Recent content by Boto

  1. Boto

    Weirdest/Most Horrible Ways You've Been Woken Up.

    A friend thought it would be really funny if he pulled some sort of wrestling move on me while I was sleeping and he fell on me viokently and we bumped heads and it hurt like hell. Second would be my cat literally running into my face.
  2. Boto

    How are you feeling at this exact moment?

    Angry, very angry.
  3. Boto

    Ultimate Mood- lifter! What's yours?

    @ Nihilism_Is_Bliss: Makes me happy, then a little angry, then a little sad, but mostly happy. Nathan Fillion, NPH and Felicia Day have that effect on me.
  4. Boto

    Ultimate Mood- lifter! What's yours?

    Watching Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog and sometimes even singing... along.
  5. Boto

    Your Funeral theme

    Predictable and unoriginal, but awesome nonetheless.
  6. Boto

    Which sin are you?

    "Ah hell, I'm a fan of all seven. But right now, I think I'm gonna have to go with Wrath." In all seriousness, probably Sloth, with a little Lust thrown in.