Recent content by BoneDaddy_SK

  1. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    To be fair, after the whole Anita Sarkeesian debacle, I briefly wondered if identifying myself as a convicted sex offender would be better than identifying as a gamer. Joking aside, thank you for saying this. It baffles me that the least educated among us think that everyone else should be...
  2. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    In hindsight I probably should have done something to make the sarcasm clearer. I'm probably going to regret asking this, but... Why? Do you really think less of people for having a different opinion than you?
  3. B

    Fashions (historic & otherwise) you never understood...

    I never got crocs. Ugly as sin. Uggs too for that matter. When I first saw those becoming popular I thought, "Since when did Napolean Dynamite become a fashion designer?" I'm also going to have to agree with the pants-around-your-thighs thing. On no less than three occasions, I've seen a...
  4. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    I try my damnedest to have an informed opinion about a subject before I talk about it. Unfortunately, this is the internet. Most of the people who talk about feminism, especially those who speak negatively about it, don't know shit about it. Because when you're online, being an intellectual...
  5. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    I would say it's more that many of them would rather win than succeed. So if we didn't change anything about feminism except for the name (let's say hypothetically we started calling it "magic brownies") you would suddenly be totally in favor of it? The name of a school of thought isn't the...
  6. B

    Issues Gamers Should Think About

    Because that wasn't the point. Dr. Mark wasn't interested in preaching to the choir by presenting the positives to us, the gamers. He was highlighting the side of the equation that we have almost unanimously failed to address. No, it wasn't relevant at all. This is a basic facet of human...
  7. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    Citation needed. I have yet to meet a single feminist who thinks that a transgendered person doesn't count, nor have I seen evidence that this is a majority opinion in feminist theory. Where are you getting your information from?
  8. B

    Issues Gamers Should Think About

    That's not accomplished by attempting to make the conversation all about what you want to talk about first. People are not going to listen to the positives that you want to talk about until you address the negatives that they are concerned about. Because that wasn't his point. No. No...
  9. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    Sadly, I just know some MRM perma-virgin is going to take all that hyperbole literally and offer you a totally not homoerotic bro-job in congratulations. Saying that you support gender equality and sexual autonomy but you don't support feminism is like saying that you don't eat meat but...
  10. B

    Always-on-DRM - why buy games with it?

    That logic is tenuous at best. DRM does little more than inconvenience pirates once. Once a torrent appears with the DRM stripped out, that's it. The publisher already lost. A quick glance at the Pirate Bay shows that DRM is doing nothing to curb piracy. If anyting, it's exacerbating it...
  11. B

    lets collectively lol @ these "I need feminism because..." pics

    I don't understand how these pictures are supposed to be funny. Is it funny because some of them are less articulate than they could have been? Because one or two statements are of questionable logic? If that's the case, then most of the people on the internet regardless of ideology should be...
  12. B

    Always-on-DRM - why buy games with it?

    No, it's just doing what is endemic to a capitalist market: you're not buying products that you don't want or don't like. It's really not all that remarkable. When I choose to get a salad instead of pizza, I'm not taking a stand against fast food, I'm just being conscious of my weight. So...
  13. B

    Issues Gamers Should Think About

    That might be because gamers never want to talk about the negatives. They never address any problems. They sweep all criticism under the rug on a good day, and harass the critic on a bad day. You're never going to allay any fears or criticisms by insisting on only talking about what you want...
  14. B

    Always-on-DRM - why buy games with it?

    All very true. I myself can't help seeing it as a little stupid from a business perspective, though. All it does is encourage piracy. There are some cases where it makes sense, but a lot of others where it doesn't.
  15. B

    Games for Gothic Girlfriend?

    I'm not disagreeing with you, but knowing someone's tastes beforehand at least gives a good springboard. A point of reference to start working with. Lots of people are recommending Bloodlines, and that isn't a bad choice, though you will have to walk her through some of the fan-made patches...