Recent content by blink

  1. blink

    'Games which are fun'

    Hello everyone Now before I start I want to just narrow down the title a little bit. I'm interested in games which are RELAXING as well as fun, which you can sit down and relax into. Now recently I've entered into a time in my life which is particularly hectic and will only get more...
  2. blink

    Awful First Impressions

    alternative music or more specifically music which isn't particularly catchy. The first time I hear really good songs they sound average, after playing them again and again they always seem to grow on me until I love hearing them. It's pretty much the opposite with songs on the radio/pop...
  3. blink

    Poll: Have you ever gotten a game because you liked what the demo/free game had?

    I'll be honest not much, most of the time I just get demos for 15 minutes to 1 hour of fun, but recently I've been replaying Wrecked revenge revisited over and over and over. I'm probably going to buy it now.
  4. blink

    The Puniest Thread (Not Puny, But Very Very Punny)

    my favourite one was a bit innappropriate. rapists are fucking immature arseholes said some silly facebook user without using proper grammar. I fucking love puns so I researched a website:
  5. blink

    Things that left you baffled

    On the note of pets, why do they always stare at the door until you let them out and then just stare at the door until you let them back in?? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE? I AM YOUR SLAVE! Facebook. Pretty much everyone on facebook but just for example Im going to go with those pages that ASK...
  6. blink

    Poll: Pacific Rim: not great (spoilers)

    I saw it last night. It was just so average that it bored me. I was expecting either a well thought out exciting movie with giant robots and giant aliens or a shocking film which was hilariously bad with some cool action scenes. And the characters was the same thing. They weren't interesting...
  7. blink

    films that are fantastically horrible

    hahaha Yeah, I laughed at the tiffany bit as well! I assume she is a porn star. In all the giant monsters movie there is always some chick with big tits and I guess that's her job in this movie. I Missed Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus because I was away while my friends watched it! I was so...
  8. blink

    films that are fantastically horrible

    My GOD THIS IS PERFECT! I was just going to make a thread about the same thing! Me and my friends used to watch a fair few. The absolute best was easily mega piranha. The trailer pretty much sums it up.If you're not laughing out loud at this trailer, You will never laugh a close...
  9. blink

    Great games you've never completed

    I just saw this post on bad games which people have completed Link: I figured it would be interesting to create a thread on the great games which you've played but never completed! Whether it's because of...
  10. blink

    unmanned commercial airliners

    Everyone has been bringing up valid points here which seems to just be going back and forth but what about something new. What about the terrorists? Yes, in the 1 out of 9999999 chance that terrorists would ever even think about attacking something as big as an aeroplane trip. Would it be...
  11. blink

    What Do You Name Your RPG Characters?

    PEOPLE USE ACTUAL NAMES?? I always just name my character something insulting and childish "Drongo eater" "Senior tacoburrito" "McDoodleButts" and my personal favourite: "I, farted" which is perfect for when NPC's have an exclamation and then say your name. "Oh, I farted, you came...
  12. blink

    What tool from popular culture would you use on a bank heist ?

    Pokeballs!!! To make it fair-play I would only take 2 pokeballs and would go for the "Team Rocket" approach of koffing and arbok. Koffing smokes everything up while arbok uses dig to get in (yes arbok can use dig). Then I would get away in my trusty hot air balloon which never blows up or...
  13. blink

    Recommend me some nice short games and are the to-go sites for me when I have a little time to spare on videogames. Some of the games aren't great but the top ones can entertain for hours and hours. And it's free! :D
  14. blink

    We are Team Siren

    HAhahahahhahahaha I'm sorry I can't take any LoL pro-players thing seriously! "We live together, play together, this is my dream, this is my everything" *dodgy version of bangarang by Skrillex starts playing* honestly I find these hilarious As for the issue with them being girls...
  15. blink

    Poll: Favorite Smash Bros character

    I'm so happy at the lack of kirby's in this thread. Kirby is one of THE most annoying characters and everyone seems to play him to much. his taunt in N64...... I've never been able to play marth so I find him to be one of the worst characters, I'm surprised people like him. None of his moves...