Recent content by Caboose671

  1. C

    What causes the "Mexican Sleepover"?

    All right thanks guys, this is why I love these forums so much, anyway sounds like my friends are just being idiotic, but I guess this is probably not that great for them, here is a video I found online of it. Other than this I can't seem to dig that much up on it. Thanks for the help guys...
  2. C

    What causes the "Mexican Sleepover"?

    Hey guys, I didn't really know where to turn to for this, but could someone tell me what are the effects of a "Mexican Sleepover". Physically, I mean. I am a Junior in high school, and at all of the parties that everyone having, they all try this out. I am not gonna try it because I don't...
  3. C

    To Kill a Dovahkiin: Chapter 9

    Love the work, you could improve with some back grounds and making the text take up a little less space, or make the panels bigger. Over all I think this is a great start, tell us when you are posting more!
  4. C

    What is your favourate game series of all time ?

    Jak and Daxter is a great game, it is something a little more wacky and crazy, for the first game, the next two, Jak 2 and Jak 3 are a little more mature then the first one, but still keep that same tone and humor. The HD remake came out and I say rent it and look for yourself.
  5. C

    Weirdest/Most Horrible Ways You've Been Woken Up.

    A while back we were in the jungle camping, we were all having to much fun and no one set up their tent's only a large tarp over a group area, then at night it started raining hard. We had about 7 of us sleeping under there, when the rain started pooling up in the middle. I was still awake and...
  6. C

    Worst Cartoon Currently on Air

    The worst cartoons on air in my opinion right now would be, Sidekicks- It's padding. If they where really trying on this show they would have given it a better spot then 4:00 PM. I could see something in this If they tried a little harder and stop recycling plots from old cartoons. Almost...
  7. C

    Poll: Are you afraid of Death ?

    I don't fear dying, because I did what I wanted to do in life. I tried to help other people and make their life better. If I died right now in the most horrible way possible and there was nothing after I would be happy, because I know for at least one moment in my life I did something to...
  8. C

    Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.

    Mercenaries 2 World in Flames was a game worth about 20 bucks in my opinion, but I pre-ordered it for the Bennie, but it wasn't worth the 60$s. I felt that the first game was had more replay value and populated with characters. You could go anywhere and find something to do ie challenges ,Easter...
  9. C

    Wannabe Valve Employee Creates Musical Job Application

    I see what she is trying to go at. She has talent, but if valve doesn't need more artists it's too bad. Maybe she needs to try to gain more skills in more fields. Hope the best to her.
  10. C

    Pregnant teen who drinks 32 units of alcohol a week

    Some people say that she should keep/ kill the baby, but we all can agree on one thing. This is a horrible person that we all would not be sad to see in the morgue for alcohol posing.
  11. C

    Stupidest Reason Why You've Gotten Into Trouble In School.

    Once in 3rd grade the entire grade had to sit under the sun for an hour. Most days me and my friends would sit a talk about random things ,then the girls would sit in the field and talk and the rest of the guys would do whatever. BUT for some reason the idiots of the class went out into the...
  12. C

    What's your pornstar name?

    Frank Spice I mean why not?
  13. C

    The Second Escapist Community?s Top 100 Games [Voting Closed]

    Assassins creed 2 Portal Fallout3 Mass Effect 2 Halo Reach
  14. C

    Poll: Where are YOU from?

    In the middle of the ocean, on the US territory of Guam.
  15. C

    Would you play Call of Duty Future Warfare?

    I feel that the Cod game play and shooters in general would be here for a long time, but I feel that the stories feel to camp, and the multiply player to be good but a little repetitive. The future could hold endless possibilities to story, but I feel like I would not get it if they didn't do...