Recent content by chazwicked82

  1. chazwicked82

    Jimquisition: EA Access ... Denied

    I know exactly what will happen when the industry does that.. It's called Nintendo Wins!!
  2. chazwicked82

    The Big Picture: Who Was That At The End of Guardians of the Galaxy?

    Call me crazy, but I first saw Howard the Duck when I was a kid, and I freakin loved it. Going back and watching it now I still like it, sure it's weird and doesn't make a lot of sense, but it was still good.
  3. chazwicked82

    The Big Picture: Tropes vs. MovieBob

    Short answer, wait.
  4. chazwicked82

    Jimquisition: Joy Begets Anger

    I don't like Call of Duty because I'm not a fan of those type of FPS's. I played Mass Effect and didn't like it, so I haven't played 2 or 3. Just because you don't like or enjoy a game, doesn't mean you should gripe and complain about those who do.
  5. chazwicked82

    Poll: Best Antivirus

    Since I found avast 5 years ago that's all I've used, it's free and catches most things so I'm happy with it.
  6. chazwicked82

    Do you game in the dark or with a light on?

    Well, it all really depends on what game or genre of game I play, for things like shooters, action, fighter, horror, I think it's way funner to play in the dark, whereas things like RPG's are usually better with the lights on.
  7. chazwicked82

    What difficulty do you start with?

    Always have and always will start one normal, mainly cause some of the games I play the hard/hardest difficulty has to unlocked.
  8. chazwicked82

    With Zero Punctuation puttering--will the Escapist survive?

    He's not declining by any means.
  9. chazwicked82

    What's your Lightsaber colour?

    A curved red lightsaber... And when I say curved I mean the blade not the handle :D