Recent content by Bobby_D

  1. Bobby_D

    Favorite satire game?

    The Bard's Tale - it's a really funny action-adventure RPG that spoofs traditional fantasy RPGs in a lot of ways. It's an old PS2/Xbox game, though they've actually done a decent job porting it to Android as well - I have it on my Nook. Again, I can't overstate how funny this game is.
  2. Bobby_D

    Is Story more important then Gameplay?

    Not to seem like a fence sitter or anything, but there is no answer to this question - it depends on the individual player. "Nerds" (gamers, comic lovers, what-have-you) seem to act like they're the authority on any and all things nerd. People in here giving definitive, authoritative answers on...
  3. Bobby_D


    I've clicked it like four times and nothing's happening. Color me disappointed.
  4. Bobby_D

    Poll: Why weapons should be sold as microtransactions/DLC.

    Once again, Jack says it best: "full game or gtfo" That would be the key. Ideally, the DLC weapon packs would be extras, as opposed to making people buy the actual weapons that one needs to play the game (which I honestly could, in some not too distant future, see Activision...
  5. Bobby_D

    What are the most annoying fans in your opinion

    Definitely Manchester United fans (already said, but after I read it something clicked in my head and I became extremely nauseous...exaggeration) And speaking as a fan of both Ring of Honor AND "Impact" Wrestling (sometimes), I hate both sets of fans...they think they're superior and it...
  6. Bobby_D

    Define RPG

    You should check out the Persona series by Atlus. (J)RPG games? Most definitely, but decidedly NOT pseudo-medieval. Also, they're just quirky and cool.
  7. Bobby_D

    Best game you have played this year?

    Prototype. I don't give a damn about the story (which was sub-par), that game was just FUN! Also, I remembered WHY I love Bioware so much after playing through Mass Effect 2 again.
  8. Bobby_D

    Does anyone else get angry when fighting games are given such rave reviews?

    Way to really add to the conversation there, guy. Comparing Fallout 3 and Street Fighter 4 is like comparing apples and oranges...hell that's not even right, it's like apples and cake. They are totally different styles and cater to totally different types of gamers. I might add that...
  9. Bobby_D

    The steadily increasing song length game

    <youtube=QPNcDUW9fQM> Lightning Bolt rules. +7 from Picard. EDIT: oh...well If the song's only 4:41, then I'm 30 seconds over...I've made a huge mistake...I've brought shame to this thread. I'm sorry.
  10. Bobby_D

    The steadily increasing song length game

    You're a minute behind, on that one.
  11. Bobby_D

    The steadily increasing song length game

    EDIT: Ninja'd no Nicki Minaj :(
  12. Bobby_D

    The steadily increasing song length game

    yeah, it's supposed to be "Steadily" increasing song lengths.
  13. Bobby_D

    The steadily increasing song length game

    <youtube=ZySBdLli2ek> +5 Seconds. Coalesce...fuck yeah
  14. Bobby_D

    Going to gamestop...recommend a game

    Demon's Souls is pretty engrossing. TECHNICALLY a JRPG, but with WRPG-style gameplay. Or give one of the Mass Effects the old college try... this is a hard question to answer, really since I don't know what you have already, or what you like beyond "shooter" and "RPG". Try Red Dead Redemption...
  15. Bobby_D

    Poll: Favourite feature on the Escapist except ZP?

    Only two others voted for this, but Jimquisition. I don't care, I think he's funny, and he has some pretty intelligent stuff to say. I really liked it when he referred to Reggie Fils-Ami as "meaty". Funny stuff. Unskippable is just behind that because they make me lol every time I watch.