Recent content by AmericanIdiot1993

  1. AmericanIdiot1993

    What's your favourite movie of 2010?

    The Social Network. Just because Andrew Garfield was so good.
  2. AmericanIdiot1993

    What state are you from?

    I am from Maine, best known for lobsters, moose, and Stephen King.
  3. AmericanIdiot1993

    Most boring/difficult books you've ever read.

    I just read The House of Mirth, and that book is so boring! I could barely finish it. That, and then of course my all time least favorite book ever, Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. It is a lesser known book, and thats a good thing, because it is atrocious.
  4. AmericanIdiot1993

    Random facts that you will probably never need to know in life

    Dolphins can ejaculate at up to 180 MPH
  5. AmericanIdiot1993

    Who is your favorite voice actor?

    Tom Kenny. Spongebob, Ice King, Raimundo, and many more. Easily one of the best voice actors out there.
  6. AmericanIdiot1993

    Do you always keep your starter Pokemon in you party?

    I think the games are designed in a way to make it really hard to not have it in your party, at least early on. The only game i didn't use my starter in was Sapphire, but that was before i discovered the amazing flaming karate chicken :D.
  7. AmericanIdiot1993

    Pokèmon... When will we finally be able to catch them ALL??

    I love the pokemon series, but my biggest complaint is that the only way to get half the content is through events at stores and contests and stuff like that. by the time these events come out in america, i'm already playing the next game for god's sake! and yea i agree there should be a new...
  8. AmericanIdiot1993

    Recommend Me Some Good Movies

    Watch Sunshine (2007). Directed by Danny Boyle, same dude who did 28 days later, which you should also see. both are great movies that i think you will like based on others i am seeing in these posts.
  9. AmericanIdiot1993

    Poll: Subtitled Movies: Yea or Nay

    I believe that foreign films can be incredibly good, so they should be subtitled in order for american audiences to see them. most people think that Hollywood is the only good place that makes movies, when in fact some of the best modern and past directors came out of different countries like...
  10. AmericanIdiot1993

    Poll: Best Movie of 2009!

    inglourious basterds was probably my favorite movie that came out this year, but i also really liked a Perfect Getaway. i think it's really underrated.
  11. AmericanIdiot1993

    The Escapist Film Festival 2009: Pocket Monsters

    i loved it! oh my god i hope you guys win! and even if you don't you should still make the series on youtube or something i have to know what happens next!!!!
  12. AmericanIdiot1993

    What goes through your head?

    I mostly think of ways to survive a zombie apocalypse.... and then think of whether or not such a thing could actually happen... and then think that i should probably finish my math test 'cause i only have like 5 more minutes.
  13. AmericanIdiot1993

    Greek/Roman God!!

    Apollo. dude drives a sun chariot. win.
  14. AmericanIdiot1993

    Series you're surprised haven't made an appearance this gen...

    i would really love a new pikmin game! i heard from someone pikmin 3 is coming? i hope so. also, i would love to see kingdom hearts 3. also, i think that if they made a new pokemon colleseum i would play it. battle revolution doesn't count, i mean like a real rpg.
  15. AmericanIdiot1993

    What's your favorite BAD movie?

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, definitely. Yes it is real.