Recent content by AndyNPC

  1. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    Yes, we get it. You hate the artstyle. What you seem to want us to do is convince you to like it, and that is never going to happen. This is your problem, not the problem of the artist or his fans.
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    That DLC came out today. There are cases of fanservice in the retail game that are not censored. Something must have convinced Nintendo that selling the DLC as it was would have damaged sales. Speaking of D&D, nearly every group I played the game with had women playing the female characters...
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    These criticisms are indeed having an effect on the game industry in America. (Source: Fire Emblem Awakening DLC) Sexual content is quickly becoming taboo. I wouldn't be surprised if Dragon's Crown is censored for it's NA release as well.
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    You make it sound like the Sorceress is doing strip-teases to attack her enemies. Just watch any gameplay trailer and you can see that her appearances in-game are far less provocative than anything you've described. There's far more action going on around her to focus on, and you won't be seeing...
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    It doesn't matter if it's new, it's still happening and it's still bad. There are games getting censored during localization or not getting localized at all due to this negative air surrounding sexual content in video games. Meanwhile, I can go purchase an uncensored BluRay of Strike Withces or...
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    I wouldn't call it retro style; retro style is where the game has elements for the sake of tradition. I wouldn't call 2D traditional or outdated at all, there are many genres that just work better in 2D. I guess that's a bit off topic though.
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    Not everyone has to be okay with it. If you don't like something you shouldn't try to stop others from enjoying it. I'm not going to tell you that you have to like it either, and you don't have to agree with someone's interpretation.
  8. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    I'd say just us having this conversation is proof enough that the Sorceress managed to capture the idea her design was going for. It's very thought provoking, and I hope those thoughts will help us come to an agreement in this sexism debate that is popular in game media recently, and maybe even...
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    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    Of course the Sorceress is designed to be sexy as well, but that isn't a bad thing. Sexuality is something naturally occurring in our everyday life and it is impossible to ignore; it should come as no surprise that it's represented in art. I don't think her connections to fertility need to made...
  10. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    But the sorceress does have a deeper theme behind her design, and it isn't one based around sex like Moxi's is. Second, why would caricatures be a bad thing? Everything else in Dragons Crown is a caricature of what it is, so it fits the theme and makes the game...
  11. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    Is this a good enough justification for you, Mr. Art Critic?
  12. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    I think I speak for everyone here when I say; we just want to enjoy our hobby. There are video games for casual players, there are video games for those who love ridiculous challenges, there are video games for kids, there are video games for adults, there are video games for men, and there...
  13. A

    Gaming, Media, Boobies and Poorly Thought-Out Responses: Oh My!

    If this is how the western game industry thinks they should act, then you're the one who has some growing up to do. Even if the designs are in poor taste, that is a really horrible thing to say about a colleague and you should apologize for it.