Recent content by AlbinoHero

  1. AlbinoHero

    Why aren't more realistic and serious animated movies being made?

    I like your argument. There are not enough serious animated films out there for adults and it would be nice to see more (especially western films) made. Now I know that there are a few beautiful examples of films that fit your criteria, but there are reasons why there are so few: 1-A...
  2. AlbinoHero

    the game with the most re play value,not counting on-line!

    Agreed, LoZ: OoT has such a high replay value to me, I made sure to DL it to my Wii. Kingdome Hearts takes second place.
  3. AlbinoHero

    Your avatar is making sexual advances on you! What now?

    I see my avatar and think "Ouch, OUCH! OUCH!" So I would probably run away and scream like a masculine little girl.
  4. AlbinoHero

    University Videogame Will Teach Girls to Say "No" to Sex

    Maybe things have changed since I was a pre-teen, but I could have sworn that playing video games guaranteed no sex? Or is that only for boys?
  5. AlbinoHero

    IT CAME FROM NETFLIX! The Gamers: Dorkness Rising

    Great review! There's something endearing from the indy quality this film has. What makes it good are the characters what makes it great is the story. I've become a huge Dead Gentlemen's Productions fan because of this film.
  6. AlbinoHero

    What could replace War?

  7. AlbinoHero

    What could replace War?

    The worlds largest Spelling Bee.
  8. AlbinoHero

    Escape to the Movies: Avatar

    I can respect that. Though I need to survive the holiday before I see it, but that's another story...
  9. AlbinoHero

    Escape to the Movies: Avatar

    It probably a good movie, maybe even a great one, but that doesn't fix the fact it doesn't appeal to me. The overflow of hype created on the internet and the crappy trailers made me lose any interest I might have had in it. When the creators of something throw their product into my face...
  10. AlbinoHero

    Escape to the Movies: Avatar

    My real issue is that it took the title away for another movie that I was anticipating: The live action version of "Avatar: The Last Airbender." Hell, they even stole the font the cartoon had used for the title. I'll wait to see it on video. Not because of the 'plot' or anything. It just...
  11. AlbinoHero

    Recommend a Sci-Fi Book

    "Ender's Game" is a very good book, along with the the sequels and spin off Shadow series.
  12. AlbinoHero

    What's a good D&D character?

    I've always found monks to be fun followed by rogues. Races don't make too big of a difference unless you want something really off the wall or that creates an extra bonus for abilities (ie: Orcs/half orcs for strength or halflings for dexterity)