Recent content by Avaholic03

  1. Avaholic03

    All Female A-Force Replaces The Avengers

    Wow it's amazing how all those women have pretty much the exact same body type. Every color of the rainbow with pretty much every super power imaginable...but all the same build. Yay diversity!!
  2. Avaholic03

    The Critical Miss Guide to Aging

    Age is just a number. Turned 30 in November, and I still relate much more to the first panel. The day I start looking up symptoms on WebMD is the day I eat a gun.
  3. Avaholic03

    How Big Will Hard Drives Get? Fun with Math

    That's probably the worst of your assumptions. FOR MOVIES: It's very unlikely that people will be storing large numbers of 4k videos on their local hard drive. The industry certainly won't allow people to just have digital versions of their movies (illegal downloads aside...people who do that...
  4. Avaholic03

    Feed Dump: The Return of Evil Alex

    That *poof* when they turned into devils scared the crap out of me (both times). In my headphones it almost sounded like it was behind me.
  5. Avaholic03

    Humble Bundle Has Earned $100M For Devs, $50M for Charities

    While those numbers are great (especially for charity), I still find it unsettling that even really shitty AAA games make more than that during launch week, whereas that $100M number is for dozens of games over 4.5 years. Many of those games really deserve more return on investment. "Goodwill...
  6. Avaholic03

    Cards Against Humanity Sold Poop, and People Actually Bought It

    Did you read the part about the shit being pasteurized? It's not that disgusting...cleaner than a lot of things you touch every day.
  7. Avaholic03

    GX3 Bringing Inclusivity to Gaming Conventions in December 2015

    We want to include long as they're willing to pay $70+ for admission. Sounds about right. Also, did anyone tell them that bigots, homophobes and general assholes fall into the "everyone" group? So that whole inclusivity goal is somewhat self-defeating.
  8. Avaholic03

    Total War: Arena - An Historic MOBA

    Interesting take on the MOBA. Of course balancing will make-or-break this game, so it's still too early to tell if it's worth getting invested. I'm quite weary of the option to pay real money for anything more than cosmetic things, because that almost always leads to pay-to-win models that ruin...
  9. Avaholic03

    DARPA Creates Bullet That Can Think For Itself, Change Course Mid-Flight

    Well it's not like you could see a bullet coming and dodge it to begin with, so aside from some specialized cases, this won't be any more deadly than a generic 50 cal.
  10. Avaholic03

    How Far Cry 4 Nailed the Himalayas

    Perhaps more subtle game mechanics. Like certain NPCs reacting more favorably to one religion or another. But that quickly enters BioWare levels of complicated dialogue trees, and it's a whole lot harder to test and balance all that stuff. In the end, it's probably not worth the effort...
  11. Avaholic03

    Scientists Break Energy Record With "Tabletop" Particle Accelerator

    How else are they supposed to get funding? Not like there's a lot of money in theoretical physics unless you can demonstrate practical applications. This could be used for more than just weapons though. Plenty of industrial applications too (like super-precise fabrication).
  12. Avaholic03

    Steam is No Longer the King/Queen of Sales

    I don't know about anyone else, but for me the problem is that past Steam sales have been so good, I got pretty much every game I wanted. I've still got such a backlog, I'm not even tempted to buy new games no matter how cheap they are because I don't think I'll ever get around to playing them...
  13. Avaholic03

    Feed Dump: Rogue Monkey

    Ian makes a pretty convincing monkey. Maybe too convincing. What's his backstory anyway?
  14. Avaholic03

    5 Pixar Movies That Make Guys Cry

    Surely there is a better way of phrasing that. The beginning was the best part as you explained in the second paragraph. Emotionally powerful stuff without a single word being said. The rest of the movie is pretty typical fun/silly Pixar stuff....not bad, but certainly not "great". The beginning...
  15. Avaholic03

    Kevlar? Hah! You'll Want Pure Carbon in Your Bulletproof Vest

    1) For now that's true. But with all the exciting applications of graphene, it's only a matter of time before it is produced in significant quantities and becomes cost effective. It's far more versatile than Kevlar, and especially with all the consumer electronics applications, tons of money is...