Recent content by Azwrath

  1. Azwrath

    Dragon Age Inquisition brought to you by the producers of Skyrim

    First, after seeing everyone agreed, i thought, great, another game set in some viking land. Then i looked at the trailer. And to my surprise the only thing it has in common with Skyrim are the nice graphics and a few shots of mountains and snow. And even those don't look that "skyrimy"...
  2. Azwrath

    why do people say dating your teacher is wrong? we got married last year and its fantastique

    A lot of people will say that it's the age difference, but that's just bullshit. For most of human history it's been normal for men to be much older then the women they marry. The whole same age group thing is pretty new even tho most of the people giving you the "age difference" reason don't...
  3. Azwrath

    Is this a perfect world?

    I figured as much, but the way he used it his argument was basically: The world is not perfect because it is as it is and this is true because i'm an atheist. Atheism just means not believing in gods. There are atheistic religions who still believe that the world has purpose and , therefore...
  4. Azwrath

    Scientists Use Jellyfish DNA to Engineer a Glow-in-the-Dark Pig

    I will answer that with another question. Does one really need a reason to make glow-in-the-dark pigs? And i ask this seriously.
  5. Azwrath

    Is this a perfect world?

    But, isn't that statement false? I mean imperfection=flaw and perfection=flawless. How can flaw=flawless? That being said, I understand what you are saying but i really don't think that perfection is the same thing as complex, interesting and beautiful. As an atheist, i still can't figure...
  6. Azwrath

    Is this a perfect world?

    No, this is not a perfect world, this was never a perfect world, this will never be a perfect world. From an objective point of view perfection can not exist unless there is no more imperfection and that is impossible in an imperfect universe. Why is it imperfect? Because change exists and...
  7. Azwrath

    Sid Meier: Too Much Complexity Can Kill Genres

    To be fair, it does take you 2 days to learn the basics so you can start playing a Paradox game, tho that might be caused by their horrible tutorials or lack there of (here's a hint for Paradox: hints are not tutorials!) Keep in mind, that, this is coming from someone who has been playing a...
  8. Azwrath

    Dota 2 Removes Required Sign-Ups

    Did you just edit the post? Because i swear i wanted to be a smart-ass and correct you on the fact that it is not limited to online communities before i accidentally refreshed and had to start all over. Ah, nevermind. To answer your question, there have been a few cases but most of the time...
  9. Azwrath

    Dota 2 Removes Required Sign-Ups

    Well, it's not really the image it has since if it had that image, there would be no player base besides trolls. It's just the image some people have of it and for some reason enjoy spreading it. Just my two cents but i've noticed that most people commenting on the toxic part of the community...
  10. Azwrath

    Dota 2 Removes Required Sign-Ups

    Having said all that, did you play the game? Or is it just things you "heard"? And if you played it, when was the last time? I ask because Valve have been doing a lot to "improve" the community lately. And many of those measures have worked (like muting people who do nothing but curse and...
  11. Azwrath

    Jimquisition: Jimquisition Awards 2013 - BioShock Infinite

    Great game. Not perfect, but certainly deserving one of the Jimquisition awards. You mean your taste in music is different then someone else's taste in music? My god, ladies and gentlemen, we have found the unique snowflake!
  12. Azwrath

    Poll: Does labelled product placement in gaming bother you?

    Yes, but not right away. I mean in your example nuke cola is pretty iconic to fallout so it would be stupid to change it but if it never had Nuke Cola i guess it would not bother me that much. On the other hand there's something really lame to seeing the words Microsoft each time i look at my...
  13. Azwrath

    The Elder Scrolls Online Will Have Microtransactions Too

    So basically you have to buy the game for... i'm guessing they are going to price it at 50$ or 60$, pay a monthly fee of 15$ and then, if you want to have fun (IF because it is all about your choices as a player of course)you still have to pay a little something extra. Because, you know, 15$ a...
  14. Azwrath

    Bethesda Not Ready to Talk About Fallout 4

    If they had said they need one, two, three, even four more years to develop the game or something like that i would have understood. But this? Fallout 3 came out in 2008. If they would anounce a new one now it would probably be released next year. How is once every 6 years annual. How the...
  15. Azwrath

    The Escapist Presents: The Best RPGs of E3 2013

    Your definitions were a bit off, but i fixed them for you. All of these are part of the RPG genre, there is no stright, or true RPG. Series like The Witcher, The Elder Scrolls or Gothic, while having a more action oriented combat are in fact RPGs. What is not an RPG but a game (shooter, action...