Recent content by ALK2330

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    What games do women play?

    Hello! I'm 22 and a female and have been playing FTL a lot lately. I split Injustice: Gods Among us with my boyfriend and we have been playing that as well. In general, I prefer turn-based (PC) games. I like Civilization V a lot as well. I have logged so many hours playing Civ V that I wish...
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    Poll: Have video games/film desensitized you to violence?

    I also think that seeing things on the news and in newspapers and such are more likely to desensitize people to violence than video games. You can shoot zombies and button mash in fighting games, but those things are a far cry from pointing and shooting a gun at someone in real life and getting...
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    The Portal 2 E3 Demo Will Give You a Headache

    The only thing I didn't like was that the game isn't out yet. Who do we need to talk to to fix this most pressing problem?