Recent content by Bonham79

  1. B

    Americans, what's so great about the Imperial System?

    Cause the Imperial has an A in it. Do you know what else has an A in it? 'Murica!
  2. B

    The Escapists of San Fransisco

    Go to ikes, i know it was mentioned in an earlier post, but you need to go to ikes. No sandwich has ever been the same, everything has gotten darker as i know that there is nothing in life to please me beyond that magical place...
  3. B

    Your "One does not simply..." moments in videogames.

    One does not simply invade the Holy Roman Empire in Crusader Kings 2.
  4. B

    Say One Thing About The Country You Live In

    America We haven't had an executive leader with a mustache for 100 years.
  5. B

    Erin and Hobbes

    How dare you make me feel things!
  6. B

    Why does no one care about english?

    Would English be the language that you think and reason in or would Hindi be your primary toungue? As well, are these English classes treated as a second language class or are they held up to the same detail as that involved in a reading and writing class?
  7. B

    Why does no one care about english?

    I can point out literary art like 'The Jungle' that can be traced to the establishment of the Pure Food and Drug Act, or 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' that Lincoln himself traced back to the start of the civil war and the abolition of slavery, I'm pretty sure an art buff or movie buff could point out...
  8. B

    Why does no one care about english?

    I would say that gives government too much credit, and shift the blame towards the societal mindset encouraging such. (For some reason mine is dish network, at least it's easier to read)
  9. B

    Why does no one care about english?

    (This doesn't apply to only English, whatever language that is used to reason and discuss in your country can be substituted.) So the U.S. in the spirit of the political season is stressing better 'education', and by education they mean the increasing test scores in math and sciences. So now...
  10. B

    Attention European Escapist! Why do you hate your country?

    I think you're right. In America, there are a good amount of people that dislike it, but it's still home, that's why I think so many get very patriotic.
  11. B

    Companions Dying In Skyrim...?

    Same as above, if they are about to die, enemies will stop attacking, but if you are near them, an enemy may miss and hit them, then they're dead. Or you can kill them yourself, friend set lydia on fire.
  12. B

    I'm founding the Skyrim Adventurers Guild-Deep RP, Join!

    How about not loading a saved game when you get a poor outcome from a quest. Instead, live with the action.
  13. B

    Skyrim- controversial solution to dragon infestation

    Die by dragons, more epic, less annoying, better graphics in death.