Recent content by Caiphus

  1. Caiphus

    Frozen Handegg

    Sports games are the gateway drug. Maybe you think you're stronger than most. "It's okay," you tell yourself. "I can stop playing Madden whenever I want." Then, before you know it, you're towel whipping strange men in a locker room for your next fix. Edit: Really enjoyed this one...
  2. Caiphus


    That'll teach me to be an asshole about grammar before learning how to use commas. In all honesty, I just stick them in any which way but loose, and hope that nobody notices. It's how I approach lots of things, actually Like vaginas lol i wish
  3. Caiphus


    Well, if we're putting our pedantic pants on, I'd like to point out that it should probably be "A Ubisoft game", rather than "An Ubisoft game". Brb, drinking bleach.
  4. Caiphus

    REPORT: "Game Length = Dick Length" says The Order: 1886 Developer

    So presumably everyone stays away from Bethesda in the locker room.
  5. Caiphus

    Describe your city/town in two words

    Auckland - Superb Mathematical Education Seriously, it's great. I was top of my class and everything.
  6. Caiphus

    I ain't touching that with a ten foot pole.

    I refused to touch Dragon Age 2 with a ten foot pole. Instead, I picked it up with my hands, put it in my PC, and played it to completion. Wasn't bad, actually. 8/10
  7. Caiphus

    Why are Americans so prudish?

    I'm not really sure why it happens, but I know I get prudish if I spend too long in the bathtub. Maybe America needs to take more showers.
  8. Caiphus

    Poll: 2015, The end of The Escapist?

    I remember in 2012 there was a group of people at my University who, for about a month, spent their valuable free time warning passersby of the coming Rapture that was definitely coming. I wonder if the same thing will happen. Coming. Lol
  9. Caiphus

    Gallery of The Day: Top 8 SJWs

    This thread triggered me. And by that I mean it triggered an insatiable lust, deep in my loins.
  10. Caiphus

    That one part of Geek culture you never got into

    Comics and most Japan stuff. So I don't even know what a manga is. It's like a fruit though, isn't it?
  11. Caiphus

    What Methods Of Eating Make Certain Foods Taste Better To You?

    Usually by putting tomato sauce on it before it goes in my mouth. 99% of food can be improved in this way. With the possible exceptions of marshmallows and, ironically, tomatoes.
  12. Caiphus

    So Anita Sarkeesian and the ME3 ending are drowning in a whirlpool...

    Are you sure it's a whirlpool and not a shitstorm?
  13. Caiphus

    Dying Light's new patch remove element of real world violence against women. (spoilers)

    What on earth are you talking about? We don't need to determine anything before we start pointing fingers. I personally think they did it because the dialogue was secretly a backmasked advert for Chupa Chups, but the marketing contract suddenly expired.
  14. Caiphus

    Poll: Ever pick up a hitchhiker?

    I've never done it. I feel a little bit bad if I drive past them, especially if it's late at night and there aren't many cars on the road. It's possibly an irrational fear, but I'm just a little bit too scared to let one or more total strangers into my car.
  15. Caiphus

    Poll: Be Honest, Do you read terms and conditions?

    I vary between skimming through the stuff that looks important and scrolling to the bottom as fast as my hot little hands will take me.