Recent content by BlazeRaider

  1. BlazeRaider

    Suggestion Thread: My first real MMO game

    If you don't mind buy2play, might want to consider Black Desert Online, one interesting perk is it comes out literally tomorrow, so you can be part of the first wave of players to enter a new game, which is a great period in my opinion, because for a while almost everyone will be newbies and...
  2. BlazeRaider

    ok...this just trips me out..

    It got Aragon from LOTR, and Kuroki Tomoko (that actually surprised me) But I managed to stump the bastard with Mia from Daily Life with a Monster Girl, thought it was a doll >:D
  3. BlazeRaider

    If you had to invest a trillion dollars

    I'd invest it into the environment and agriculture. I heard tree sapling can be planted at a rate of about 10 cents per tree, even a few billion of that trillion could plant massive future forests, that would not only act as a major carbon sink but also increase wildlife, maintain soil, and...
  4. BlazeRaider

    Jason Segel Set To Star In Maple Syrup Heist Comedy

    I am torn, I'm sure it would be a good movie, but it might be too soon to make a comedy about one of Canada's greatest national tragedies. That maple syrup theft was not tradition at all.
  5. BlazeRaider

    Favourite Childhood Memory Snack.

    Lunchables, dunkaroos, poptarts, and I remember when you couldn't go through a single commercial break without fruit-by-the-foot making your gummy bears feel inadequate. Also, anyone remember these? edit: ALSO CHEESE STRINGS!
  6. BlazeRaider

    Lionhead Dev: Half of Developers Will Be Women in 10 Years

    I first read that as "Half of Half Life 3's Developers will be women in 10 years", and thought Valve was trolling people about that next game of theirs.
  7. BlazeRaider

    Justice League of America Moving to Canada

    I think we get to call dibs on half of Superman, and if this wiki page is to be believed, Deadpool.
  8. BlazeRaider

    For lack of imagination, give me stuff to do.

    Learn to cook away from prying and judgmental eyes, try planning a serious zombie apocalypse survival plan, taking into account supplies, and possibly some sort of safe retreat. I'm running into a similar situation myself. My parents and sister will be going for over 2 weeks to europe. I'm...
  9. BlazeRaider

    That one mistake...

    I defiantly feel like going rouge and rampaging across the internetz every time I hear "I COULD care less" as opposed to COULDN'T.
  10. BlazeRaider

    Transformers; Sorry, you're not cool enough for us.

    "I'm sorry Landing Strip, but your ability to transform in to a Mobile Stripper Truck will be of no help to us on this mission. You will have to remain behind." I actually saw one of those at Anime North. Didn't use it, but it was awesome knowing it was there.
  11. BlazeRaider

    Poll: The Four Temperaments: which one are you?

    I got phlegmatic, pretty much what I was expecting. It's actually probably better to do this without knowing the 4 temperaments, since if you know them you might either consciously or unconsciously aim for one you want, whereas if you don't know what the 4 are, you'll just answer honestly, since...
  12. BlazeRaider

    SpaceX Rocket Successfully Completes "Lateral Divert" Test

    NOW ATTACH A BARRACKS TO IT!!! Seriously though, one step closer to Terran buildings that can fly and land, good job Space X.
  13. BlazeRaider

    Gold Farmer Sells Virtual Gold to Buy Real Gold, Has it Stolen

    Just out of curiosity, does that mean you would be fine with people who farmed gold legitimately for sale? Also, do you have a problem with people who make lots of gold and cause inflation yet don't sell their gold but spend it normally in game?
  14. BlazeRaider

    Poll: Your Preferred Kind of Magic

    What I wouldn't give for the power to conjure ice/cold. I hate the heat, triggers my hives and makes me feel awful. I look at people who willingly visit tropical areas as my mortal enemies.
  15. BlazeRaider

    Fez 2 Cancellation Surprised Polytron Producer

    I'm confused. Isn't his name Marcus Beer? As in first name Marcus? Do parents choose last names now?