Recent content by CATB320

  1. CATB320

    ME 3 Trailer Shows Default FemShep in Action

    I'm really happy Femshep finally got her own trailer. (It's always weird when I play Mass Effect and then see a trailer addressing Commander Shepard as "he" or "him.") Glad to see Legion (I assume) is back!
  2. CATB320

    Poll: How Happy Are You Being Single?

    I was single for a couple years, but I've been in a relationship for a while now. It is nice, but now I'm terrified of what will happen when we break up. (Because we will. I'm not getting married at 17.) Our D&D group will be a mess! I wasn't too unhappy when I was single, though. I had a...
  3. CATB320


    We're placing varying values on lives now? That's cool, I guess. I thought liberals were all about treating people equally and making sure everyone has the same rights. My bad. I guess we should sterilize people with disabilities, then. Or just go ahead and kill them. Life's not worth living...
  4. CATB320


    -If we're going to use the "they'll do it anyway" logic, why do we even bother with laws in the first place? -Wait, you mean pregnancy is stressful? Crap, now I have to re-think my entire argument. -You're just a ball of cells. How about I abort you right freakin' now? -There can be a...
  5. CATB320

    Poll: How do you feel about profanity?

    There's a time and place for it.
  6. CATB320


    Abortion ends a potential life. That?s the point. Problem is, I thought we were all supposed to be given the rights to things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Normally, when someone?s right to life is taken away, we call that murder. Give me a reason a child doesn?t deserve...
  7. CATB320

    What would a female power fantasy character look like?

    Yes. Like most people have said, FemShep and Lady Hawke are great examples. I'm also fond of Lara Croft, despite the overt sexual advertising. Kerrigan from Starcraft could be another example. Outside video games, Starbuck from the (newer) Battlestar Galactica series was fabulous.
  8. CATB320

    Something weird I noticed about Mass Effect

    For the same reason we don't capitalize Lions, Monkeys, Eagles, Humans, Butterflies.
  9. CATB320

    How did you get your gamer name?

    My username here was inspired by Halo: Reach, of all things. My name is Catherine, just like the female Spartan on the team. (Why they spelled her nickname "Kat" with a K is beyond me.) Anyway, her serial number thing is B320, and I matched it up with my own name. My xbox gamertag was made...
  10. CATB320

    Parenting as a gamer.

    I played Unreal Tournament and Rune with my dad when I was like, eight. All the time. He took me to see war movies when I was in elementary school as well, and seriously, I didn't become violence-obsessed or anything like that. It all depends on how you treat the game, I guess. And, of course...
  11. CATB320

    The Hobbit, you ever read it?

    I read it years and years ago, and all I remember was Bilbo meeting Gollum, trolls, and the dragon. I plan on re-reading it before the movie comes out -- can't wait!
  12. CATB320

    Who do you think will be the actual squadmates in Mass Effect 3?

    (For the love of God, it's Kaidan. With an A. There are zero E's in his name.) I have a feeling the "dirty dozen" squadmates from ME2 are just going to be NPC's in ME3, following their own plotlines -- in which Shepard will help, of course. I don't know what the deal would be if you romanced...
  13. CATB320

    Multiplayer shooters- do you like no respawn game modes?

    Yep. Games are for fun!
  14. CATB320

    Poll: Fallout vs TES

    Fallout. Sentimental feelings aside, I love the humor of the Fallout series and the setting. Companion characters are bit more memorable as well.
  15. CATB320

    The Greatest Opening Sentence of any game/movie

    WAR. WAR NEVER CHANGES. Mass Effect 2's opening was incredible, though.