Recent content by alinos

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    The Witcher 2 Pirated "Roughly 4.5 Million" Times, Says Dev

    Except that alot of those people wouldn't have even paid a penny. I know people who downloaded it played it for 30-60minutes and gave up and haven't touched it again. now they probably moved on and forgot about it but if those same people had paid 50 dollar's and felt that because they didn't...
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    Extra Punctuation: What Is the Matter with You People?

    See you've hit the nail on the head. We are all really just afraid the little shit's are going to do just that and come and murder us. While i don't have said mod, my issue is that if for whatever reason i have decided to slaughter every living creature in town. It seems rather stupid that...
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    ME3: Are the Reapers the Good Guys?

    except last i checked reaper's were robot's who don't need to feed on organic like. The equivalent would be us going around killing every cow and then just leaving them dead on the ground and not using any part of them. they harvest as the game put's it because that is their purpose. But...
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    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    ironic you talk about spamming a wall of text when your post is just as big as mine if not bigger. Yes a doctor who is a plastic surgeon, does plastic surgery. But maybe just maybe if we didn't offer all sort's of vanity treatment's, these plastic surgeon's might actually be doctor's which...
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    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    Well considering that in the middle age's being fat was a sign of wealth and power. As you know you could afford food while the majority either starved or ate what they could afford. and it was all natural which is a big point. these day's it cost's alot more to eat healthy than it does to...
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    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    Are we banning breast implant's and any other non life saving uses of doctor's time. Because that's what your arguing here. your also ignoring gene's. Where one person can have a fucking awesome metabolism and eat 10 cheeseburger's a day and not gain any weight. While you can have another...
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    Why it is acceptable to criticize smokers, but not fat people?

    The thing is how do you tell who actually has a problem and who is fat because they lack the willpower. Not to mention that generally speaking calling someone out for being fat is more likely to have them reaching for those comfort foods than it is going to send them to the gym. I'd also...
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    Class Action Against Bad Programing.

    what a moronic idea. Yes let's make it to the point where a programming bug cost's the company more than the entire development budget. I could see the logic if they release a game so broken that it's virtually unplayable, and it's the community not the company that fixes it. But...
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    Jimquisition: Dynasty Warriors Is The Citizen Kane Of Gaming

    Didn't realize there was so much hate towards this. Anyone who invalidates someone else's opinion's because of something they like they are simply moron's
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    Mythic Founder Thinks Most Free-to-Play MMOs Are "Crap"

    You mean pay 2 play like all sub based mmo's Fact is there are shining examples of F2P/B2P working great just as there are shining examples in sub based mmo's And their is trash in each sector. Paying 15 dollars a month in WoW along with paying for expansions is ridiculous Even...
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    Mythic Founder Thinks Most Free-to-Play MMOs Are "Crap"

    The problem is that the majority of F2P MMO's are made by small devs which is why they suck. B2P or high level MMO's that have been sub model like LotRO are great. Fact is that never in any MMO have a felt like my sub fee was warranted. When the content that i want to play through is only...
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    Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

    we had multiple weapons in Resistance 1, and i think that we might have had med packs. Too long ago to remember. and there was the crazy weapons
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    Poll: Would accept to live in this village/reality show for a year for 10 million $

    I don't think i would have any problem with half of those thing's. Since i figure going into it thing's like DvD's and Video games would be barred anyway, because they promote being an introvert. Logic dictates that theres no internet/no phone for outside calls. So the phone line being gone...
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    Poll: Would accept to live in this village/reality show for a year for 10 million $

    Though it would make for some awesome TV. Because it would then be the equivilant of everyone putting there hand on a car. last one with their hand on gets it. instead you start with 1000 contestants. And you actively try to make it so others would leave. Cut their power during winter in...
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    Poll: Would accept to live in this village/reality show for a year for 10 million $

    It's a no brainer. there are no negative aspect's to this. You've set it up so that you basically get 10 million dollars for 365 days of nothing. I wouldn't even care if there was no internet, no TV, no Video games. At the end of it i'd have 10 million dollars which you could easily...