Recent content by Bedinsis

  1. Bedinsis

    What are you currently playing?

    The way I see it, Ever 17 is the one that is the most alike Uchikoshi's other titles and hence the one I was most curious about. I bought the bundle for Ever 17 and treat Never 7 as a bonus.
  2. Bedinsis

    What are you currently playing?

    Picked up Ever 17. It's probably the least Uchikoshi-like of his games that I've played so far.
  3. Bedinsis

    Your video game hot take(s) thread

    One should be able to punch the floor.
  4. Bedinsis

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    There are more than one state that claims to be the successor state to the Soviet Union. But Imperial Russia sure had territory and seeing Russia as the successor state to the Soviet Union is valid, so never mind, I withdraw that erroneous and pointless pedantry.
  5. Bedinsis

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    Retaking? "Taking" is the word you're looking for. And conquest might prove a challenge, but a force quelled in 20 minutes can still take lives, even if they are that weak.
  6. Bedinsis

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    Yes. Putin made the claim that the Special Military Intervention was motivated by freeing Russian minorities in Ukraine; 20 % of Estonia is Russian-speakers.
  7. Bedinsis

    Funny events in anti-woke world

    The country of Ukraine is in Europe.
  8. Bedinsis

    General Movies, Music, Web Show, and TV News Thread

    Not to mention how they will be seen as an extension of Rowling's politics.
  9. Bedinsis

    Your video game hot take(s) thread

    A bit of a prediction: this year there will be another Grand Theft Auto release. This has been worked on for years and therefore will be a polished title and the legacy of the brand will ensure that it sells like hot cakes. What's more interesting is how that will affect the industry, and my...
  10. Bedinsis

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    I fully acknowledge that there are people whose thinking ends and starts with "What does this entity think on the matter? I believe that.". I know I've behaved that way though I try not to. Stating it as "obvious" when someone is behaving that way I disagree with.
  11. Bedinsis

    Funny events in anti-woke world (is there no way to embed bluesky posts?)
  12. Bedinsis

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    Define "world view". Both the Democrats and the Republicans are big tent parties, containing disparate views; claiming one's world view is contained entirely within one of them is then not meaningful. And you have called yourself cynical about politics; one possible view of cynicism is that the...
  13. Bedinsis

    General Gaming News.

    How many of Valve's titles started out as mods made by fans? I haven't kept up with Valve's policies but I know at one point they were happy that people could make their own custom content for Team Fortress 2 and actually make money from it; letting people have access to the source code is...
  14. Bedinsis

    General Gaming News.

    Valve has released the source code to Team Fortress 2.
  15. Bedinsis


    ? This question is a paradox. The reason there is talk about NATO dismantling is due to president Trump showing his priorities not aligning with NATO, and you're asking "Did you expect Trump to abide by Nato rules?". No, of course I am not certain he would honor NATO commitments since that is...