Recent content by aoi287

  1. aoi287

    Cheating Allegations Lead to "Strip Search" of Chess Player

    Sounds like the people he beat are pretty butthurt.
  2. aoi287

    Mass Effect being blamed for Connecticut shooting.

    Yes, a video game caused this to happen. That's why the millions of other people who have played Mass Effect also committed terrible acts of violence such as this. Oh wait. And what's with all these people acting like idiots on facebook? I thought being anonymous was the trigger to...
  3. aoi287

    Braid Creator on Games as "Sh**ty Action Movies"

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Sometimes I wonder why a man who seems to hate video games so much insists on making video games.
  4. aoi287

    Gamer Dies In LAN Cafe, No One Notices

    Haha, this guy. OT: I never got how people can be on the brink of death while gaming and not notice something is amiss. Whoops, reread, I assumed it was the typical "dying of exhaustion."
  5. aoi287

    FBI brands internet privacy as terrorism.

    Oh no, I'm really particular about my privacy! Run for it guys!
  6. aoi287

    Is Steve Jobs the 2nd Greatest Innovator of All Time?

    Wow, those are some depressing results.
  7. aoi287

    U.S. Congress Shelves SOPA

  8. aoi287

    The most extreme thing you've ever done

    I once bit into a hot pocket without waiting for it to cool.
  9. aoi287

    Poll: Favourite Melee weapon

    It may sound kind of boring, but there's something gratifying about taking down a gun-wielding enemy with nothing but bare fists.
  10. aoi287

    What Song is in Your Head?

  11. aoi287

    Music Library Shuffle

    Panic Channel - Love Letter Vidoll - Boku, Shimobe. [Remix] NightingeiL - Acid Room Megamaso - Hakuginshoujo Anzel Stripper [AKR] - Kagayaku VII Iro no Hikari
  12. aoi287

    Craziest/ supidest theories you have ever heard

    Wow, sure is a lot of religious intolerance in this thread. I'm an atheist, but damn. OT: That time cube site is ridiculous. Also, it always cracks me up when shows like Ancient Aliens go on and on about UFO-like objects appearing in old artwork. I don't get why they think these people...
  13. aoi287

    Poll: Is featuring rape in a game going too far?

    Having a game that centers around the player character running around raping people would be in pretty poor taste, but I certainly think it has the right to exist. I personally would be revolted by it, but I'm revolted by all kinds of other stuff and agree with its right to exist as well. For...
  14. aoi287

    Worst part of Halloween

    It typcially gets pretty cold here, and halloween costumes aren't particularly warm, so that part always sucked as a kid. Now the thing that annoys me most is slutty costumes of things that should never be slutty.
  15. aoi287

    Ever feel sorry for the enemies you've killed in a game?

    A few times. Mainly in SOTC, I always felt like a dick after they died. Also I would feel bad when I killed anything that wasn't aggressive in WoW.