Recent content by brainless906

  1. brainless906

    Poll: A Pokemon mmorpg... Would it work?

    im surprised nobody has brought this up.... currently registration is closed for it and its just a beta but it does exist...
  2. brainless906

    Poll: Anime...

    NGE ftw.
  3. brainless906

    Whats your top 5 animes?

    you dont know how hard that was.... picking five favs... lol ^ Thats my list...well roughly half of ran out of time and havent put em all in yet...
  4. brainless906

    Whats your top 5 animes?

    1)Neon Genesis Evangelion 2)FLCL 3)sCRYed 4)Samurai Champloo 5)Code Geass R1 & R2
  5. brainless906

    Poll: Modern Warfare 2 - scarier than it seems.

    Lol@overly sensetive people. its a video game, there pixels, get over it. /putonflameretardantvest
  6. brainless906

    Poll: There is no justifiable reason for civilians to own modern weapons.

    i propose There is no justifiable reason for civilians to NOT have the ability to own modern weapons. This is America, the land of freedom, get over it *****'z.
  7. brainless906

    Poll: Pokemon's gotten way out of hand..yes?

    Lol, i have yet to get it to evolve so...i wouldnt know.
  8. brainless906

    Tme to show your PC Knowlege

    meh, i prefer deamon tools for this kinda stuff.
  9. brainless906

    Left 4 Dead 2. Australia Edition Video Comparison.

    Lol@ Australia Thank god i live in a America. lol i'm gonna shoot teh zombies and you know? the blood will fly, the pieces will soar, the gibs will be laid a strew. it will be glories
  10. brainless906

    Modern Warfare 2 Opening Is Real, Aussies Flip Out

    1) its a game get the fuck over it. 2) its a game...get the fuck over it. 3) ITS A GOD DAMN GAME GET OVER IT. 4) We Have Movies where people start to cry there faces off because they are so emotion filled yet now we feel emotions from a video game and its hell eh? i'm pretty sure when...
  11. brainless906

    Modern Warfare 2 Opening Is Real, Aussies Flip Out

    you could be throwing candy down to the little kiddies whilst riding on a fluffy kitty float in the joy parade and they'll find a reason it should be banned....we all knew this would happen regardless.
  12. brainless906

    Think Modern Warfare 2 is already controversial?

    there opinions i can deal with, we all have rights to opinions. however the thing i cant deal with is controversy always leads to something bigger. This is a video game, i realize this. Sympathizing is one thing, but refusing to play the game because its wrong? that goes a little beyond...
  13. brainless906

    Think Modern Warfare 2 is already controversial?

    hmm, sorry i suppose that did come of as quite harsh. That was not my intention, i do in fact respect you opinion. again sorry for any misunderstandings.
  14. brainless906

    Think Modern Warfare 2 is already controversial?

    I would have to argue, Killing is killing is killing is killing. I dont understand how one can decide its ok to kill one person and not another. simply because we perceive one a threat? what if one is provoked? so you saying if we provoke these civilians and they attack us then we can kill...
  15. brainless906

    Think Modern Warfare 2 is already controversial?

    ok first of i'm merely posting MY OPINION i.e. your argument is equally as retarded as you say mine is. I dont know why everyone assumes that if your on the internet and you argue a point then you are officially an idiot because your care not for others opinions. In fact realize you...