Recent content by Bloodfeat

  1. Bloodfeat

    Your hidden gems!

    Id have to vote for Digimon World 1 on the play station i loved that game, and personally found it to be a better creature raising game than the pokemon games.
  2. Bloodfeat

    Post the greatest song ever really not a song as such but still quite awesome.
  3. Bloodfeat

    Are you addicted to League of Legends?

    i do enjoy it,but im not addicted. but i also play HON both legit and lan versions Demigod and occasionally DotA the big Daddy of the MOBA and each feel different to me, just dont go jumping form one to the other, it really mucks up your mind set.
  4. Bloodfeat

    Middle School Graduation an actual thing?

    i do agree this makes no sense, unless "middle school graduation" is like finishing yeah 10 and getting a school certificate, which is also becoming redundant. Still Australia does do it better in my opinion, only one "graduation party" makes it more special.
  5. Bloodfeat

    Poll: Battlestar vs. Stargate

    i enjoyed the first parts of BS but lost interest fast. on the other hand i loved Stargate,i have watched all 10 seasons of SG1 at least 5 times. Atlantis was also awesome, didn't quite have the same humour but still good. an i really enjoyed universe while it ran. but really go and get...
  6. Bloodfeat

    Poll: How do you define the term "full scale war?"

    I feel a combination of both of you and your friends points is the way to go. if you go with the idea that the sides are equal a fight between 10 men a side would be classed as full scale war ,technically. But if you go with the idea that each side deploys it full military might, you may end...
  7. Bloodfeat

    Immortality, but it's you or them

    there is nothing more in anything ever than to continue living forever. sacrificing 5 of people close to me for the chance to see what i cant even imagine i would do it but i would probably sulk for a while. bonus:ten people for the full deal. yes, explore everywhere and test out so many...
  8. Bloodfeat

    Girl gamers and their boy issues.

    yeah ive seen the hierarchy as well it seems to revolve around who is better at starcraft, HON, who won the last lan. but the "Alpha nerds" are not the ones with the women.
  9. Bloodfeat

    Girl gamers and their boy issues.

    all the "gamer girls" ive met seem to have a male counter part as it were. but they are all really serious gamers not just Facebook casuals etc but that could just be here, and they all do the games tech or computer science course at my university, so yeah
  10. Bloodfeat

    Poll: Are You In a Romantic Relationship?

    Whats a relationship?
  11. Bloodfeat


    the ability to bring what i imagine into the real world. i could break so much,but i probably just build myself a new computer, wish me some food and some awesome games. maybe conjure up some women, or just friends.
  12. Bloodfeat

    Strange things you can do (no one believes)

    i can find the droids you are looking for.
  13. Bloodfeat

    Free Games?

    Battlezone is free it is the 1998 version not the atari version it also includes the expansion and some fan made stuff
  14. Bloodfeat

    What is your superpower... with limitations.

    i would go with the power to make some one orgasm when i touched them not for sexual reasons but it would be great in a fight "get him jimmy" "uggggggnnng" "kill him!" "i cant im just to horny!" and high fiveing your friends just got more interesting
  15. Bloodfeat

    Poll: Tyrael Vs. the Lich King

    that would be an epic battle personally i think that arthas would win only cause he is alredy dead im also wondering what tyrael would do with 10 extra appendages?