Recent content by BrokenBones

  1. BrokenBones

    Review: Alan Wake

    Great review. I'm really excited for Alan Wake, more than I have been for any game in quite some time. I had never heard of it until a few months ago so wasn't aware of it's long development. Anyway, the more I hear about it the better it sounds, I really wish there was more of this type of...
  2. BrokenBones

    What does your username say about you?

    I'm slowly getting there thanks. Will never be like before though.
  3. BrokenBones

    What does your username say about you?

    I couldn't think of anything good so I just tried to think of something relevant to me. I was recovering from a rather horrific motorbike accident which left me with a few broken bones down my left side and my knee in fourteen pieces so came up with BrokenBones.