Recent content by Autohellion

  1. Autohellion

    Do you respect your police force?

    Well security is seen as excess until it is needed. If you think the cops who watch construction jobs are over payed, they are payed for a reason, what other job has you being responsible for taking care of any Knife/Gun wielding maniac that wanders by? Also there are construction people working...
  2. Autohellion

    5-Year-Old Breaks TV, Mother Murders Him

    Actually beating someone to death by accident happens quite alot.
  3. Autohellion

    Racism: Nature or Nurture?

    Habity hobidy what? How does religion have anything to do with racism?
  4. Autohellion

    Fox News Attacks NEA for Classifying Games as Art

    You Know to all the people defending the host by saying he was just against money being spent The money that would be spent is a pea against what our defense and military budget is as well as the other big items. So while you could say he wasn't slanted He presented a view that was overblown and...
  5. Autohellion

    A sad day for the escapist, as we have lost a dear friend

    R.I.P. Kortney My condolences to her family and friends.
  6. Autohellion

    Poll: Which is worse: Rape or Murder?

    Murder is much worse When you stop breathing you cant take meds after rape you still can. Easy one fer me! Well i'll go into further detail, Murder is as a poster above me mentioned is not in response to being attacked, therefore all Murder is voluntary as is Rape.Both have long lasting...
  7. Autohellion

    Gothic 1 Problem

    Hey, i recently bought Gothic on steam and am at the part were you go to the orc cemetery but Cor Kalom has dissapears from the sect camp is this a glitch or is he hiding somewhere?
  8. Autohellion

    1.5 Million People Begging to Play Old Republic Isn't Good Enough for EA

    Ya know if it wasn't a complete pain in the ass to get in the beta maybe more people would sign up. Also what was up the journalists ass when he wrote this?
  9. Autohellion

    Bethesda: People Who Say Graphics "Don't Matter" Are Usually Lying

    Id rather they make it as awesome story wise and immersion wise as Morrowind. TES4 was not to immersive even with the graphics. I suppose it because im less likely to forgive graphical errors if their in high definition verses the whole thing looking dated.
  10. Autohellion

    Capcom Plans Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica Revival

    When I can get it for 10 bucks used ill get it but anything more than that is asking alot for the simple chore of hooking up my gamecube
  11. Autohellion

    Pachter: Battlefield 3 Won't Beat Call of Duty

    Battlefield it totally different try playing Battlefield NAM or Battlefield 2 then go to a cod The maps are 3 to 4x bigger than cod, the weapons are usually not customizable, and Battlefield has everything from drivable tanks to jeeps to helicopter to fighter planes. There's more players...
  12. Autohellion

    Apple Brainwashes Gay Cure App from iTunes

    Its absolutely idiotic that the app was removed. In order for speech to be hateful it has to be directed at someone, just saying being gay is a disease is not hateful speech ,it is not ignorant speech. When it comes to issues like this ignorance is a very subjective term. If i want to believe...
  13. Autohellion

    Poll: How do you exercise?

    I love my exercise bike so much when it broke i welded it back together!
  14. Autohellion

    Sony's "PSP Phone" Ads Rival Kevin Butler on Hilarity Scale

    Wow those were funny as hell. Shes kinda cute too.
  15. Autohellion

    Good music v. Bad music

    There are a few undenyable ways that music can be bad or good. A: Does the musician know how to use his instrument to get the effect HE is trying for. B Is there a rhythm? Music is basically nothing but rhythm, the amount can vary ,the way its delivered can be varied, but at a base to be...