Recent content by aros777

  1. aros777

    Poll: Do you have any Escapist 'Friends'

    What's a friend? I heard they were mythical beasts like the unicorn and girlfriends.
  2. aros777

    Poll: Would you abort a pregnancy if the child would have Down Syndrome?

    Well when I'm asked abortion questions I like to think of it as asking a question about yourself And its that "Even if I'm retarded or handicapped do i still want to be alive?" I choose yes most of the time
  3. aros777

    Poll: How do you like your bacon?

    I like my bacon the way i like my women, crispy and covered in grease
  4. aros777

    "Fuck this" moments

    Andrew Wesker "oh you hit me with an RPG i'll just be dazed for a little bit while your slow partner tries to medicate me" A good 15 times i hit him with a RPG and him coughing was the biggest reaction i got out of him.
  5. aros777

    Everything is average nowadays.

    mine was the first halo game growing up on the N64 I had some decent games with storyline and fps's like turok which wern't that great. Halo blew my ming in graphics and story line opened me up to fps's.
  6. aros777

    But that's supposed to HEAL you!

    The drill gun from the first bad company, and it blows up walls.
  7. aros777

    Your favourite joke!

    What do you tell a lady with two black eyes? Nothing she's already been told twice.