Recent content by blackbishop

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    Arcade Hit Q*bert Coming to Steam with Classic, Rebooted Modes

    After reading that, the first thing that I thought was this: Glad to hear he's coming back to business :).
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    Jimquisition: Revivify The Cold Vitae

    The shrimp might symbolize wealth or opulence in this series of videos. So he uses it when talking about individuals that are money-hungry or when someone made a fortune by doing right choices. In this episode, he used it while talking about the PS Vita memory cards and how a wonderful deal they...
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    Candy Crush Studio" Banner Saga Complaint Is To Fight "Real Copycats" - UPDATED

    No, they have no grounds to claim what they do and they don't need to do it to begin with. Just like @Strazdas said, it is not necessary.
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    Hideo Kojima Defends Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Length

    Game Informer says "the game's main mission can be completed in under two hours - or in just five minutes if you know what you're doing". EDIT: Well...
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    Candy Crush Studio" Banner Saga Complaint Is To Fight "Real Copycats" - UPDATED

    I used to play Candy Crush from time to time, but since I heard they registered "Candy" trademark I decided to stop playing it and deleted it. Now after reading this I'm glad I've done it, and I would never touch it again.