Recent content by BadNewDingus

  1. BadNewDingus

    Partying with loud music at late night: your thoughts?

    Good luck. I had neighbors before that would have bonfires every night, and it was a big family(Hispanic). Our house was so close that I could literally hear separate conversations going on while playing on my computer(WoW at the time). I called the police and nothing happened. So I just dealt...
  2. BadNewDingus

    Poll: Is being shy bad?

    From my experience, it's bad. I was shy throughout all of High School and part of my adult life. I'm not pretty, so being shy puts the whole creepy label on me. It's also a terrible process to break from, as I've become the creepy guy to the weirdo who talks too much.
  3. BadNewDingus

    There's a New Tropico Game Coming Next Year

    Tropico is a great series. Although, the last one was just the same as the one before it with just a little better graphics. I also hated the tech tree which is just dull.
  4. BadNewDingus

    Poll: This needs to be settled right now or a war will break out within our very homes.

    Over. Unless I have to change it. Then I just leave the new roll ontop.
  5. BadNewDingus

    Controversial Tropes vs. Women in Video Games Series Comes to an End

    She got her fame. She's done. The hate was not needed and pretty much was the reason why she became so big. And even though I didn't agree with her opinion, I give it to her for at least finishing the series up about her opinion on said subject. Also, I hope she knows that her next...
  6. BadNewDingus

    Stubbs the Zombie...and other original Xbox oddities!

    Stubbs was soooooooo fun. I loved the Police Station level, as the deskjockies scream one-liners while firing at his now living dead friends coming after him while I just watch. It was WONDERFUL! I wish so much for them to digitally release it on PC.
  7. BadNewDingus

    Cheating to save time

    I think the time that cheating was acceptable to me was with Skyrim. Getting stuck in stuff isn't fun.
  8. BadNewDingus

    Your age and your thoughts

    30 with the dreadful feeling of accomplishing nothing in my life.
  9. BadNewDingus

    So apparently JonTron is a racist

    I hardly pay attention to the trends when it comes to who does what race-related. The majority of news stories I see on TV(local news) is black people committing crimes or whatever(I do live next to Detroit). Just like any story about a white man talking about race, it's basically some idiot...
  10. BadNewDingus

    Why is Zelda BOTW Considered so amazing.

    I haven't played it. My brother plays it in the background and all I hear is grunts along with oh and/or ah's. I know it's not porn because the music is too nice. Oh, and there is a song that sounds like, "A Whole new world" from Aladdin.
  11. BadNewDingus

    Need advice for a gaming desktop, 400 dollar budget.

    Save the money and get this .. I'm like you when it comes to putting a PC together ... I don't do it. I just know how to install RAM and a GPU. Again, just save the money and don't waste it on a cheap...
  12. BadNewDingus

    Digital Homicide trying to sue Steam users

    Shouldn't it be a crime to clog up the legal system like this?
  13. BadNewDingus

    Friends scary relationship

    They are both still young enough to mess it up. Heck, I don't think there is an age limit on messing up a relationship?
  14. BadNewDingus

    Is bottling up emotions a sign of strength?

    I've bottled up my emotions for years until a girl finally broke the dam. Suffice to say, it felt good letting them go. I've got Jon Stewart hair now with all the gray and I'm only 30.
  15. BadNewDingus

    So Brianna Wu's Revolution 60 came out on Steam

    The sad part is people are still going to buy it just to give a crappy review. Which she really should've put out during the peak of the whole mess.