Recent content by ALuckyChance

  1. ALuckyChance

    Poll: If you could topple FOX news would you?

    If it's a toss up between hilariousness and the ridding of stupid, discriminatory propoganda that millions of people watch, I damn well hope I'd take the latter.
  2. ALuckyChance

    Poll: What is your age/gender?

    Male, will be fifteen next March. I hope all you old people aren't jealous of my youth ;) I'm also a Neutral Good, though I lean a bit towards the Lawful side.
  3. ALuckyChance

    You've just woken up naked next to the lead singer of the last band you listened to

    Marko Saaresto?! I'd be fine with that. Though he'd probably be arrested, considering how young I am.
  4. ALuckyChance

    Poll: Poll: Would you resort to cannabalism if you had no choice?

    I think when you're even regarding the idea of eating people, it becomes less a question of morals and more a question of practicality anyway.
  5. ALuckyChance

    Poll: Poll: Would you resort to cannabalism if you had no choice?

    Technically, the disease is caused by the transmission of prion particles, which simply happens to be much more concentrated in the brain. You could get the disease from eating any part of the body, there would just be a much reduced chance if the brain was not eaten. At the very least the...
  6. ALuckyChance

    Poll: Poll: Would you resort to cannabalism if you had no choice?

    You're not factoring in the process of freaking digestion and the existance of an international culture that condemns cannibalism by principle. Not to mention cannibalism apparently has links to Kuru, a disease that causes body tremors, inability to stand uncontrollable laughter, and death...
  7. ALuckyChance

    Dumbest thing you have ever done that you dont regret doing?

    Unrequited teenage love? I mean, my entire seventh grade was a depression I sadly enough didn't really want to get out of, for fear of the alternative. Everybody's teenage years is just full of stupid, isn't it?
  8. ALuckyChance

    So, I found an article on Shigeru Miyamoto.

    If you want a book about not only Nintendo but the history of the video game industry, try The Ultimate History of Video Games. It only covers up to 2001 (the year it was published), but it's crazy good for facts and history and technical things.
  9. ALuckyChance

    Poll: Is sexting/sending sexual pictures cheating?

    Why the fuck would you sext? Sexual gratification, without your partner, to another? See, that's kinda the textbook example of 'cheating.'
  10. ALuckyChance

    Is it better to keep silent or even lie to not ruin people's hope, or to be honest and dispel myths?

    I prefer crushing people's hopes only when they ask for my opinion. Don't want to intrude, you understand. Unless it's life threatening or something. Then I'll definately be on their ass.
  11. ALuckyChance

    Poll: Poll: Would you resort to cannabalism if you had no choice?

    Well, I'm a bit of a picky eater, so I'd probably starve first. Also, it strikes me as very unhealthy if it wasn't cooked or if it was any significant time after it was dead.
  12. ALuckyChance

    Nintendo: "3DS battery life only 3-5 hours with 3D on"

    It's 3D, I'm sure it would have to take a good bit of battery. Not to mention, four hours (a good middle ground, apparently) suits me well enough.
  13. ALuckyChance

    New Vegas After the Patch

    FOr the PC, and with the latest patch, it works pretty well - only one crash so far, though I did get one incredibly annoying bug the last time I played today. I don't know about the console versions, though.
  14. ALuckyChance

    The Death Penalty:

    Really, most arguments for or against the death penalty revolve around whether such an act is 'humane' or not. To some people, having a person spend their life in repentance is better than having the said person be killed 'in cold blood' - perhaps even when the criminal is innocent. To...
  15. ALuckyChance

    The Death Penalty:

    Both prison and the death penalty is supposed to scare off potential criminals, but it's also done to make sure that prisoners don't commit more crimes. The fear factor certainly isn't the ONLY reason for the death penalty, or even the "REAL" one - again, some people find it more practical to...