Recent content by Auberon

  1. Auberon

    Green Lantern Movie

    After I personally watched it roughly a month back... it's not really bad-bad, just overambitious in stuffing at least two movies' worth of material in one. If they stuck to just Sinestro or Parallax even, I reckon it could have received fairly generous ratings (for a super movie anyway).
  2. Auberon

    Gods of Egypt - Clash of the ... White Men?

    I'm calling any historian with knowledge of Egyptian skin colour before Nubians, Ptolemaics and whoever else invaded and started mixing up the gene pool. It's Prince of Persia all over again with (presumably) 100% pure people of local ethnicity.
  3. Auberon

    The slowest game beginnings ever?

    Should have played Morrowind - the beginning is quite literally "deliver this to Caius Cosades, now off you go!". As for actually slow beginnings... both Endar Spire/Taris and Pegasus/Telos. Latter is great for atmospheric value but after you've seen it a few times it's just a slog.
  4. Auberon

    Doom's Single-Player Campaign Lasts 13 Hours

    If anyone here is old enough to confirm, is that few hours above considered slow with the breakneck speed of classic Doom?
  5. Auberon

    EA And Ubisoft Fight Over "Ghost" Trademark

    So when Mankind Divided comes out, are all of you going to phantom/spectre/poltergeist/spirit through it because "ghosting" is clearly verbalized form of ghost and thus using it can get you fined, sued and locked up in solitary?
  6. Auberon

    Solar Farm Rejected For Fear of Too Much Energy Sucking

    I skipped basically entire thread so far, so do elaborate on one point "science" teacher made: would those panels really provide sufficient shade for flora to actually suffer from lack of photosynthesis?
  7. Auberon

    What kills your motivation to play a game?

    There's this guy who says he's fucking invincible. And he backed up that claim, or rather displayed how squishy a certain cyborg ninja is if they don't know how to chain-parry. Oh, and DS4 started geting wonky with USB port. Another occasion is aforementioned grinding - 50-60 Riddler trophies...
  8. Auberon

    Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Trailer #2: WHY DOES BATMAN HAVE A GUN!?!

    Crazy theory: what if the movie goes back to Batman's roots as pulp hero who did shoot and kill people in late '39 and early '40s?
  9. Auberon

    Cool, interesting Japanese exclusive game recommendations

    If you want plain insanity and can stand possibly bad games, try looking up Metal Wolf Chaos.
  10. Auberon

    Nicole Kidman Reportedly in Talks to Join "Wonder Woman"

    Little while since I read the first two trades, but could be Aleka. Otherwise looks Hera.
  11. Auberon

    Poll: Which franchise has a larger fanbase, Fallout or Metal Gear Solid?

    If you ask PC crowd, could be Fallout *cough*NMA*cough* Overall, Metal Gear (Solid). Original MSX games too may have fanbase left.
  12. Auberon

    What Does the Future Look Like for White Wolf?

    Onyx bought Trinity, Scion etc so that's up to them.White Wolf still has WoD and Exalted for major gamelines, which have potential for grand strategy - Camarilla Princes and Dragonblooded Dynasts respectively. Possibly Sidereal keeping the world together.
  13. Auberon

    Witcher 2 vs. Witcher 3

    If you skip Witcher 2, you may miss out on aforementioned pals. And obviously politics, they're background and don't really show up in Wild Hunt.
  14. Auberon

    Jason Momoa Says His Aquaman Costume Is Inspired by ?Pollution?

    Proverbial straw is not too far off for a credible reason.
  15. Auberon

    Jason Momoa Says His Aquaman Costume Is Inspired by ?Pollution?

    I see Ronon settled just fine on DC Earth then, but why'd he ditch the magnum?