Recent content by aperpheldy

  1. aperpheldy

    Feed Dump: Live Birth Webcast

    Kathleen, you made me laugh so hard that I cried. Best feed dump ever. Good luck with the Moose
  2. aperpheldy

    Escape to the Movies: Buried

    I'm Aussie, and I say, go see Tomorrow when the war began, just so you can see how beautiful the Australian rural life can be. Plus, it being Australian, I am sort of proud of it
  3. aperpheldy

    LoadingReadyRun: Mercenary Solutions 3

    Female Mercenaries FTW
  4. aperpheldy

    Critical Miss: #37

    This is one of the joys of the escapist. Keep up the amazing work
  5. aperpheldy

    What does your name mean?

    Mine means "crocked nose". Cameron. No joke. I think I win
  6. aperpheldy

    Critical Miss: #18

    I love all of these and they just keep getting better. Make many more :)
  7. aperpheldy

    LoadingReadyRun: Informational Presentation

    This episode was perfect in every way! Written and acted so well.
  8. aperpheldy

    LoadingReadyRun: Who You Gonna Call?

    The costumes are just wonderful. So much time must have gone into making them as awesome as they were
  9. aperpheldy

    Escapist News Network: On Punctuation

    This continues to be an impressive and funny series. Keep up the good work
  10. aperpheldy

    LoadingReadyRun: The Job

    This was fantastic! I am looking forward to watching more. Although, I think it is worth noting that the ratio of men to women is 6:1. Just saying...
  11. aperpheldy

    "Phantom of the Arcade 2: Shadows, Darkness, and Dread" - A Text Adventure

    Help! I can't open the clock! please help. I feel i've tried everything
  12. aperpheldy

    What is your dream job

    Film critic. That would be great. Would have to watch A LOT of bad movies though....
  13. aperpheldy

    Rebecca Mayes Muses: Worms 2: Armageddon

    What lovely harmonies you made there...and with yourself. VERY well done. I have liked all your songs so far and do hope you continue
  14. aperpheldy

    Zero Punctuation: Wolfenstein

    He should indeed win the noble prize in literature for this. Any one ho had once questioned his genius is swiftly learning to shut the f**k up.