Recent content by aussiebear

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    Poll: Men, do you ever wish you could carry a purse?

    Eh, no. That's what pockets, suitcases, and backpacks are for.
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    LoadingReadyRun: Every OS Sucks

    And learning something new is bad, how? Linux requires you to learn and understand the system you're using. If you prefer not to use that organ behind your eyes, and rather pay someone else to handle the technical details (Microsoft, Apple, etc); then you should go with other OSs that better...
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    Think I might be falling for my best friend.

    For the love of god, ask her out already! You won't know until you've tried...You're driving yourself nuts by over thinking the situation. Side note: What the hell is wrong with males these days? Its like they've all being pussy-fied by political correctness! Sometimes, you've got to take a...
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    So there's this girl...

    Don't wait or hesitate...Ask her out. Nothing can be more clear than walking right up to a girl who's shown interest in you with her past actions. Don't worry about messing up. Being a little nervous is normal. Just don't go over the top with a date. For example: hiring a limo or going to...