumed. Alternatively that Russia was...
  6. Agema

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    Sounds to me like that would be better called "assault and false imprisonment".
  7. Agema

    Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may soon go through

    Indeed, and you'd be amazed at how many companies appear to think that if they're not getting security breaches, it means they're wasting too many resources on security. You can guess the rest.
  8. Agema

    Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may soon go through

    Possibly more problematic is that he got away with it. When people do awful things without ramifications then they'll learn that they can do awful things without ramifications. It's a societally concerning lesson.
  9. Agema

    Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter may soon go through

    This wouldn't be the first time he's lied about a DDoS attack on FKA Twitter. He tried to stream a big political interview back in election time that crashed FKA Twitter, and blamed it on a cyberattack rather than admitting the more prosaic reason that his platform wasn't capable of handling...
  10. Agema

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    To be fair, the US government could have done a lot more to cripple Ukraine if it had wanted. The USA has turned off or "paused" a series of relatively non-critical services to Ukraine, which has the character more of an ominous reminder who's boss than making Ukraine the enemy. It doesn't serve...
  11. Agema

    It's ok to be angry about capitalism

    Is it really your position that people should not comment where there is evidence government action may be pointless and wasteful?
  12. Agema

    It's ok to be angry about capitalism

    It was fascinating looking at the action that the US Dept. of Agriculture was going to take to get US egg prices down. It just turns out that maybe the Dept. of Agriculture maybe doesn't need to spend anything at all: the appropriate action might actually be from the Dept. of Justice. tl;dr...
  13. Agema

    Oh sweet baby Jesus no, burn AI to the ground, humanity can't be trusted with it

    I know that it's hardly big news for AI to spout bollocks, but I just I thought I'd share this one Google's gifted me because I'm not allowed to turn the AI function off from my search settings:
  14. Agema

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    Let's look at the positive: Americans can take some pleasure that at least for a little while during Infantino's visit, Trump was not the most corrupt person in the Oval Office.
  15. Agema


    Indeed. As is pointed out by Trump and many of his supporters, Putin didn't attack Ukraine while Trump was in office. What this neglects to consider is that Putin didn't invade Ukraine whilst Trump was in office not because Trump was strong, but because Trump was weak and thus would leave...