Recent content by champy_fan

  1. champy_fan

    TV shows that have gone on for way to long

    Big Bang Theory. Maybe then we can replace it with a show whose primary joke isn't "LET'S ALL LAUGH AT THIS HANDICAPPED MAN."
  2. champy_fan

    Creepiest Moments You've Had... in Non-Horror Games

    I've got an obscure one for you: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the PC. I have no idea what genre this game falls under, it's some sort of third-person... shooting... platforming... adventure? It was horrible. But considering I was about 10 or 11 when it came out, I couldn't stop...
  3. champy_fan

    Anyone have either of these controllers for Xbox or PC?

    Mad Catz is so crap, that my local gaming stores will not buy them from you. Avoid.
  4. champy_fan

    Your most interesting D&D character

    One of my friends (not our usual GM) ran a game once with about 20 people, but they wouldn't all play at the same time and rarely interacted with each other. I joined rather late into the game, and the GM told me I could play any race I wanted, but a crazy race would get a percentile roll...
  5. champy_fan

    Stupidist things youve heard people say

    My lady's godfather is a gun owner, which is fine, but he also carries two magazines with him at all times as well. When asked why he needs so much ammo to defend himself, he told me that if someone shot up the place he was at he would shoot back at them. I believe the quote was, "If someone at...
  6. champy_fan

    Your gaming White Whale

    For me, it would probably be to actually complete Persona 4. I love the characters, I love the story, I hate the gameplay. Despite this, I pushed through all the way to what I thought was the end, only to be cut short on the bad ending and forced to play another 40 hours. I haven't looked at it...
  7. champy_fan

    The strangest thing a teacher ever told you about themselves

    Nothing as strange as what you guys are saying, but I had a professor recently whom I asked if she had any children. She responded with a huge grin and said, "No kids, just kitties!" That's when I noticed her blouse was covered in pictures of kittens. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable around...
  8. champy_fan

    So I'm digging out my old PS1

    Medievil is good, but not great. Worth checking out at the very least, especially because he's in PASBR. Tomba, while a great game, is unrealistic to ask for, considering it retails for $80. Spyro 3 is not nearly as good as 2 - having just played all three games recently, I can safely say that...