Recent content by BabyFaceJer

  1. BabyFaceJer

    Moviebob's Re-Tales

    After working retail last Christmas, I can sympathize with how tough it can be trying to sell video games to parents. Luckily, the store I worked at was pretty lenient with their sales policies and never seemed to care what they sold, as long as they sold it. Can't imagine working at any place...
  2. BabyFaceJer

    Jimquisition: Crying Through The Laughs

    Great episode, Jim. I totally agree with you. I think a really good recent example of tragedy done right is the Walking Dead game from TellTale. Just like the comic book it is based on, the story is peppered with sweet and calm moments that really make you connect with the other characters. And...
  3. BabyFaceJer

    Asylum of the Daleks

    Am I the only one who loved the colorful Daleks introduced in Series 5? I understand why people might find them less scary than the traditional Dalek, I think the colors injected a much needed sense of fun to both the Daleks and to the show itself. On a similar note, I actually like the...
  4. BabyFaceJer

    Jimquisition: A Game By Any Other Name

    This episode really got me meditating on my own feelings about games such as DmC, the new Silent Hill Games, hell, even the newest Final Fantasy games. People hating on a sequel, spin-off, or remake because it wasn't exactly like what came before it is a tradition that has seemingly existed...
  5. BabyFaceJer

    The Big Picture: Gender Games

    Great episode, Bob. Hadn't really thought about how almost every female character in gaming is posing the exact same way, while male characters each show something unique and character-defining whenever they appear in screenshots. I think a big problem that gaming (and pretty much any form of...