Recent content by Beltaine

  1. Beltaine

    I Hit It With My Axe: Episode One: Meet the Party

    Porn stars and strippers and the only one I find attractive is the hairdresser. Aside from the people involved being quasi-celebrity, this is no different than any other group of D&D players posting up edited footage of their game nights on Youtube. Would be more interesting if more of the...
  2. Beltaine

    Horror Meets Shopping at the Echo Bazaar

    If you're like me and only made a twitter account to play this game, feel free to add me. My twitter id is mgmaness I only use twitter for Echo Bazaar, so you won't be getting anything weird from me. I've started following anyone who put their twitter id on this page.
  3. Beltaine

    Why I'm Not Playing Mass Effect 2

    I sat down with Mass Effect and a GameFAQs walkthrough a couple weeks ago and knocked the game out over a weekend. Gave me a decent save to start ME2 with, and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. Your excuse-fu is weak, Funk. Put down the mouse and step away from the WoW.
  4. Beltaine

    iPhone Jailbreaker Hacks PS3

    I knew after the latest big Xbox Live banning wave and the price drop of the PS3 that it wouldn't be long before it finally got hacked. There's never been a whole lot of demand for it before, but a lot of folks jumped out of the M$ boat and swam to Sony recently.
  5. Beltaine

    Indie Dev Says PSN Puts Small Studios in "Weaker" Position

    More in-depth information as to why PSN is more difficult to launch from than XBL would have made the story better. I've actually heard the opposite, that M$ makes Xbox Live a pain-in-the-ass to release from. Some insight into the process each company makes a developer go through would...
  6. Beltaine

    Serioulsly Mom, thats your best advice?

    Wait, let me get this straight. You believe your mother's advice to be crap, but are on THIS website seeking intelligent advice on whether or not your mother is full of crap? Lacking any evidence of said cheating other than anecdotal, I'm going to side with your mom on this one. But...
  7. Beltaine

    FF6: The Forgotten Fantasy

    I'd rather they just leave it be. It was the last of the 16-bit Final Fantasy games and had much improved graphics over the previous 16-bit titles that carried over the 8-bit looking sprites. It stands on its own very well, and some digging through used game shops and Ebay can net you an...
  8. Beltaine

    "Legendary" WoW Beer Steins Are Absolutely Nuts

    Almost tempted to buy one just to put on Ebay once they're sold out. WoW players will pay stupid money for things they can't get anymore.
  9. Beltaine

    What Mass Effect 1 issues do you hope Bioware fixes in Mass Effect 2?

    Quarian armor loot drops would have been nice.
  10. Beltaine

    Five Reasons Why The Old Republic Can?t Touch WoW

    WoW's popularity has to do with it being a single-player MMO. Look at what was around when it released. Ultima Online - unless you stayed in towns protected by guards, you needed to have friends and people to watch your back lest you get killed by another player out in the wilds and have...
  11. Beltaine

    Shampoo, Insurance, Heavy Rain

    I don't watch commercials anymore. I record everything on my DVR and only watch what I have recorded so I can skip the commercials. The marketing monkeys will back me up on this. Most people likely to be persuaded to purchase a game are already fairly tech-savvy people. The kind of people...
  12. Beltaine

    WoW is Killing the Porn Industry

    Why not just watch WoW porn? Google "World of Whorecraft" which eventually was forced to change their name to "Whorelore". They're even branching out into other MMO IP's. The female troll porn was especially umm... interesting.
  13. Beltaine

    The Implied Sex Cut Scene Has Got to Go

    Several Japanese game developers would argue that sex can definitely be part of gameplay. Sexy Beach, Artifical Girl, etc... In the US, though, we still freak out over nipples. Guess you can't expect much more from a country settled by Puritans.
  14. Beltaine

    Five Reasons Why The Old Republic Is a Threat to WoW

    As someone who has played every MMO since Ultima Online, I remain skeptical. Every. Single. MMO. to date. has used the same "our game is different" hype. While EA, Bioware, and Star Wars may seem like a holy trinity, need I remind you what happened with EA, Mythic, and Warhammer? Or even...
  15. Beltaine

    So what's the deal about 3D?

    Gaming industry needs a new gimmick after Natal and the Sonywand release? I saw Avatar in 3D and really really enjoyed it. However, when this gets translated to video games we'll end up with new 3D sequels of everything (Super Mario 3D, Metroid 3D, Zelda 3D, Halo 3D, Call of Duty 3D...