Recent content by ArMartinez02

  1. ArMartinez02

    7554: Vietnam's Call of Duty Coming Next Year

    Its different, that's for sure.
  2. ArMartinez02

    EA: "Battlefield 3 is designed to take Call of Duty down."

    I mean,they had to continue the Bf series someday right? right?......
  3. ArMartinez02

    Sony Hacker Lawsuits Earn the Wrath of Anonymous [UPDATED]

    It was bound to happen, lets see if Sony's top security personel can take on Anon.
  4. ArMartinez02

    Not-Quite Blue Man Plays Zelda Tunes on PVC Pipe

    Too much time on his hands lol, but its was awesome.
  5. ArMartinez02

    Fox news goes at it with Duke Nukem Forever's "Capture the Babe" mode

    And fox news is at it again *sigh*
  6. ArMartinez02

    What was the first game you ever played?

    Damn this go wayyyyyy back, It was this game for the original gameboy about a kid who had to save his sister, and he used ballons and evading dangers and stuff like that, and a whale was inlvolved too. I forgot the name of the game, most recent game as of right now 3/12/11 is TF2.
  7. ArMartinez02

    Microsoft Recruiting Designers for Next Xbox

    As long it has backwards compability, I'll be a happy man, so whats its gunna be called? Xbox 540, Xbox 720, Xbox 2? I called dibs on the first one lol.
  8. ArMartinez02

    Name one thing you'd change about yourself

    Stop being fat lol
  9. ArMartinez02

    Multiplayer Sharks vs. Scuba-Divers Game Looks Absolutely Terrifying

    This game has the word "TRY" all over it, Im down for a demo.
  10. ArMartinez02

    Epic: Microsoft Doesn't Own Gears of War

    I dont know, I kinda want GoW to be a Xbox exclusive, hence M$ dont have that many anyways.
  11. ArMartinez02

    The Most Overpowered Weapon across all Mediums

    A hydrogen bomb? I dont know, ima go with Chuck Norris.
  12. ArMartinez02

    Chronicles of Rick Roll: All Your Memes in One Movie

    Wow, Im actually looking forward to this, can't wait.
  13. ArMartinez02

    Poll: Who Watches Lisa Foiles Purely Because She's Hot

    Honestly, bit of both. not much to say really.
  14. ArMartinez02

    15 Things Dead Space Taught Me

    I still think that religion will ruin everyones lives in the future one day. I so agree with rule #1
  15. ArMartinez02

    TV series that everybody seen to love, but you hate

    Jersey shore. just that, plainly sucks, most annoying poeple in it and they all must die, specially snoki, that midget hoe. Everything about that shows just makes me wanna go into rage mode. I hate when my brother talks about it.