Recent content by anAngryHamster

  1. anAngryHamster

    Suggest improvements for Steam.

    This all the way. Considering the Valve's two biggest money printers are FTP they really should have sorted this out by now.
  2. anAngryHamster

    Webcomic recommendations

    If you're into (mostly) light-hearted fantasy I recommend Slightly Damned.
  3. anAngryHamster

    Are There Any Games You Loved, but Never Finished?

    I only beat the first Golden Sun about 3 weeks ago. Give me another 20 years and maybe I'll complete the trilogy.
  4. anAngryHamster

    Ever Watched A TV Episode That Pissed You Off So Much You Quit Watching The Series?

    I wouldn't say it ruined the series but my hopes aren't high after the season 3 finale of MLP. The episode starts out alright if really rushed but the underlying message was really good, that people shouldn't accept the path imposed upon them and instead find their own destiny. Then the second...
  5. anAngryHamster

    Abe's Oddysee Remake Becomes a Reboot

    Right in the childhood! I was 7 when Abe's Oddysee was released and I still don't know who bought it for me or why but even then I knew that there was no other game like it. A stealth/puzzle/platformer with a dark and juvenile sense of humor. Luring mudokons into meat grinders was as hilarious...
  6. anAngryHamster

    Stuff you thought when you were a Kid

    My grandmother did the same thing to me. We were at the beach and she told me that the ocean was salty because fish peed in it. I couldn't imagine anything this woman saying being anything but the truth. A few weeks later my 1st (or 2nd) grade teacher asked us why the ocean was salty... I had...
  7. anAngryHamster

    Strange ailments - what are yours?

    When I was four I had what could best be described as an infected sac of pus in my neck below the ear. The doctors were naturally wary of cutting open a little boy's neck so they had go in through the mouth to drain the pus and remove infected tissue. The combination of original sickness of...
  8. anAngryHamster

    Take the "Which Batman Villain Are You?" Personality Quiz

    Huh, Two-Face. For some reason I've always thought of myself as a Penguin.